gcloud alpha scc findings bulk-mute

gcloud alpha scc findings bulk-mute - bulk mute Security Command Center findings based on a filter
gcloud alpha scc findings bulk-mute (--folder=FOLDER     | --organization=ORGANIZATION     | --project=PROJECT) [--filter=FILTER] [--location=LOCATION; default="global"] [--mute-state=MUTE_STATE; default="muted"] [GCLOUD_WIDE_FLAG]
(ALPHA) Bulk mute Security Command Center findings based on a filter.
To bulk mute findings given organization 123 based on a filter on category that equals XSS_SCRIPTING, run:
gcloud alpha scc findings bulk-mute --organization=organizations/123 --filter="category=\"XSS_SCRIPTING\""

To bulk mute findings given folder 123 based on a filter on category that equals XSS_SCRIPTING, run:

gcloud alpha scc findings bulk-mute --folder=folders/123 --filter="category=\"XSS_SCRIPTING\""

To bulk mute findings given project 123 based on a filter on category that equals XSS_SCRIPTING, run:

gcloud alpha scc findings bulk-mute --project=projects/123 --filter="category=\"XSS_SCRIPTING\""

To bulk mute findings given organization 123 based on a filter on category that equals XSS_SCRIPTING and location=eu run:

gcloud alpha scc findings bulk-mute --organization=organizations/123 --filter="category=\"XSS_SCRIPTING\"" --location=locations/eu
Exactly one of these must be specified:
Folder where the findings reside. Formatted as folders/456 or just 456.
Organization where the findings reside. Formatted as organizations/123 or just 123.
Project (id or number) where the findings reside. Formatted as projects/789 or just 789.
The filter string which will applied to findings being muted.
--location=LOCATION; default="global"
When data residency controls are enabled, this attribute specifies the location in which the resource is located and applicable. The location attribute can be provided as part of the fully specified resource name or with the --location argument on the command line. The default location is global.

The default location on this command is unrelated to the default location that is specified when data residency controls are enabled for Security Command Center.

--mute-state=MUTE_STATE; default="muted"
Desired mute state of the finding. MUTE_STATE must be one of: muted, undefined.
These flags are available to all commands: --access-token-file, --account, --billing-project, --configuration, --flags-file, --flatten, --format, --help, --impersonate-service-account, --log-http, --project, --quiet, --trace-token, --user-output-enabled, --verbosity.

Run $ gcloud help for details.

This command uses the Security Command Center API. For more information, see Security Command Center API.
This command is currently in alpha and might change without notice. If this command fails with API permission errors despite specifying the correct project, you might be trying to access an API with an invitation-only early access allowlist. This variant is also available:
gcloud scc findings bulk-mute