See the supported connectors for Application Integration.
Upload and download integrations
You can download your integrations as a JSON file and save it in your local system. As a result, your entire integration is available in a file, which you can directly upload in another integration project without any modifications. Uploading an integration creates a new version of the integration in the project where the file is uploaded.
Having an entire integration in a file format provides you with the following advantages:- You can copy your integration from one project to another without much effort.
- You can programmatically update the integration file for repetitive changes, such as renaming of tasks or dynamically modifying variable names.
Download an integration
To download an integration, select one of the following optionss:
- In the Google Cloud console, go to the Application Integration page.
- In the navigation menu, click Integrations. The Integrations List page appears.
- Select an existing integration. This opens the integration in the integration editor.
- Click the Versions dropdown and select the version you want to download.
- In the designer toolbar, click
The INTEGRATION_NAME.json file is automatically saved in your web browser's default download folder.
(Actions menu) and select Download.
To download an integration, issue aGET
request to the following API:
The following example shows you how to download a specific version of an integration:
curl -v -s \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \ -H "X-GFE-SSL: yes" \ -X GET ""
For more information, see
Upload an integration
Uploading an integration creates a new version of the integration in the project where the file
is uploaded. For example, if you have an integration by name IP-Test
at version 5, and you upload an integration file in IP-Test
, a new version 6 is created for the integration.
If you don't have an existing integration in which you can upload a file, you must first create a new integration and then upload. In this case, the new integration you create will be at version 1 and the uploaded integration will be at version 2.
If you have an existing integration that you want to upload, then select one of the following options:
- In the Google Cloud console, go to the Application Integration page.
- In the navigation menu, click Integrations. The Integrations List page appears.
- Select an existing integration or create a new integration by clicking Create integration.
If you are creating a new integration:
- Enter a name and description in the Create Integration dialog.
- Select a region for the integration.
- Click Create.
This opens the integration in the integration editor.
- In the designer toolbar, click (Actions menu) and select Upload.
- In the file browser dialog, select the file that you want to upload, and then click Open.
A new version of the integration is created using the uploaded file.
To upload an integration, issue aPOST
request to the following API:$YOUR_GOOGLE_PROJECT_ID/locations/$PROJECT_LOCATION/integrations $INTEGRATION_NAME/versions/$INTEGRATION_VERSION}:upload
The following example shows you how to upload an integration:
curl -v -s -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \ -X POST -d '{"content": "{\"name\":\"projects/450954726404/locations/us-east1/integrations/test-workflow/versions/0e90d453-5fcf-4aae-b164-2e8344d1ac11\", \"origin\":\"UI\", \"snapshotNumber\":\"3\", \"updateTime\":\"2022-01-06T04:26:58.137Z\", \"lockHolder\":\"\", \"createTime\":\"2022-01-06T04:26:42.734Z\", \"lastModifierEmail\":\"\", \"state\":\"DRAFT\", \"triggerConfigs\":[{\"label\":\"API Trigger\",\"startTasks\":[{\"taskId\":\"1\"}], \"properties\":{\"Trigger name\":\"rj-test-workflow_API_1\"},\"triggerType\":\"API\",\"triggerNumber\":\"1\",\"triggerId\":\"api_trigger/rj-test-workflow_API_1\"}],\"taskConfigs\":[{\"task\":\"EmailTask\",\"taskId\":\"1\",\"taskExecutionStrategy\":\"WHEN_ALL_SUCCEED\",\"displayName\":\"Send Email\"}]}"}' \
For more information, see projects.locations.integrations.versions.upload
What's next
- Learn how to manage integrations.
- Learn how to test and publish integrations.
- Learn about all tasks and triggers.