Convert your Deployment Manager configurations with DM Convert

This page describes the process of using DM Convert to convert your Deployment Manager configurations to Kubernetes Resource Model (KRM) or Terraform.

Set up your environment

Set up your environment variables

Save the following environment variables, which the rest of this guide uses:

export PROJECT_ID=$(gcloud config get-value project) \

Set up your tools

You must have access to the following tools:

  • gcloud

  • docker

  • kubectl

  • bq

  • jq

If you use Cloud Shell to run DM Convert, you already have access to them.

Open in Cloud Shell

Convert your configurations

At a high level, you migrate your Deployment Manager configuration to Terraform or KRM by:

  1. Preparing a Deployment Manager deployment for conversion.

  2. Converting the configuration to either the HCL (HashiCorp configuration language, for Terraform) or the KRM (Kubernetes Resource Model) format.

  3. Using Terraform or Config Connector to apply the converted configuration.

  4. Abandoning the existing Deployment Manager deployment.

Prepare your existing deployment

DM Convert operates on Deployment Manager configuration files and templates. Throughout the guide, these files will be created and saved locally as input for the DM Convert tool.

You can create a configuration file yourself or acquire a configuration from a live deployment.

Convert a configuration file

You can use the following sample configuration to try out the converter. Replace PROJECT_ID with your Google Cloud project ID, and save the below contents to a file called deployment.yaml:

  - name: bigquerydataset
    type: bigquery.v2.dataset
        datasetId: bigquerydataset
        projectId: PROJECT_ID
      defaultTableExpirationMs: 36000000
      location: us-west1
  - type: bigquery.v2.table
    name: bigquerytable
      datasetId: bigquerydataset
        data-source: external
        schema-type: auto-junk
        projectId: PROJECT_ID
        tableId: bigquerytable
      - bigquerydataset
  • Acquire a configuration from a live deployment

    If you want to acquire and convert the configuration of a live deployment, you can retrieve the expanded configuration and save it to disk by running the following commands, replacing DEPLOYMENT_NAME with the name of the deployment.

    # Configure your project/deployment
    # Fetch the latest manifest for the given deployment
    gcloud deployment-manager deployments describe $DEPLOYMENT_NAME \
      --project $PROJECT_ID --format="value(deployment.manifest)"$PROJECT_ID/global/deployments/bq/manifests/manifest-1618872644848
    # The manifest name is the last path segment from the URI
    # in the above command output
    # Save the expanded manifest to deployment.yaml
    gcloud deployment-manager manifests describe $MANIFEST_NAME \
      --deployment $DEPLOYMENT_NAME --project $PROJECT_ID \
      --format="value(expandedConfig)" > deployment.yaml

Convert your deployment

To convert resources in deployment.yaml to HCL or KRM format and save them as converted outputs, run the following command in the same directory as deployment.yaml with the desired substitutions:


docker run --rm -it --workdir=/convert \
--volume=$(pwd):/convert \
--config deployment.yaml \
--output_format OUTPUT_FORMAT \
--output_file OUTPUT_FILE \
--output_tf_import_file OUTPUT_IMPORT_FILE \
--deployment_name DEPLOYMENT_NAME \
--project_id $PROJECT_ID

Make the following substitutions:

  • OUTPUT_FORMAT: The output format for the conversion. This can be either TF for Terraform or KRM for KRM.

  • OUTPUT_FILE: The name of the file to which the converted output is saved.

  • (Terraform Only) OUTPUT_IMPORT_FILE: The name of the file to which the Terraform import commands are saved. If a project_id flag is specified, the import commands are generated based on that flag. If a project_id flag isn't specified, the import commands are generated based on the projectId attribute from the resource configuration.

  • DEPLOYMENT_NAME: The name of the deployment. This is relevant if you're using templates in your Deployment Manager configuration, and are also using the deployment environment variable. For more information, visit Using an environment variable.

View the conversions

# Print output file

Apply your converted configuration

Set up Terraform

# Configure default project
cat <<EOF > echo >
provider "google" {
  project = "$PROJECT_ID"

After you've converted your Deployment Manager resources to Terraform, you can use Terraform to create resources by directly deploying the converted configuration.

Deploy your converted configuration using Terraform

# NOTE: if Terraform state gets corrupted during testing,
# use init --reconfigure to reset backend
terraform init
echo "***************  TERRAFORM PLAN  ******************"
terraform plan
echo "**************  TERRAFORM APPLY  ******************"
terraform apply

(Optional) Import existing resources

If you're converting an existing deployment and you want to use Terraform to manage its resources without redeploying, you can do so by using Terraform Import feature.

For this section, you will use deployment.yaml for the import process.

Initialize Terraform:

# NOTE: if Terraform state gets corrupted during testing,
# use init --reconfigure to reset backend
terraform init

The import commands are generated and saved to OUTPUT_IMPORT_FILE. To review its contents, run the following command:


To import the resources for deployment.yaml, run the following command:

# Make the import file executable
# Perform the import

After you've imported the resources into your Terraform state, you can verify if there are any changes between the state and the generated Terraform configuration by running the Terraform plan command:

terraform plan

This produces the following output:

Terraform will perform the following actions:

# google_bigquery_dataset.bigquerydataset will be updated in-place
~ resource "google_bigquery_dataset" "bigquerydataset" {
    ~ labels = {
        # the label value will be based on the deployment name and may not
        # match
        - "goog-dm" = "bq-for-import" -> null

# google_bigquery_table.bigquerytable will be updated in-place
~ resource "google_bigquery_table" "bigquerytable" {
    ~ labels = {
        # the label value will be based on the deployment name and may not
        # match
        - "goog-dm" = "bq-for-import" -> null

Plan: 0 to add, 2 to change, 0 to destroy.

Accept this change in the Terraform plan since it is removing Deployment Manager specific labels i.e. goog-dm which are not required once resources are being managed by Terraform.

To apply the Terraform configuration, run the following command:

# Accept changes by entering yes when prompted
terraform apply

Now all resources defined in deployment.yaml are under Terraform management.

For instance, if you'd like to verify that Terraform is in fact managing the converted resources, you can do so by making a slight change to the Terraform configuration by modifying the default table expiration time in the google_bigquery_dataset.bigquerydataset resource:

# change from 10 hrs to 12 hrs
default_table_expiration_ms = 43200000

After you make your changes, you can apply the Terraform configuration, and use the bq command-line interface (CLI) to verify the changes:

# Accept changes by entering yes when prompted
terraform apply
# Access the dataset properties via bq to verify the changes
bq show --format=prettyjson bigquerydataset | jq '.defaultTableExpirationMs'

The output you receive should match the values provided in the updated Terraform configuration, confirming that Terraform is now managing these resources.

Set up Config Connector

To actuate the resources in the KRM configuration files, you need a Kubernetes cluster with Config Connector installed. To create a test cluster, refer to Installing with the GKE add-on.

In Cloud Shell, ensure that your kubectl credentials are configured for the GKE cluster that you want to use. Replace GKE_CLUSTER with the name of the cluster, and run the following command:

gcloud container clusters get-credentials GKE_CLUSTER

Deploy your converted KRM configuration by using kubectl

To deploy your converted KRM configuration using kubectl, run the following commands:

# Ensure that the namespace is annotated to create resources in the correct
# project/folder/organization.

# Wait for the resources to become healthy
  --for=condition=Ready \
  --timeout=5m -f OUTPUT_FILE

Clean up

Clean up the sample dataset and table

# NOTE: if Terraform state gets corrupted during testing,
# use init --reconfigure to reset backend
echo "***************  TERRAFORM INIT  ******************"
terraform init
# Remove delete protection on BigQuery table
sed -i "/resource \"google_bigquery_table\"/a deletion_protection=\"false\"" \
terraform apply
echo "***************  TERRAFORM DESTROY ****************"
terraform destroy

To clean up the BigQuery dataset and table from the sample configuration, run:

# If the resource was created via Config Connector:

Abandon the sample Deployment Manager deployment

To abandon a live deployment that you successfully converted to KRM or Terraform, run:

gcloud deployment-manager deployments delete DEPLOYMENT_NAME --delete-policy ABANDON

Supported resources for conversion

To list supported resources for Terraform, run the following command:

docker run --rm -it \ \
--output_format tf \

To list supported resources for KRM, run the following command:

docker run --rm -it \ \
--output_format krm \

Next steps

Review best practices and recommendations for the converted configuration.