See the supported connectors for Application Integration.

Edit and view integrations

You can modify an integration by configuring tasks, triggers, or edge connections. You can also update the integration details, such as modifying the setting for masking variables in logs, Cloud Logging, local logging, and updating the service account and the description of your integration.

Edit an integration

To view and edit an integration flow, follow these steps:

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Application Integration page.

    Go to Application Integration

  2. In the navigation menu, click Integrations.

    The Integrations page appears, listing all the integrations available in the Google Cloud project.

  3. Click the integration that you want to edit. This opens the integration in the integration editor.

    If the integration is not in DRAFT state, then the integration is locked for editing. For information about edit locks, see Integration edit locks.

View integration details

To view the details of an integration, open the integration in the integration editor and click (Integration information) in the designer toolbar. The integration summary includes the following information:

  • Integration name: The name of the integration.
  • Version: The current version of the integration along with the version name (if any).
  • Publish status: The publish status of the current version of the integration; Published or Unpublished.
  • Total versions: The count of the total number of integration versions created for the integration.
  • Last modified: The date and time when the current integration version was last edited or modified.
  • Last modified by The name of the user who last edited or modified the integration version.
  • Region: The regional location where the integration was created.
  • Description: The integration description.

Edit integration details

To edit the details of an integration, open the integration in the integration editor and click (Integration settings) in the designer toolbar. The integration summary includes the following information:

  • Service account: The service account attached to the integration.
  • Enable Variable Masking in logs (preview): The setting to enable masking of variables in the integration execution logs. If you enable masking for your integration, ensure that you have also enabled masking at the region and the variable levels.

    For information about masking, see Mask sensitive data in logs.

  • Enable Cloud Logging: The setting to enable or disable Cloud Logging. For more information, see View logs in Cloud Logging.
  • Local logging: The setting to enable or disable saving integration's data or metadata during its execution. For more information, see Local logging.

The following image shows a sample layout of the integration summary pane.

image showing the sample integration summary image showing the sample integration summary

Integration edit locks

Integrations are design time entities that are often developed in collaboration with multiple authors. Although an integration can only be actively edited by one author at a time, teams can collaborate on an integration and track changes in state through its versions.

You can edit only a DRAFT version of the integration, and execute only the ACTIVE version of the integration. For information about different integration versions, see Integration versions.

When you open an integration, you might find a message similar to the following in the integration editor:

  • If you open the integration that is being edited by another user, the following message appears in the integration editor because only one user can update the integration at a given time: is currently editing the integration. Edit features are temporarily disabled.

    To edit the integration, click Take Over. A new version in the DRAFT state is created in the integration for you and the editing capability is disabled for the other users. The following figure shows the edit lock in the integration editor.

    Integrations edit lock Integrations edit lock

  • If you open a published integration, then the integration version is in the ACTIVE state. To edit the integration, click Enable Editing. A new version is created with the DRAFT state.

    This version is currently active. Editing features are disabled.

    To edit the integration, click Enable Editing. A new version in the DRAFT state is created in the integration for you. The following figure shows the edit lock in the integration editor.

    Integrations edit lock Integrations edit lock