from (for joins)

This page refers to the from parameter that is part of a join.

from can also be used as part of an Explore, described on the from (for Explores) parameter documentation page.


explore: view_name {
  join: join_name {
    from: view_name_2
Default Value
A view whose name matches the join's name

The name of an existing view


from specifies the view to use in a join. If from is omitted, Looker will assume that the underlying view name is the same as the join name.

Typically from is used only if you want the join and its fields to have a different name than the underlying view. To make this clearer, consider an example where a dimension called order_value has been created in a view called underlying_view:

  • This field would typically appear as UNDERLYING VIEW Order Value in the Explore UI and would be referenced in LookML with ${underlying_view.order_value}.
  • If the LookML in the Usage section was applied to this example, the field would appear instead as NEW ALIAS NAME Order Value and be referenced as ${new_alias_name.order_value}.

This technique is particularly useful when the same view needs to be joined to an Explore in several different ways.


Join the view person to the Explore order, but call it customer instead:

explore: order {
  join: customer {
    from: person
    sql_on: ${order.customer_id} = ${} ;;

Join the view person to the Explore order two different times -- once as customer and once as representative:

explore: order {
  join: customer {
    from: person
    sql_on: ${order.customer_id} = ${} ;;
  join: representative {
    from: person
    sql_on: ${order.representative_id} = ${} ;;

Things to consider

from changes the way fields are referenced within an Explore

As noted previously, using from has an important impact on the way that fields are referenced. This can cause some challenges when a view is used in many different places. Consider this example:

explore: order {
  join: customer {
    from: person
    sql_on: ${order.customer_id} = ${} ;;

Here person is being joined to order, but it is being called customer. So, if you needed to reference a field from customer within order, you would use ${customer.field_name}. If, in a second Explore, you join person to order again — but don't rename it to customer — the ${customer.field_name} reference will not work in that second Explore. The general approach to this issue is to exclude the problematic field from the second Explore using fields. It would look something like this:

explore: the_second_explore {
  fields: [ALL_FIELDS*, -person.problem_field]
  join: person {
    sql_on: ${the_second_explore.some_field} = ${person.some_field} ;;

from is most often used to join the same table more than once to an Explore

In cases where a single table contains different types of entities, it is possible to join a view to an Explore more than once. Suppose you had an order Explore and needed to join a person view to it twice — once for the customer and once for the customer service representative. You might do something like this:

explore: order {
  join: customer {
    from: person
    sql_on: ${order.customer_id} = ${} ;;
  join: representative {
    from: person
    sql_on: ${order.representative_id} = ${} ;;

The SQL that Looker would generate from this LookML is:

SELECT    ...
FROM      order
LEFT JOIN person AS customer
ON = order.customer_id
LEFT JOIN person AS representative
ON = order.representative_id