

view: view_name {
  dimension: field_name {
    html: <img src="
          product_images/{{ value }}.jpg"/> ;;
Possible Field Types
Dimension, Dimension Group, Measure

An HTML expression, possibly using Liquid template elements, followed by two semicolons


The html parameter lets you specify the HTML that will be contained by a field.

You can also get access to the values that would typically be in the field by using Liquid variables. This lets you create a number of useful functions, including links to other related Looks, links to external websites, or images.

HTML formatting only renders in table, table (legacy), and single value chart visualizations and in visualization tooltips when multiple fields are combined. Any interactive content that is placed in a map chart's tooltip with the html parameter will not be accessible on dashboards that use the new dashboard experience, although it will be accessible on Looks, Explores, and legacy dashboards.

When downloading content, HTML formatting is not applied to text-based download formats, such as TXT, CSV, Excel, or JSON.

Using valid HTML

In order to prevent certain security exploits, Looker restricts which HTML tags and attributes may be used, as well as which CSS properties may be used. See our HTML sanitization documentation page for more details.

Liquid variables

The html parameter supports Liquid variables. See the Liquid variables documentation page for information about how to make full use of these variables.


Here are some examples for using the html field parameter.

HTML formatting only renders in table, and single value chart visualizations and in visualization tooltips when multiple fields are combined. Any interactive content that is placed in a map chart's tooltip with the html parameter will not be accessible on dashboards, although it will be accessible on Looks and Explores.

Additional examples of how to use HTML to customize the font and colors of field values in visualizations are available on the Conditional formatting customization page and Visualization tooltip customization page of the Getting the most out of visualizations in Looker cookbook.

Using Liquid variables in the html parameter

This example shows how most of the Liquid variables would appear in an html parameter. Consider a total_order_amount definition:

measure: total_order_amount {
  type: sum
  sql: ${order_amount} ;;
  value_format: "0.00"
      <li> value: {{ value }} </li>
      <li> rendered_value: {{ rendered_value }} </li>
      <li> linked_value: {{ linked_value }} </li>
      <li> link: {{ link }} </li>
      <li> model: {{ _model._name }} </li>
      <li> view: {{ _view._name }} </li>
      <li> explore: {{ _explore._name }} </li>
      <li> field: {{ _field._name }} </li>
      <li> dialect: {{ _dialect._name }} </li>
      <li> access filter: {{ _access_filters[''] }} </li>
      <li> user attribute: {{ _user_attributes['region'] }} </li>
      <li> query timezone: {{ _query._query_timezone }} </li>
      <li> filters: {{ _filters['order.total_order_amount'] }} </li>
    </ul> ;;

The cell value displayed for total_order_amount would look like this:

• value: 8521935 • rendered_value: 8,521,935.00 • linked_value: 8,521,935.00 • link: /explore/thelook/orders?fields=orders.order_amount&limit=500 • model: thelook • view: orders • explore: order_items • field: total_order_amount • dialect: mysql • access filter: • user attribute: northeast • query timezone: America/Los_Angeles • filters: NOT NULL

Conditionally format a measure

Conditionally format a count according to its values:

measure: formatted_count {
  type: count
    {% if value > 100 %}
      <span style="color:darkgreen;">{{ rendered_value }}</span>
    {% elsif value > 50 %}
      <span style="color:goldenrod;">{{ rendered_value }}</span>
    {% else %}
      <span style="color:darkred;">{{ rendered_value }}</span>
    {% endif %} ;;

Exploring data with the html parameter

HTML formatting only renders in table, table (legacy), and single value chart visualizations and in visualization tooltips when multiple fields are combined. Any interactive content that is placed in a map chart's tooltip with the html parameter will not be accessible on dashboards that use the new dashboard experience, although it will be accessible on Looks, Explores, and legacy dashboards.

Imagine you have a field in your data called status, which gives the status of each order. The possible values for status are:

  • Paid
  • Shipped
  • Returned

While exploring your data, you might want to have a separate background color for each status. This can be done using Liquid html in the html: parameter of a dimension. This would look something like:

dimension: status {
  sql: ${TABLE}.status ;;
  html: {% if value == 'Paid' %}
      <p style="color: black; background-color: lightblue; font-size:100%; text-align:center">{{ rendered_value }}</p>
    {% elsif value == 'Shipped' %}
      <p style="color: black; background-color: lightgreen; font-size:100%; text-align:center">{{ rendered_value }}</p>
    {% else %}
      <p style="color: black; background-color: orange; font-size:100%; text-align:center">{{ rendered_value }}</p>
    {% endif %}

In your table, the background color of each cell will vary depending on the value of the status field. The background color will be light blue when the value is Paid, light green when it is Shipped, and orange when the value is anything else. For example, if your table contains a value Returned, that cell will have an orange background.

You can use the same syntax to add icons or images based on cell values:

dimension: status {
    sql: ${TABLE}.status ;;
    html: {% if value == 'Shipped' or value == 'Complete' %}
         <p><img src="" alt="" height="20" width="20">{{ rendered_value }}</p>
      {% elsif value == 'Processing' %}
        <p><img src="" alt="" height="20" width="20">{{ rendered_value }}</p>
      {% else %}
        <p><img src="" alt="" height="20" width="20">{{ rendered_value }}</p>
      {% endif %}

In your table, this will look like:

Order Items Status Order Items Count
Cancelled icon.Cancelled 6,316
Complete icon.Complete 232,791
Processing icon.Processing 809
Cancelled icon.Returned 2,354
Complete icon.Shipped 1,474

Generating product images

Here is an example of how to add the picture of a product into Looker using an <img> tag, based on the product's ID:

dimension: product_image {
  sql: ${product_id} ;;
  html: <img src="{{ value }}.jpg" /> ;;

To maintain drill-down links when you're formatting output using the html parameter, you can include the HTML tag <a href="#drillmenu" target="_self">. For example:

measure: count {
  type: count
  drill_fields: [detail*]
    <a href="#drillmenu" target="_self">
      {% if value > 10000 %}
        <span style="color:#42a338;">{{ rendered_value }}</span>
      {% elsif value > 5000 %}
        <span style="color:#ffb92e;">{{ rendered_value }}</span>
      {% else %}
        <span style="color:#fa4444;">{{ rendered_value }}</span>
      {% endif %}