Fill null or empty cells

This page explains how to add values to null and empty cells when you prepare data in the Wrangler workspace of the Cloud Data Fusion Studio. If you have a column that contains null or empty cells, you can specify a value to add to those cells.

To specify a value to add to null or empty cells in a column, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Wrangler workspace in Cloud Data Fusion.
  2. On the Data tab, go to a column name and click the arrow_drop_down expander arrow.
  3. Select Fill null or empty cells.
  4. Enter the value to add to each null or empty cell in the column.
  5. Click Apply.

Wrangler fills each null or empty cell with the new value and adds the fill-null-or-empty directive to the recipe. When you run the data pipeline, the transformation is applied to all values in the column.

For example, in a column called Age, you replace the empty and null values with the string N/Ausing the preceding steps. Wrangler updates the sample dataset and adds the following directive to the recipe: fill-null-or-empty :Age 'N/A'.

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