Replacing usage of Actions

The Actions feature for Google Cloud Deployment Manager is an alpha feature that extends the range of API methods that Deployment Manager can call. The following is an example of what an Action looks like in a configuration:

name: action-name
action: gcp-types/service:service.collection/functionName
  prop1: val1
  prop2: val2

Because this feature is unsupported, we recommend that you don't use it in your configurations. We also recommend that you migrate your existing usage of Actions to the following supported alternatives.


The following table lists the recommended steps for replacing Actions, based on the type of Actions you are using:

Action type Migration recommendation
gcp-types/storage-v1:storage.buckets.setIamPolicy Replace the Action storage.buckets.setIamPolicy with the supported virtual resource virtual.buckets.iamMemberBinding.
Other Identity and Access Management (IAM) policy Actions Use an accessControl policy.
gcp-types/sqladmin-v1beta4:sql.instances.*, or other sqladmin resources Use the gcp-types/sqlmin-v1beta4:instances resource type.
gcp-types/ Use the deploymentmanager.v2.virtual.enableService resource type.
gcp-types/pubsub-v1:pubsub.projects.topics.* For Pub/Sub topics, use the corresponding gcp-types/pubsub-v1:projects.topics type. For subscriptions, use gcp-types/pubsub-v1:projects.subscriptions.
gcp-types/compute-v1:compute.networks.* To replace compute.* Actions, use gcp-types/compute-v1:networks and its related types and collections.
All other Actions Check if there is a corresponding supported resource type or Google Cloud type provider, and use that instead if there is. Otherwise, you can replace your Actions by creating custom type providers with custom backends.

To request new virtual resources, you can open an issue in the public issue tracker, or add a comment to an existing issue.