VIEWS view

The INFORMATION_SCHEMA.VIEWS view contains metadata about views.

Required permissions

To get view metadata, you need the following Identity and Access Management (IAM) permissions:

  • bigquery.tables.get
  • bigquery.tables.list

Each of the following predefined IAM roles includes the permissions that you need in order to get view metadata:

  • roles/bigquery.admin
  • roles/bigquery.dataEditor
  • roles/bigquery.metadataViewer
  • roles/bigquery.dataViewer

For more information about BigQuery permissions, see Access control with IAM.


When you query the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.VIEWS view, the query results contain one row for each view in a dataset.

The INFORMATION_SCHEMA.VIEWS view has the following schema:

Column name Data type Value
TABLE_CATALOG STRING The name of the project that contains the dataset
TABLE_SCHEMA STRING The name of the dataset that contains the view also referred to as the dataset id
TABLE_NAME STRING The name of the view also referred to as the table id
VIEW_DEFINITION STRING The SQL query that defines the view
CHECK_OPTION STRING The value returned is always NULL
USE_STANDARD_SQL STRING YES if the view was created by using a GoogleSQL query; NO if useLegacySql is set to true

Scope and syntax

Queries against this view must include a dataset or a region qualifier. For queries with a dataset qualifier, you must have permissions for the dataset. For queries with a region qualifier, you must have permissions for the project. For more information see Syntax. The following table explains the region and resource scopes for this view:

View name Resource scope Region scope
Replace the following:

  • Optional: PROJECT_ID: the ID of your Google Cloud project. If not specified, the default project is used.

For example:

-- Returns metadata for views in a single dataset.

-- Returns metadata for all views in a region.


Example 1:

The following example retrieves all columns from the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.VIEWS view except for check_option which is reserved for future use. The metadata returned is for all views in mydataset in your default project — myproject.

To run the query against a project other than your default project, add the project ID to the dataset in the following format: `project_id`.dataset.INFORMATION_SCHEMA.view; for example, `myproject`.mydataset.INFORMATION_SCHEMA.VIEWS.

  * EXCEPT (check_option)

The result is similar to the following:

  | table_catalog  | table_schema  |  table_name   |                        view_definition                              | use_standard_sql |
  | myproject      | mydataset     | myview        | SELECT column1, column2 FROM [myproject:mydataset.mytable] LIMIT 10 | NO               |

Note that the results show that this view was created by using a legacy SQL query.

Example 2:

The following example retrieves the SQL query and query syntax used to define myview in mydataset in your default project — myproject.

To run the query against a project other than your default project, add the project ID to the dataset in the following format: `project_id`.dataset.INFORMATION_SCHEMA.view; for example, `myproject`.mydataset.INFORMATION_SCHEMA.VIEWS.

  table_name, view_definition, use_standard_sql
  table_name = 'myview';

The result is similar to the following:

  |  table_name   |                        view_definition                        | use_standard_sql |
  | myview        | SELECT column1, column2, column3 FROM mydataset.mytable       | YES              |

Note that the results show that this view was created by using a GoogleSQL query.