Troubleshoot Dataplex asset lineage integrations

This page shows you how to resolve issues with Cloud Data Fusion Dataplex asset lineage integrations.

Runtime errors

To find relevant logs for your data pipelines, go to your instance in the Cloud Data Fusion web interface and click System Admin > Management > Metadata Service.

The Data Lineage API isn't enabled or role isn't granted

The following issue occurs when the Data Lineage API hasn't been enabled in the project or the Cloud Data Fusion service account hasn't been granted the Data Lineage Events Producer role:

Error calling the metadata consumer data-catalog-consumer:
io.grpc.StatusRuntimeException: PERMISSION_DENIED: Data Lineage API has not been
used in project <project_id> before or it is disabled. Enable it by visiting<project_id>
then retry. If you enabled this API recently, wait a few minutes for the action
to propagate to our systems and retry.

To resolve this issue, enable the Data Lineage API and grant the Data Lineage Events Producer role to the Cloud Data Fusion Service Agent. For more information, see View lineage in Dataplex.

Pipeline runs in an unsupported Cloud Data Fusion version

The following issue occurs when the Cloud Data Fusion instance is upgraded to a version greater than 6.8.0, but the pipeline hasn't been upgraded:

Error calling the metadata consumer data-catalog-consumer:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: FQN for the asset is null.

To resolve this issue, upgrade the pipeline to the latest version.

No messages in logs and no lineage in Dataplex

The following issue occurs when one of the plugins used in the pipeline doesn't support lineage egress to Dataplex:

There aren't error or success messages in the logs and there's no lineage in Dataplex.

To resolve this issue, your pipeline must contain only the plugins that support data lineage in Dataplex.