Replacing the setIamPolicy Action with a supported resource type

The Actions feature is an alpha feature that expands the range of API methods that Deployment Manager can call. Because this feature is unsupported, we recommend that you migrate your existing usage of Actions to supported alternatives. The commonly-used Action storage.buckets.setIamPolicy corresponds to an existing Deployment Manager resource type, virtual.buckets.iamMemberBinding, which you can use to replace it.

Migrating your deployment from storage.buckets.setIamPolicy to virtual.buckets.iamMemberBinding

The virtual.buckets.iamMemberBinding resource is a virtual resource that represents an Identity and Access Management (IAM) policy binding. Its full type is gcp-types/storage-v1:virtual.buckets.iamMemberBinding.

virtual.buckets.iamMemberBinding has a custom implementation of the create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) operations from the Deployment Manager backend. It calls a similar method to the method called by the Action storage.buckets.setIamPolicy, but it is modeled as a normal resource instead of an Action, and it follows the same lifecycle as a normal resource type.

To migrate your deployment, replace your usage of the Action storage.buckets.setIamPolicy with the resource virtual.buckets.iamMemberBinding in all of your deployment configuration files. If you have multiple bindings, you might need multiple resources to implement the same logic across them. The virtual type doesn't replace any existing bindings on a resource, but patches the new ones in.

Usage examples for migrating manually

To complete the migration manually, refer to the following usage examples. In certain cases, such as the application of multiple IAM bindings, you might need to add metadata.dependsOn or references to other resources to the iamMemberBinding resource to avoid situations such as race conditions.

The following is an example of how the setIamPolicy Action is used in a YAML configuration file. This approach is unsupported, and should be replaced with usage of the iamMemberBinding virtual resource:

- name: patch-iam-policy
  action: gcp-types/storage-v1:storage.buckets.setIamPolicy
    policy: # existing policy, e.g. from a getIamPolicyAction

The following sample shows the recommended usage of the iamMemberBinding virtual resource in a YAML and Jinja template:

{% set BUCKETNAME = "bucket-" + env["deployment"] %}

- type: gcp-types/storage-v1:buckets
  name: {{ BUCKETNAME }}
  location: US
    storageClass: STANDARD
- type: gcp-types/storage-v1:virtual.buckets.iamMemberBinding
  name: test-bucket-iam
    bucket: $(ref.{{ BUCKETNAME }}.name)
    member: projectEditor:{{ env["project"] }}
    role: roles/storage.admin

The following is an example of how the setIamPolicy Action is used in a Python template. This approach is unsupported, and should be replaced with usage of the iamMemberBinding virtual resource:

        'name': 'add-iam-policy',
        'action': 'gcp-types/storage-v1:storage.buckets.setIamPolicy',
        'properties': {
            'bucket': gcs_bucket,
            'userProject': project,
            'policy': '$(ref.get-iam-policy)',
            'gcpIamPolicyPatch': {
                'add': [{
                    'members': [
                        'serviceAccount:$(ref.%s.serviceAccount)' % tpu_name

The following sample shows the recommended usage of the iamMemberBinding virtual resource in a Python template:

iam_policy_resource = {
    'name': policy_name,
    'type': 'gcp-types/storage-v1:virtual.buckets.iamMemberBinding',
           'bucket': '$(ref.{}.name)'.format(context.env['name']),
           'role': role['role'],
           'member': member,

You can find additional samples related to the template in the cloud-foundation-toolkit repository on GitHub. For a detailed demonstration of the process of converting the template from using the Action setIamPolicy to using the virtual resource iamMemberBinding, refer to the example conversion. You can also find usage examples of the converted template.