Describing, listing, and deleting types

This page describes how to describe, list, and delete types from your project.

Before you begin

Describing Type Providers

A type provider is an API that has been integrated with Deployment Manager as a type. You can describe a single type provider, get a list of all type providers, or get a list of all types provided by a type provider.

Describing a single type provider

You can describe a type provider to get information such as the descriptor document URL and advanced API options that have been set for this API.

See the list of default Google Cloud type providers.

Run the type-providers describe command to describe a type provider.

gcloud beta deployment-manager type-providers describe PROVIDER_NAME --project PROJECT_ID

For example, use this command to describe the Pub/Sub type provider:

gcloud beta deployment-manager type-providers describe pubsub-v1 --project gcp-types

Make a GET request to the following URI:[PROJECT_ID]/global/typeProviders/[PROVIDER_NAME]

For example, use this URI for the Pub/Sub type provider:

Getting a list of types provided by a type provider

A type provider exposes all resources of the underlying API as base types. You can get a list of base types provided by a type provider.

To get a list of base types provided by a type provider:

gcloud beta deployment-manager types list --provider [TYPE_PROVIDER] --project [PROJECT_ID]

For example, to get a list of base types in the Compute Engine type provider, run this command:

gcloud beta deployment-manager types list --provider compute-v1 --project gcp-types

Make a GET request to the following URI:


For example, for a list of types in the Compute Engine type provider, use this URI:


Listing type providers

You can get a list of your type providers using the gcloud CLI, or the API.

To list your type providers, make a type-providers list request:

gcloud beta deployment-manager type-providers list

In the API, make a GET request to the global type providers list:


For more information, see the documentation for the list method.

Describing composite types

A composite type is a set of templates that have been permanently added to Deployment Manager as a type. You can describe a single composite type or get a list of composite types available to the project.

Describing a single composite type

You can describe a single composite type to get information about the type.

Run the types describe command to describe a type:

gcloud beta deployment-manager types describe [COMPOSITE_TYPE_NAME] --provider composite

Make a GET request to the following URI:[PROJECT_ID]/global/compositeTypes/[COMPOSITE_TYPE_NAME]

Listing composite types

You can get a list of your composite types using the gcloud CLI, or the API.

To list your composite types, make a types list request:

gcloud beta deployment-manager types list --provider composite

In the API, make a GET request to the global types list:


For more information, see the documentation for the list method.

Deleting a type provider

To delete a type provider, make a type-providers delete request. For example:

gcloud beta deployment-manager type-providers delete [TYPE_PROVIDER]

In the API, make a DELETE request to the type provider you want to delete:


For more information, see the documentation for the delete method.

Deleting a composite type

To delete a composite type, make a types delete request. For example:

gcloud beta deployment-manager types delete [COMPOSITE_TYPE]

In the API, make a DELETE request to the type you want to delete:


For more information, see the documentation for the delete method.

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