

datagroup: datagroup_name {
  max_cache_age: "24 hours"
  sql_trigger: SELECT max(id) FROM my_tablename ;;
  interval_trigger: "12 hours"
  label: "desired label"
  description: "description string"
Default Value

An identifier for your datagroup, plus sub-parameters defining your datagroup properties.


Use datagroup to assign a caching policy for Explores and/or to specify a persistence strategy for persistent derived tables (PDTs). If you want multiple policies for different Explores and PDTs, then use a separate datagroup parameter to specify each policy.

Provide a unique name for the datagroup using only letters, numbers and underscores. No other characters are allowed.

You can add a label and a description for the datagroup:

  • label: Specifies an optional label for the datagroup. See the label and description section on this page for details.
  • description: Specifies an optional description for the datagroup that can be used to explain the datagroup's purpose and mechanism. See the label and description section on this page for details.

Specify the details of the caching and persistence policy by using the datagroup subparameters:

  • max_cache_age: Specifies a string that defines a time period. When the age of a query's cache exceeds the time period, Looker invalidates the cache. The next time the query is issued, Looker sends the query to the database for fresh results. See the max_cache_age section on this page for details.
  • sql_trigger: Specifies a SQL query that returns one row with one column. If the value returned by the query is different than the query's prior results, then the datagroup goes into a triggered state. See the sql_trigger section on this page for details.
  • interval_trigger: Specifies a time schedule for triggering the datagroup, such as "24 hours". See the interval_trigger section on this page for details.

Often the best solution is to use max_cache_age in combination with either sql_trigger or interval_trigger. Specify either a sql_trigger or an interval_trigger value that matches the data load (ETL) into your database, then specify a max_cache_age value that will invalidate old data if your ETL fails. The max_cache_age parameter ensures that if the cache for a datagroup isn't cleared by sql_trigger or interval_trigger, then the cache entries will expire by a certain time. That way, the failure mode for a datagroup will be to query the database rather than serve stale data from the Looker cache.

A datagroup cannot have both sql_trigger and interval_trigger parameters. If you define a datagroup with both parameters, the datagroup will use the interval_trigger value and ignore the sql_trigger value, since the sql_trigger parameter requires using database resources when querying the database.

For connections using user attributes to specify the connection parameters, you must create a separate connection using the PDT override fields if you want to define a datagroup caching policy using a SQL query trigger.

Without the PDT overrides, you can still use a datagroup for the model and its Explores, as long as you define the datagroup's caching policy using only max_cache_age, not sql_trigger.


The max_cache_age parameter specifies a string containing an integer followed by "seconds", "minutes", or "hours". This time period is the maximum time period for the cached results to be used by Explore queries that use the datagroup.

When the age of a query's cache exceeds the max_cache_age, Looker invalidates the cache. The next time the query is issued, Looker sends the query to the database for fresh results. See the Caching queries documentation page for information on how long data is stored in the cache.

The max_cache_age parameter defines only when the cache is invalidated; it does not trigger the rebuilding of PDTs. If you define a datagroup with only max_cache_age, you will get a LookML validation warning if any derived tables are assigned to the datagroup. If you leave a derived table assigned to a datagroup with only a max_cache_age parameter, the derived table will be built when the table is first queried, but the derived table will sit in the scratch schema indefinitely and never rebuild, even if it is queried again. If your intention is to have a PDT rebuild at a specific time interval, you should add a interval_trigger parameter to your datagroup to define a PDT rebuild schedule.


Use the sql_trigger parameter to specify a SQL query that returns exactly one row with one column. Looker runs the SQL query at intervals specified in the Datagroup and PDT Maintenance Schedule field of the database connection. If the query returns a different value than the previous result, the datagroup goes into a triggered state. Once the datagroup is triggered, Looker rebuilds any PDTs with that datagroup specified in their datagroup_trigger parameter. After the PDT rebuilding is complete, the datagroup goes into a ready state and Looker invalidates the cached results of any Explores using that datagroup.

Typically, sql_trigger specifies a SQL query that indicates when a new data load (ETL) has occurred, for example by querying the max(ID) in a table. You can also use sql_trigger to specify a certain time of day by querying the current date and adding additional hours to that timestamp as needed to reach the time you want, for example 4 AM.

Note the following important points about sql_trigger:

  • You cannot use sql_trigger if your database connection uses OAuth or user attributes and you have disabled PDTs for the connection. This is because Looker needs static credentials to access your database to run the query specified in the sql_trigger parameter. When PDTs are enabled, you can use the PDT Overrides fields to provide Looker with separate, static login credentials for PDT processes, even if your connection uses dynamic credentials such as OAuth or user attributes. But with PDTs disabled, if your connection uses OAuth or user attributes, you cannot provide Looker with the static user credentials that are required for sql_trigger queries.
  • Looker does not perform time zone conversion for sql_trigger. If you want to trigger your datagroup at a specific time of day, set the trigger in the time zone for which your database is configured.

See these examples from the sql_trigger parameter documentation for ideas about setting up SQL queries to trigger a datagroup.


You can use the optional interval_trigger subparameter to specify a time duration for rebuilding. In the interval_trigger parameter you pass a string containing an integer followed by "seconds", "minutes", or "hours".

label and description

You can use the optional label and description subparameters to add a customized label and a description of the datagroup. You can also localize these subparameters using locale strings files.

These subparameters are displayed on the Datagroups page in the Database section of the Admin panel. See the Admin settings - Datagroups documentation page for more information on how these are displayed.


The following examples highlight the use cases of datagroup, including:

Creating a caching policy to retrieve new results whenever there's new data available or at least every 24 hours

To create a caching policy that retrieves new results whenever there's new data available or at least every 24 hours, do the following:

  • Use the orders_datagroup datagroup (in the model file) to name the caching policy.
  • Use the sql_trigger parameter to specify the query that indicates that there is fresh data: select max(id) from my_tablename. Whenever the data has been updated, this query returns a new number.
  • Use the max_cache_age setting to invalidate the data if it has been cached for 24 hours.
  • Use the optional label and description parameters to add a customized label and a description of the datagroup.
datagroup: orders_datagroup {
  sql_trigger: SELECT max(id) FROM my_tablename ;;
  max_cache_age: "24 hours"
  label: "ETL ID added"
  description: "Triggered when new ID is added to ETL log"

To use the orders_datagroup caching policy as the default for Explores in a model, use the persist_with parameter at the model level, and specify the orders_datagroup:

persist_with: orders_datagroup

To use the orders_datagroup caching policy for a specific Explore, add the persist_with parameter under the explore parameter, and specify the orders_datagroup. If there is a default datagroup specified at the model level, you can use the persist_with parameter under an explore to override the default setting.

explore: customer_facts {
  persist_with: orders_datagroup

To use the orders_datagroup datagroup caching policy for rebuilding a PDT, you can add datagroup_trigger under the derived_table parameter, and specify the orders_datagroup:

view: customer_order_facts {
  derived_table: {
    datagroup_trigger: orders_datagroup

Creating a datagroup to schedule deliveries on the last day of every month

You may want to create a schedule that sends a content delivery at the end of every month. However, not all months have the same number of days. You can create a datagroup to trigger content deliveries at the end of every month — regardless of the number of days in a specific month.

  1. Create a datagroup using a SQL statement to trigger at the end of each month:

    datagroup: month_end_datagroup {
    sql_trigger: SELECT (EXTRACT(MONTH FROM DATEADD( day, 1, GETDATE()))) ;;
    description: "Triggered on the last day of each month"

    This example is in Redshift SQL and may require slight adaptations for different databases.

    This SQL statement returns the month that tomorrow is in — on the last day of the month, tomorrow is next month — so the datagroup will be triggered. For every other day, tomorrow is in the same month, so the datagroup is not triggered.

  2. Select the datagroup in a new or an existing schedule.

Schedules that are based on datagroups send only after the regeneration process has completed for all PDTs that are persisted with that datagroup parameter, ensuring that your delivery includes the latest data.

Using a datagroup with cascading PDTs

In the case of persistent cascading derived tables, where one persistent derived table (PDT) is referenced in the definition of another, you can use a datagroup to specify a persistence strategy for the chain of cascading PDTs.

For example, here is part of a model file that defines a datagroup called user_facts_etl and an Explore called user_stuff. The user_stuff Explore persists with the user_facts_etl datagroup:

datagroup: user_facts_etl {
  sql_trigger: SELECT max(ID) FROM etl_jobs ;;

explore: user_stuff {
  persist_with: user_facts_etl
  from: user_facts_pdt_1
  join: user_facts_pdt_2 {

The user_stuff Explore joins the user_facts_pdt_1 view with the user_facts_pdt_2 view. Both of these views are based on PDTs that use the user_facts_etl datagroup as a persistence trigger. The user_facts_pdt_2 derived table references the user_facts_pdt_1 derived table, so these are cascading PDTs. Here is some of the LookML from the view files for these PDTs:

view: user_facts_pdt_1 {
  derived_table: {
    datagroup_trigger: user_facts_etl
    explore_source: users {
      column: customer_ID {}
      column: city {}

view: user_facts_pdt_2 {
  derived_table: {
      SELECT ...
      FROM ${users_facts_pdt_1.SQL_TABLE_NAME} ;;
  datagroup_trigger: user_facts_etl

If you have cascading PDTs, you must ensure that the PDTs don't have incompatible datagroup caching policies.

The Looker regenerator checks the status and initiates rebuilds of these PDTs as follows:

  • By default, the Looker regenerator checks the datagroup's sql_trigger query every five minutes (your Looker admin can specify this interval using the Datagroup and PDT Maintenance Schedule setting on your database connection).
  • If the value returned by the sql_trigger query is different from the result of the query in the prior check, the datagroup goes into the triggered state. In this example, if the etl_jobs table has a new ID value, the user_facts_etl datagroup is triggered.
  • Once the user_facts_etl datagroup is triggered, the Looker regenerator rebuilds all the PDTs that use the datagroup (in other words, all the PDTs that are defined with datagroup_trigger: user_facts_etl). In this example, the regenerator rebuilds user_facts_pdt_1, and then rebuilds user_facts_pdt_2.

    When PDTs share the same datagroup_trigger, the regenerator rebuilds the PDTs in order of dependency, first building tables that are referenced by other tables. See the Derived tables in Looker documentation page for more information on how Looker rebuilds cascading derived tables.

  • When the regenerator rebuilds all the PDTs in the datagroup, the regenerator takes the user_facts_etl datagroup out of the triggered state.

  • Once the user_facts_etl datagroup is no longer in the triggered state, Looker resets the cache for all models and Explores that use the user_facts_etl datagroup (in other words, all models and Explores that are defined with persist_with: user_facts_etl). In this example, that means that Looker resets the cache for the user_stuff Explore.

  • Any scheduled content deliveries that are based on the user_facts_etl datagroup will be sent. In this example, if there is a scheduled delivery that includes a query from the user_stuff Explore, the scheduled query will be retrieved from the database for fresh results.

Sharing datagroups across model files

This example shows how to share datagroups with multiple model files. This approach is advantageous in that, should you need to edit a datagroup, you need to edit the datagroup in only one place to have those changes take affect across all your models.

To share datagroups with multiple model files, first create a separate file that contains only the datagroups, and then use the include parameter to include the datagroups file in your model files.

Creating a datagroups file

Create a separate .lkml file to contain your datagroups. You can create a .lkml datagroup file in the same way you can create a separate .lkml Explore file.

In this example, the datagroups file is named datagroups.lkml:

datagroup: daily {
 max_cache_age: "24 hours"
 sql_trigger: SELECT CURRENT_DATE();;

Including the datagroups file in your model files

Now that you've created the datagroups file, you can include it in both of your models and use persist_with, either to apply the datagroup to individual Explores in your models or to apply the datagroup to all Explores in a model.

For example, the following two model files both include the datagroups.lkml file.

This file is named ecommerce.model.lkml. The daily datagroup is used at the explore level so that it applies just to the orders Explore:

include: "datagroups.lkml"

connection: "database1"

explore: orders {
  persist_with: daily

This next file is named inventory.model.lkml. The daily datagroup is used at the model level so that it applies to all of the Explores in the model file:

include: "datagroups.lkml"
connection: "database2"
persist_with: daily

explore: items {

explore: products {