gcloud vmware private-clouds create

gcloud vmware private-clouds create - create a VMware Engine private cloud
gcloud vmware private-clouds create (PRIVATE_CLOUD : --location=LOCATION) --cluster=CLUSTER --management-range=MANAGEMENT_RANGE --node-type-config=[count=COUNT],[custom-core-count=CUSTOM-CORE-COUNT],[type=TYPE] --vmware-engine-network=VMWARE_ENGINE_NETWORK [--async] [--description=DESCRIPTION] [--preferred-zone=PREFERRED_ZONE] [--secondary-zone=SECONDARY_ZONE] [--type=TYPE; default="STANDARD"] [GCLOUD_WIDE_FLAG]
Create a VMware Engine private cloud. Private cloud creation is considered finished when the private cloud is in READY state. Check the progress of a private cloud using gcloud vmware private-clouds list.
To create a private cloud in the us-west2-a zone using standard-72 nodes that connects to the my-network VMware Engine network, run:
gcloud vmware private-clouds create my-private-cloud --location=us-west2-a --project=my-project --cluster=my-management-cluster --node-type-config=type=standard-72,count=3 --management-range= --vmware-engine-network=my-network


gcloud vmware private-clouds create my-private-cloud --cluster=my-management-cluster --node-type-config=type=standard-72,count=3 --management-range= --vmware-engine-network=my-network

In the second example, the project and location are taken from gcloud properties core/project and compute/zone. To create a stretched private cloud in the us-west2 region using us-west2-a zone as preferred and us-west2-b zone as secondary

gcloud vmware private-clouds create my-private-cloud --project=sample-project --location=us-west2 --cluster=my-management-cluster --node-type-config=type=standard-72,count=6 --management-range= --vmware-engine-network=my-network --type=STRETCHED --preferred-zone=us-west2-a --secondary-zone=us-west2-b

The project is taken from gcloud properties core/project.

Private cloud resource - private_cloud. The arguments in this group can be used to specify the attributes of this resource. (NOTE) Some attributes are not given arguments in this group but can be set in other ways.

To set the project attribute:

  • provide the argument private_cloud on the command line with a fully specified name;
  • provide the argument --project on the command line;
  • set the property core/project.

This must be specified.

ID of the private cloud or fully qualified identifier for the private cloud.

To set the private-cloud attribute:

  • provide the argument private_cloud on the command line.

This positional argument must be specified if any of the other arguments in this group are specified.

Location of the private cloud or cluster.

To set the location attribute:

  • provide the argument private_cloud on the command line with a fully specified name;
  • provide the argument --location on the command line;
  • set the property compute/zone.
Cluster resource - cluster. This represents a Cloud resource. (NOTE) Some attributes are not given arguments in this group but can be set in other ways.

To set the project attribute:

  • provide the argument --cluster on the command line with a fully specified name;
  • provide the argument --project on the command line;
  • set the property core/project.

To set the location attribute:

  • provide the argument --cluster on the command line with a fully specified name;
  • set the property compute/zone.

To set the private-cloud attribute:

  • provide the argument --cluster on the command line with a fully specified name.

This must be specified.

ID of the cluster or fully qualified identifier for the cluster.

To set the cluster attribute:

  • provide the argument --cluster on the command line.
IP address range in the private cloud to use for management appliances, in CIDR format. Use an IP address range that meets the VMware Engine networking requirements.
Information about the type and number of nodes associated with the cluster.

type (required): canonical identifier of the node type.

count (required): number of nodes of this type in the cluster.

custom-core-count (optional): customized number of cores available to each node of the type. To get a list of valid values for your node type, run the gcloud vmware node-types describe command and reference the availableCustomCoreCounts field in the output.

Resource ID of the VMware Engine network attached to the private cloud.
Return immediately, without waiting for the operation in progress to complete. The default is True. Enabled by default, use --no-async to disable.
Text describing the private cloud.
Zone that will remain operational when connection between the two zones is lost. Specify the resource name of a zone that belongs to the region of the private cloud.
Additional zone for a higher level of availability and load balancing. Specify the resource name of a zone that belongs to the region of the private cloud.
--type=TYPE; default="STANDARD"
Type of the private cloud. TYPE must be one of:
Standard private is a zonal resource, with 3 or more nodes nodes. Default type.
Stretched private cloud is a regional resource with redundancy, with a minimum of 6 nodes, nodes count has to be even.
Time limited private cloud is a zonal resource, can have only 1 node and has limited life span. Will be deleted after defined period of time, can be converted into standard private cloud by expanding it up to 3 or more nodes.
These flags are available to all commands: --access-token-file, --account, --billing-project, --configuration, --flags-file, --flatten, --format, --help, --impersonate-service-account, --log-http, --project, --quiet, --trace-token, --user-output-enabled, --verbosity.

Run $ gcloud help for details.