Manage Google Cloud resources as a deployment

You can use Google Cloud Deployment Manager to create a set of Google Cloud resources and manage them as a unit, called a deployment. For example, if your team's development environment needs two virtual machines (VMs) and a BigQuery database, you can define these resources in a configuration file, and use Deployment Manager to create, change, or delete these resources. You can make the configuration file part of your team's code repository, so that anyone can create the same environment with consistent results.

In this tutorial, you'll use Google Cloud Deployment Manager to create a virtual machine (VM) instance. You'll define the VM in a basic configuration file, and use that configuration file to create a deployment.

To complete this tutorial, you must be comfortable running commands in a Linux, macOS, or Windows terminal.

For an interactive version of this tutorial, open it in Cloud Shell, where you can edit the sample configuration and deploy your resources without installing anything on your workstation. If you want to follow the tutorial on your own computer, skip to the next section.

Quickstart in Cloud Shell

Before you begin

  1. Sign in to your Google Cloud account. If you're new to Google Cloud, create an account to evaluate how our products perform in real-world scenarios. New customers also get $300 in free credits to run, test, and deploy workloads.
  2. In the Google Cloud console, on the project selector page, select or create a Google Cloud project.

    Go to project selector

  3. Make sure that billing is enabled for your Google Cloud project.

  4. Enable the Deployment Manager and Compute Engine APIs.

    Enable the APIs

  5. On your workstation, install the Google Cloud CLI.
  6. Configure the Google Cloud CLI to use your project. In the following command, replace [MY_PROJECT] with your project ID:
    gcloud config set project [MY_PROJECT]

Define your resources

You describe your resources in a configuration file, which is written in the YAML syntax.

  1. Copy the sample configuration below, and paste it into a text editor.

    # Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
    # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    # You may obtain a copy of the License at
    # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    # limitations under the License.
    # Put all your resources under `resources:`. For each resource, you need:
    # - The type of resource. In this example, the type is a Compute VM instance.
    # - An internal name for the resource.
    # - The properties for the resource. In this example, for VM instances, you add
    #   the machine type, a boot disk, network information, and so on.
    # For a list of supported resources,
    # see
    - type: compute.v1.instance
      name: quickstart-deployment-vm
        # The properties of the resource depend on the type of resource. For a list
        # of properties, see the API reference for the resource.
        zone: us-central1-f
        # Replace [MY_PROJECT] with your project ID
        - deviceName: boot
          type: PERSISTENT
          boot: true
          autoDelete: true
            # See a full list of image families at
            # The format of the sourceImage URL is:[IMAGE_PROJECT]/global/images/family/[FAMILY_NAME]
        # Replace [MY_PROJECT] with your project ID
        - network:[MY_PROJECT]/global/networks/default
          # Access Config required to give the instance a public IP address
          - name: External NAT
            type: ONE_TO_ONE_NAT

    This basic configuration file describes a deployment that contains one virtual machine instance with the following properties:

    • Machine type: f1-micro
    • Image family: debian-9
    • Zone: us-central1-f
    • Root persistent disk: boot
    • A randomly assigned external IP address
  2. Replace all instances of [MY_PROJECT] with your project ID.

  3. Save the file as vm.yaml.

Deploy the resources

To deploy your resources, use the Google Cloud CLI to create a new deployment, using your configuration file:

gcloud deployment-manager deployments create quickstart-deployment --config vm.yaml

If the deployment is successful, you receive a message similar to the following example:

Create operation operation-1432319707382-516afeb5d00f1-b864f0e7-b7103978 completed successfully.
NAME                    TYPE                STATE      ERRORS
quickstart-deployment   compute.v1.instance COMPLETED  -

You now have your first deployment!

Check on your new deployment

To check the status of the deployment, run the following command:

gcloud deployment-manager deployments describe quickstart-deployment

You see a description of the deployment, including its start and end time, the resources created, and any warnings or errors:

fingerprint: xmVVeTtPq-5rr8F-vWFlrg==
id: '54660732508021769'
insertTime: '2016-03-09T04:45:26.032-08:00'
name: quickstart-deployment
  endTime: '2016-03-09T04:46:19.480-08:00'
  id: '8993923014899639305'
  kind: deploymentmanager#operation
  name: operation-1457527525951-52d9d126f4618-f1ca6e72-3404bd3b
  operationType: insert
  progress: 100
  startTime: '2016-03-09T04:45:27.275-08:00'
  status: DONE
NAME                     TYPE                 STATE      ERRORS
quickstart-deployment-vm  compute.v1.instance  COMPLETED  -

Review your resources

After you have created the deployment, you can review your resources in Google Cloud console.

  1. To see a list of your deployments, open the Deployment Manager page.

    Go to Deployment Manager

  2. To see the resources in the deployment, click quickstart-deployment. The deployment overview opens, with information about the deployment, and the resources that are part of the deployment.

  3. To see information about your VM, click quickstart-deployment-vm.

Clean up

To avoid incurring charges to your Google Cloud account for the resources used on this page, follow these steps.

gcloud deployment-manager deployments delete quickstart-deployment

Type y at the prompt:

The following deployments will be deleted:
- quickstart-deployment

Do you want to continue (y/N)?

The deployment and the resources you created are permanently deleted.

What's next