OpenTelemetry トレースを有効にしてメッセージをパブリッシュする

Cloud Trace エクスポータと 100% のサンプルレートを使用しながら、OpenTelemetry Trace を有効にしてメッセージをパブリッシュします。





このサンプルを試す前に、Pub/Sub クイックスタート: クライアント ライブラリの使用にある C++ 向けの手順に従って設定を行ってください。 詳細については、Pub/Sub C++ API のリファレンス ドキュメントをご覧ください。

Pub/Sub に対する認証を行うには、アプリケーションのデフォルト認証情報を設定します。詳細については、ローカル開発環境の認証を設定するをご覧ください。

// Create a few namespace aliases to make the code easier to read.
namespace gc = ::google::cloud;
namespace otel = gc::otel;
namespace pubsub = gc::pubsub;

// This example uses a simple wrapper to export (upload) OTel tracing data
// to Google Cloud Trace. More complex applications may use different
// authentication, or configure their own OTel exporter.
auto project = gc::Project(project_id);
auto configuration = otel::ConfigureBasicTracing(project);

auto publisher = pubsub::Publisher(pubsub::MakePublisherConnection(
    pubsub::Topic(project_id, topic_id),
    // Configure this publisher to enable OTel tracing. Some applications may
    // chose to disable tracing in some publishers or to dynamically enable
    // this option based on their own configuration.

// After this point, use the Cloud Pub/Sub C++ client library as usual.
// In this example, we will send a few messages and configure a callback
// action for each one.
std::vector<gc::future<void>> ids;
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
  auto id = publisher.Publish(pubsub::MessageBuilder().SetData("Hi!").Build())
                .then([](gc::future<gc::StatusOr<std::string>> f) {
                  auto id = f.get();
                  if (!id) {
                    std::cout << "Error in publish: " << id.status() << "\n";
                  std::cout << "Sent message with id: (" << *id << ")\n";
// Block until the messages are actually sent.
for (auto& id : ids) id.get();


 * TODO(developer): Uncomment these variables before running the sample.
// const topicNameOrId = 'YOUR_TOPIC_OR_ID';
// const data = 'Hello, world!";

// Imports the Google Cloud client library
const {PubSub} = require('@google-cloud/pubsub');

// Imports the OpenTelemetry API
const {NodeTracerProvider} = require('@opentelemetry/sdk-trace-node');
const {diag, DiagConsoleLogger, DiagLogLevel} = require('@opentelemetry/api');
const {SimpleSpanProcessor} = require('@opentelemetry/sdk-trace-base');

// To output to the console for testing, use the ConsoleSpanExporter.
// import {ConsoleSpanExporter} from '@opentelemetry/sdk-trace-base';

// To output to Cloud Trace, import the OpenTelemetry bridge library.
const {
} = require('@google-cloud/opentelemetry-cloud-trace-exporter');

const {Resource} = require('@opentelemetry/resources');
const {
} = require('@opentelemetry/semantic-conventions');

// Enable the diagnostic logger for OpenTelemetry
diag.setLogger(new DiagConsoleLogger(), DiagLogLevel.DEBUG);

// Log spans out to the console, for testing.
// const exporter = new ConsoleSpanExporter();

// Log spans out to Cloud Trace, for production.
const exporter = new TraceExporter();

// Build a tracer provider and a span processor to do
// something with the spans we're generating.
const provider = new NodeTracerProvider({
  resource: new Resource({
    [SEMRESATTRS_SERVICE_NAME]: 'otel publisher example',
const processor = new SimpleSpanProcessor(exporter);

// Creates a client; cache this for further use.
const pubSubClient = new PubSub({enableOpenTelemetryTracing: true});

async function publishMessage(topicNameOrId, data) {
  // Publishes the message as a string, e.g. "Hello, world!"
  // or JSON.stringify(someObject)
  const dataBuffer = Buffer.from(data);
  const publisher = pubSubClient.topic(topicNameOrId);
  const messageId = await publisher.publishMessage({data: dataBuffer});
  console.log(`Message ${messageId} published.`);

  // The rest of the sample is in service to making sure that any
  // buffered Pub/Sub messages and/or OpenTelemetry spans are properly
  // flushed to the server side. In normal usage, you'd only need to do
  // something like this on process shutdown.
  await publisher.flush();
  await processor.forceFlush();
  await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, OTEL_TIMEOUT * 1000));


 * TODO(developer): Uncomment these variables before running the sample.
// const topicNameOrId = 'YOUR_TOPIC_OR_ID';
// const data = 'Hello, world!";

// Imports the Google Cloud client library
import {PubSub} from '@google-cloud/pubsub';

// Imports the OpenTelemetry API
import {NodeTracerProvider} from '@opentelemetry/sdk-trace-node';
import {diag, DiagConsoleLogger, DiagLogLevel} from '@opentelemetry/api';
import {SimpleSpanProcessor} from '@opentelemetry/sdk-trace-base';

// To output to the console for testing, use the ConsoleSpanExporter.
// import {ConsoleSpanExporter} from '@opentelemetry/sdk-trace-base';

// To output to Cloud Trace, import the OpenTelemetry bridge library.
import {TraceExporter} from '@google-cloud/opentelemetry-cloud-trace-exporter';

import {Resource} from '@opentelemetry/resources';
import {SEMRESATTRS_SERVICE_NAME} from '@opentelemetry/semantic-conventions';

// Enable the diagnostic logger for OpenTelemetry
diag.setLogger(new DiagConsoleLogger(), DiagLogLevel.DEBUG);

// Log spans out to the console, for testing.
// const exporter = new ConsoleSpanExporter();

// Log spans out to Cloud Trace, for production.
const exporter = new TraceExporter();

// Build a tracer provider and a span processor to do
// something with the spans we're generating.
const provider = new NodeTracerProvider({
  resource: new Resource({
    [SEMRESATTRS_SERVICE_NAME]: 'otel publisher example',
const processor = new SimpleSpanProcessor(exporter);

// Creates a client; cache this for further use.
const pubSubClient = new PubSub({enableOpenTelemetryTracing: true});

async function publishMessage(topicNameOrId: string, data: string) {
  // Publishes the message as a string, e.g. "Hello, world!"
  // or JSON.stringify(someObject)
  const dataBuffer = Buffer.from(data);
  const publisher = pubSubClient.topic(topicNameOrId);
  const messageId = await publisher.publishMessage({data: dataBuffer});
  console.log(`Message ${messageId} published.`);

  // The rest of the sample is in service to making sure that any
  // buffered Pub/Sub messages and/or OpenTelemetry spans are properly
  // flushed to the server side. In normal usage, you'd only need to do
  // something like this on process shutdown.
  await publisher.flush();
  await processor.forceFlush();
  await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, OTEL_TIMEOUT * 1000));


他の Google Cloud プロダクトに関連するコードサンプルの検索およびフィルタ検索を行うには、Google Cloud のサンプルをご覧ください。