本页面介绍如何解决与 Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) 集群中的 DNS 提供商相关的问题。
如果您需要其他帮助,请与 Cloud Customer Care 联系。Cloud DNS for GKE 事件
本部分详细介绍 GKE 中的常见 Cloud DNS 问题。
Cloud DNS 被停用
Cloud DNS API 被停用时会发生以下事件:
Warning FailedPrecondition service/default-http-backend
Failed to send requests to Cloud DNS: Cloud DNS API Disabled. Please enable the Cloud DNS API in your project PROJECT_NAME: Cloud DNS API has not been used in project PROJECT_NUMBER before or it is disabled. Enable it by visiting https://console.developers.google.com/apis/api/dns.googleapis.com/overview?project=PROJECT_NUMBER then retry. If you enabled this API recently, wait a few minutes for the action to propagate to our systems and retry.
发生此错误是因为 Cloud DNS API 默认未启用。您必须手动启用 Cloud DNS API。
如需解决此问题,请启用 Cloud DNS API。
未能向 Cloud DNS 发送请求:超出了 API 速率限制。
当项目超过 Cloud DNS 配额或限制时,会发生以下事件:
kube-system 27s Warning InsufficientQuota
managedzone/gke-cluster-quota-ee1bd2ca-dns Failed to send requests to Cloud DNS: API rate limit exceeded. Contact Google Cloud support team to request a quota increase for your project PROJECT_NAME: Quota exceeded for quota metric 'Write requests' and limit 'Write limit for a minute for a region' of service 'dns.googleapis.com' for consumer 'project_number:PROJECT_NUMBER.
如需解决此问题,请查看 Cloud DNS 配额以及 Compute Engine 配额和限制。您可以使用 Google Cloud 控制台来增加配额。
由于之前的错误,未能向 Cloud DNS 发送请求
kube-system 27s Warning InsufficientQuota
managedzone/gke-cluster-quota-ee1bd2ca-dns Failed to send requests to Cloud DNS: API rate limit exceeded. Contact Google Cloud support team to request a quota increase for your project PROJECT_NAME: Quota exceeded for quota metric 'Write requests' and limit 'Write limit for a minute for a region' of service 'dns.googleapis.com' for consumer 'project_number:PROJECT_NUMBER.
kube-system 27s Warning FailedPrecondition service/default-http-backend Failed to send requests to Cloud DNS due to a previous error. Please check the cluster events.
在前面的示例中,托管式可用区的 InsufficientQuota
的第二个错误表示发生了之前的错误,也就是初始配额不足问题。要解决此示例问题,您需要按照 Cloud DNS 配额错误排查指南操作。
当响应政策绑定到集群网络且 Cloud DNS for GKE 尝试将响应政策绑定到网络时,会发生以下事件:
kube-system 9s Warning FailedPrecondition responsepolicy/gke-2949673445-rp
Failed to bind response policy gke-2949673445-rp to test. Please verify that another Response Policy is not already associated with the network: Network 'https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/PROJECT_NAME/global/networks/NETWORK_NAME' cannot be bound to this response policy because it is already bound to another response policy.
kube-system 9s Warning FailedPrecondition service/kube-dns
Failed to send requests to Cloud DNS due to a previous error. Please check the cluster events.
gcloud dns response-policies list --filter='networks.networkUrl:
如果输出类似于以下内容,请跳到第 4 步以删除响应政策。
[ { "description": "Response Policy for GKE cluster \"CLUSTER_NAME\" with cluster suffix \"cluster.local.\" in project \"PROJECT_ID\" with scope \"CLUSTER_SCOPE\".", ... "kind": "dns#responsePolicy", "responsePolicyName": "gke-CLUSTER_NAME-POLICY_ID-rp" } ]
使用 IAM Policy Analyzer 获取具有
gcloud dns response-policies list --filter='networks.networkUrl:
kube-dns 中指定的配置无效
当您应用对 Cloud DNS for GKE 无效的自定义 kube-dns ConfigMap 时,会发生以下事件:
kube-system 49s Warning FailedValidation configmap/kube-dns
Invalid configuration specified in kube-dns: error parsing stubDomains for ConfigMap kube-dns: dnsServer [] validation: IP address "" invalid
如需解决此问题,请查看错误中 ConfigMap 无效部分的详细信息。在前面的示例中,
不是有效的 IP 地址。
如需了解诊断 Kubernetes DNS 问题的一般信息,请参阅调试 DNS 解析。
为了帮助诊断 Cloud DNS 问题,您可以启用 Cloud DNS 日志记录,并查看 Cloud DNS 问题排查文档。
- 如果您需要其他帮助,请与 Cloud Customer Care 联系。