See the supported connectors for Application Integration.

Private triggers

Private triggers enable you to break large flows into various subflows. You can invoke private triggers only from other integration flows within Application Integration. Being invokable only from other integrations increases security and reduces the risk. You can view the execution logs for a private task in the execution logs of the invoker integration.

The following list states the benefits of using private triggers:

  • Minimize cost: Private triggers are not counted towards execution run pricing.
  • Increases security: Restrict flows to be invoked only from other integrations as private triggers cannot be triggered independently from public APIs.
  • Improve performance: Private triggers reduces the latency between sub-integration callout.

Add a Private trigger

To add a private trigger, perform the following steps:
  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Application Integration page.

    Go to Application Integration

  2. In the navigation menu, click Integrations

    The Integrations List page appears listing all the integrations available in the Google Cloud project.

  3. Select an existing integration or click Create integration to create a new one.

    If you are creating a new integration:

    1. Enter a name and description in the Create Integration pane.
    2. Select a region for the integration.
    3. Select a service account for the integration. You can change or update the service account details of an integration any time from the Integration summary pane in the integration toolbar.
    4. Click Create.

    This opens the integration in the integration editor.

  4. In the integration editor navigation bar, click Triggers to view the list of available triggers.
  5. Click and place the Private element to the designer.

Configure a Private trigger

  • Click the Private Trigger element in the integration editor to view the trigger configuration pane.

    The configuration panel displays the Trigger ID, which is a machine-generated ID in the format private_trigger/TRIGGER_NAME. No further configuration is required for this trigger.

Test Private trigger

You cannot test a published private trigger workflow. You must unpublish the integration to test the private trigger workflow.

Invoke Private trigger from another integration

After you have published an integration that has a private trigger configured, you can invoke this trigger from another integration. You can have more than one private trigger in your integration. Each private trigger is assigned a unique Trigger ID.

You can view the execution logs for a private trigger in the logs of the main execution workflow. Private triggers can be invoked from the following flow control tasks:

Quotas and limits

The execution of private triggers shares the Maximum cumulative size of all the integration data limit, which is set to 25 MB, with the parent integration. For more information about limits, see Usage limits.


If your private trigger workflow contains any of the following async tasks, then you can't trigger the private workflow from the main workflow with the SYNC execution strategy:

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