Performs online prediction on the data in the request.
AI Platform Prediction implements a custom predict
verb on top of an HTTP POST method.
The predict
method performs prediction on the data in the request.
The URL is described in Google API HTTP annotation syntax:
The name
parameter is required. It must contain the name of your model and,
optionally, a version. If you specify a model without a version, the default
version for that model is used.
Example specifying both model and version:
POST /models/YOUR_MODEL_NAME /versions/YOUR_VERSION_NAME :predict
Example specifying only a model. The default version for that model is used:
POST /models/YOUR_MODEL_NAME :predict
This page describes the format of the prediction request body and of the response body. For a code sample showing how to send a prediction request, see the guide to requesting online predictions.
Request body details
The request body contains data with the following structure (JSON representation):
"instances": [
<value>|<simple/nested list>|<object>,
The instances[]
object is required, and must contain the list of instances
to get predictions for.
The structure of each element of the instances list is determined by your model's input definition. Instances can include named inputs (as objects) or can contain only unlabeled values.
Not all data includes named inputs. Some instances are simple JSON values (boolean, number, or string). However, instances are often lists of simple values, or complex nested lists.
Below are some examples of request bodies.
CSV data with each row encoded as a string value:
{"instances": ["1.0,true,\\"x\\"", "-2.0,false,\\"y\\""]}
Plain text:
{"instances": ["the quick brown fox", "the lazy dog"]}
Sentences encoded as lists of words (vectors of strings):
{ "instances": [ ["the","quick","brown"], ["the","lazy","dog"], ... ] }
Floating point scalar values:
{"instances": [0.0, 1.1, 2.2]}
Vectors of integers:
{ "instances": [ [0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5], ... ] }
Tensors (in this case, two-dimensional tensors):
{ "instances": [ [ [0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5] ], ... ] }
Images, which can be represented different ways. In this encoding scheme the first two dimensions represent the rows and columns of the image, and the third dimension contains lists (vectors) of the R, G, and B values for each pixel:
{ "instances": [ [ [ [138, 30, 66], [130, 20, 56], ... ], [ [126, 38, 61], [122, 24, 57], ... ], ... ], ... ] }
Data encoding
JSON strings must be encoded as UTF-8. To send binary data, you must
base64-encode the data and mark it as binary. To mark a JSON string as
binary, replace it with a JSON object with a single attribute named
{"b64": "..."}
The following example shows two serialized tf.Examples
instances, requiring base64 encoding (fake data, for illustrative
purposes only):
{"instances": [{"b64": "X5ad6u"}, {"b64": "IA9j4nx"}]}
The following example shows two JPEG image byte strings, requiring base64 encoding (fake data, for illustrative purposes only):
{"instances": [{"b64": "ASa8asdf"}, {"b64": "JLK7ljk3"}]}
Multiple input tensors
Some models have an underlying TensorFlow graph that accepts multiple input tensors. In this case, use the names of JSON name/value pairs to identify the input tensors.
For a graph with input tensor aliases "tag" (string) and "image" (base64-encoded string):
{ "instances": [ { "tag": "beach", "image": {"b64": "ASa8asdf"} }, { "tag": "car", "image": {"b64": "JLK7ljk3"} } ] }
For a graph with input tensor aliases "tag" (string) and "image" (3-dimensional array of 8-bit ints):
{ "instances": [ { "tag": "beach", "image": [ [ [138, 30, 66], [130, 20, 56], ... ], [ [126, 38, 61], [122, 24, 57], ... ], ... ] }, { "tag": "car", "image": [ [ [255, 0, 102], [255, 0, 97], ... ], [ [254, 1, 101], [254, 2, 93], ... ], ... ] }, ... ] }
The request body contains data with the following structure (JSON representation):
"instances": [
<simple list>,
The instances[]
object is required, and must contain the list of instances
to get predictions for. In the following example, each input instance is a
list of floats:
"instances": [
[0.0, 1.1, 2.2],
[3.3, 4.4, 5.5],
The dimension of input instances must match what your model expects. For example, if your model requires three features, then the length of each input instance must be 3.
The request body contains data with the following structure (JSON representation):
"instances": [
<simple list>,
The instances[]
object is required, and must contain the list of instances
to get predictions for. In the following example, each input instance is a
list of floats:
"instances": [
[0.0, 1.1, 2.2],
[3.3, 4.4, 5.5],
The dimension of input instances must match what your model expects. For example, if your model requires three features, then the length of each input instance must be 3.
AI Platform Prediction does not support sparse representation of input instances for XGBoost.
The Online Prediction service interprets zeros and NaN
s differently. If the
value of a feature is zero, use 0.0
in the corresponding input. If the value
of a feature is missing, use NaN
in the corresponding input.
The following example represents a prediction request with a single input instance, where the value of the first feature is 0.0, the value of the second feature is 1.1, and the value of the third feature is missing:
{"instances": [[0.0, 1.1, NaN]]}
The request body contains data with the following structure (JSON representation):
"instances": [
<value>|<simple/nested list>|<object>,
"<other-key>": <value>|<simple/nested list>|<object>,
The instances[]
object is required, and must contain the list of instances
to get predictions for.
You may optionally provide any other valid JSON key-value pairs.
AI Platform Prediction parses the JSON and provides these fields to the predict
method of your Predictor
class as
entries in the **kwargs
How to structure the list of instances
The structure of each element of the instances list is determined by the
method of your Predictor
Instances can include named inputs (as objects) or can contain only unlabeled
Not all data includes named inputs. Some instances are simple JSON values (boolean, number, or string). However, instances are often lists of simple values, or complex nested lists.
Below are some examples of request bodies.
CSV data with each row encoded as a string value:
{"instances": ["1.0,true,\\"x\\"", "-2.0,false,\\"y\\""]}
Plain text:
{"instances": ["the quick brown fox", "the lazy dog"]}
Sentences encoded as lists of words (vectors of strings):
{ "instances": [ ["the","quick","brown"], ["the","lazy","dog"], ... ] }
Floating point scalar values:
{"instances": [0.0, 1.1, 2.2]}
Vectors of integers:
{ "instances": [ [0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5], ... ] }
Tensors (in this case, two-dimensional tensors):
{ "instances": [ [ [0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5] ], ... ] }
Images, which can be represented different ways. In this encoding scheme the first two dimensions represent the rows and columns of the image, and the third dimension contains lists (vectors) of the R, G, and B values for each pixel:
{ "instances": [ [ [ [138, 30, 66], [130, 20, 56], ... ], [ [126, 38, 61], [122, 24, 57], ... ], ... ], ... ] }
Multiple input tensors
Some models have an underlying TensorFlow graph that accepts multiple input tensors. In this case, use the names of JSON name/value pairs to identify the input tensors.
For a graph with input tensor aliases "tag" (string) and "image" (3-dimensional array of 8-bit ints):
{ "instances": [ { "tag": "beach", "image": [ [ [138, 30, 66], [130, 20, 56], ... ], [ [126, 38, 61], [122, 24, 57], ... ], ... ] }, { "tag": "car", "image": [ [ [255, 0, 102], [255, 0, 97], ... ], [ [254, 1, 101], [254, 2, 93], ... ], ... ] }, ... ] }
Response body details
Responses are very similar to requests.
If the call is successful, the response body contains one prediction entry per instance in the request body, given in the same order:
"predictions": [
If prediction fails for any instance, the response body contains no predictions. Instead, it contains a single error entry:
"error": string
The predictions[]
object contains the list of predictions, one for each
instance in the request. For a custom prediction routine (beta), predictions
contains the return value of the predict
method of your Predictor
serialized as JSON.
On error, the error
string contains a message describing the problem. The
error is returned instead of a prediction list if an error occurred while
processing any instance.
Even though there is one prediction per instance, the format of a prediction is not directly related to the format of an instance. Predictions take whatever format is specified in the outputs collection defined in the model. The collection of predictions is returned in a JSON list. Each member of the list can be a simple value, a list, or a JSON object of any complexity. If your model has more than one output tensor, each prediction will be a JSON object containing a name/value pair for each output. The names identify the output aliases in the graph.
Response body examples
The following examples show some possible responses:
A simple set of predictions for three input instances, where each prediction is an integer value:
{"predictions": [5, 4, 3]}
A more complex set of predictions, each containing two named values that correspond to output tensors, named
respectively. The value oflabel
is the predicted category ("car" or "beach") andscores
contains a list of probabilities for that instance across the possible categories.{ "predictions": [ { "label": "beach", "scores": [0.1, 0.9] }, { "label": "car", "scores": [0.75, 0.25] } ] }
A response when there is an error processing an input instance:
{"error": "Divide by zero"}
The following examples show some possible responses:
A simple set of predictions for three input instances, where each prediction is an integer value:
{"predictions": [5, 4, 3]}
A response when there is an error processing an input instance:
{"error": "Divide by zero"}
The following examples show some possible responses:
A simple set of predictions for three input instances, where each prediction is an integer value:
{"predictions": [5, 4, 3]}
A response when there is an error processing an input instance:
{"error": "Divide by zero"}
The following examples show some possible responses:
A simple set of predictions for three input instances, where each prediction is an integer value:
{"predictions": [5, 4, 3]}
A more complex set of predictions, each containing two named values that correspond to output tensors, named
respectively. The value oflabel
is the predicted category ("car" or "beach") andscores
contains a list of probabilities for that instance across the possible categories.{ "predictions": [ { "label": "beach", "scores": [0.1, 0.9] }, { "label": "car", "scores": [0.75, 0.25] } ] }
A response when there is an error processing an input instance:
{"error": "Divide by zero"}
API specification
The following section describes the specification of the predict
method as
defined in the AI Platform Training and Prediction API discovery document. Refer to the previous sections
of this document for detailed information about the method.
HTTP request
POST https://{endpoint}/v1/{name=projects/**}:predict
Where {endpoint}
is one of the supported service endpoints.
The URLs use gRPC Transcoding syntax.
Path parameters
Parameters | |
name |
Required. The resource name of a model or a version. Authorization: requires the Authorization requires one or more of the following IAM permissions on the specified resource
Request body
The request body contains data with the following structure:
JSON representation | |
"httpBody": {
object ( |
Fields | |
httpBody |
Required. The prediction request body. Refer to the request body details section for more information on how to structure your request. |
Response body
If successful, the response is a generic HTTP response whose format is defined by the method.
Authorization Scopes
Requires the following OAuth scope:
For more information, see the Authentication Overview.