

view: view_name {
  dimension: field_name {
    full_suggestions: yes 
Possible Field Types
Dimension, Dimension Group, Filter, Parameter

A Boolean (yes or no)


When a user filters an Explore on a field type that supports suggestions, by default Looker will suggest possible values for the field (see the Changing filter suggestions documentation page for information about how you can affect filter suggestions). To provide suggestions for a filter field, Looker executes a query on your database to retrieve a list of distinct values for the field. Looker typically generates these suggestions by executing a query such as the following on the filter field:

SELECT DISTINCT field_name FROM table
WHERE (field_name LIKE '%' OR field_name LIKE '% %')

The full_suggestions parameter controls how Looker queries your database to provide suggestions for the field's values in the filter of an Explore:

  • full_suggestions: no: Looker will use its typical filter suggestion query, and will query only the view that contains the filter field.
  • full_suggestions: yes: Looker will add the Explore logic to its filter suggestion query, meaning that Looker will include any of the Explore's joins that are required to query the filter's field, and Looker will include the logic from the Explore's parameters, including the following parameters:

Default behavior

If the full_suggestions parameter is not specified for a field, Looker queries for suggestion values with the following behavior:

  • For Explores that use sql_always_where or access_filter, or always_join, Looker defaults to the full_suggestions: yes behavior. Because the access_filter, sql_always_where, and always_join parameters apply constraints to Explore queries, these same constraints are applied to the filter suggestion queries. See Considerations for Explores with sql_always_where or access_filter for additional information about how Looker provides suggestions for Explores with query constraints.
  • Otherwise, Looker defaults to the full_suggestions: no behavior, querying just the filter field's view, and without including any of the Explore's logic. The full_suggestions: no setting makes filter suggestions more performant, since Looker queries a single table without any joins, without using any of the logic defined in the Explore.


To prompt Looker to use the Explore's logic to query your database when providing filter suggestions for a dimension, add full_suggestions: yes to the dimension's definition:

dimension: project_name {
  type: string
  sql: ${TABLE}.project_name ;;
  full_suggestions: yes

Considerations for Explores with sql_always_where or access_filter

The sql_always_where and access_filter parameters are often used to control data access. Whenever sql_always_where or access_filter are used on an Explore, Looker applies those restrictions to the filter suggestions it makes for field types that support suggestions. To prevent users from seeing a filter suggestion that does not apply to them, Looker requires that the Explore logic (full_suggestions:yes) is applied to the filter value suggestions in the Explore. Therefore, if an Explore is defined with sql_always_where or access_filter, Looker won't provide any suggestions for a filter on a field defined with full_suggestions:no.

If you have an Explore with sql_always_where or access_filter, and you have a field that you know does not require the sql_always_where or access_filter logic, you can override the behavior by adding bypass_suggest_restrictions:yes to the field's definition. The bypass_suggest_restrictions:yes statement prompts Looker to provide the full list of filter value suggestions.