gcloud scc muteconfigs update

gcloud scc muteconfigs update - update a Security Command Center mute config
gcloud scc muteconfigs update MUTE_CONFIG [--description=DESCRIPTION] [--expiry-time=EXPIRY_TIME] [--filter=FILTER] [--location=LOCATION; default="global"] [--update-mask=UPDATE_MASK] [--folder=FOLDER     | --organization=ORGANIZATION     | --project=PROJECT] [GCLOUD_WIDE_FLAG]
Update a Security Command Center mute config.
Update a mute config with ID=test-mute-config under organization=123 with a filter on category that equals to XSS_SCRIPTING:
gcloud scc muteconfigs update test-mute-config --organization=123 --description="This is a test mute config" --filter="category=\"XSS_SCRIPTING\""

Update a mute config with ID=test-mute-config under folder=456 with a filter on category that equals to XSS_SCRIPTING:

gcloud scc muteconfigs update test-mute-config --folder=456 --description="This is a test mute config" --filter="category=\"XSS_SCRIPTING\""

Update a mute config with ID=test-mute-config under project=789 with a filter on category that equals to XSS_SCRIPTING:

gcloud scc muteconfigs update test-mute-config --project=789 --description="This is a test mute config" --filter="category=\"XSS_SCRIPTING\""

Update a mute config with ID=test-mute-config under organization=123 location=eu with a filter on category that equals to XSS_SCRIPTING:

gcloud scc muteconfigs update test-mute-config --organization=123 --description="This is a test mute config" --filter="category=\"XSS_SCRIPTING\"" --location=eu
ID of the mute config or the full resource name of the mute config.
The text that will be used to describe a mute configuration.
The expiry of the mute config. Only applicable for dynamic configs. If the expiry is set, when the config expires, it is removed from all findings. See $ gcloud topic datetimes for information on supported time formats.
The filter string which will applied to findings muted by a mute configuration.
--location=LOCATION; default="global"
When data residency controls are enabled, this attribute specifies the location in which the resource is located and applicable. The location attribute can be provided as part of the fully specified resource name or with the --location argument on the command line. The default location is global.

The default location on this command is unrelated to the default location that is specified when data residency controls are enabled for Security Command Center.

Optional: If left unspecified (default), an update-mask is automatically created using the flags specified in the command and only those values are updated.
At most one of these can be specified:
Folder where the mute config resides. Formatted as folders/456 or just 456.
Organization where the mute config resides. Formatted as organizations/123 or just 123.
Project (id or number) where the mute config resides. Formatted as projects/789 or just 789.
These flags are available to all commands: --access-token-file, --account, --billing-project, --configuration, --flags-file, --flatten, --format, --help, --impersonate-service-account, --log-http, --project, --quiet, --trace-token, --user-output-enabled, --verbosity.

Run $ gcloud help for details.

This command uses the Security Command Center API. For more information, see Security Command Center API.
This variant is also available:
gcloud alpha scc muteconfigs update