The steps an organization takes to inform, engage, and safeguard their stakeholders during a cyber incident significantly impacts a successful business recovery and long-term brand reputation.
How It Works
The Mandiant Crisis Communications practice is an extension of our technical incident response capabilities to help organizations manage the non-technical aspects of an incident with risk-based stakeholder communications.
Common Uses
Business Case
The #1 mistake we see on the frontlines is organizations trying to apply the standard crisis communications playbook to a cyber event.
Dan Wire, Head of Mandiant Crisis Communications
"Communicating during a crisis is tough for even the savviest and most well-prepared organizations. The unique attributes of a cyber attack, and the increasing use of the public domain by threat actors, mean how a victim organization communicates with their stakeholders during an incident can impact the success of the response long after the technical remediation is wrapped up."
Read the articleThe impact of Mandiant crisis communications services
Mandiant assisted a security vendor with CISA and FBI reporting and turned disclosure of a breach from a liability to an asset by leaning into publicizing the details of the associated threat campaign.
A bank needed help navigating an aggressive social media environment and unsophisticated regulators while responding to a ransomware attack — threading the communications needle to ensure disclosure didn’t start a run on the bank.
A security vendor with a complex incident involving active litigation and multiple teams needed help getting their business unstuck and moving sales forward again.