See the supported connectors for Application Integration.

Send Email task

The Send Email task lets you send custom email notifications from your integration. You can email one or more recipients with a custom subject and a custom message.

Configure the Send Email task

To configure the Send Email task:

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Application Integration page.

    Go to Application Integration

  2. In the navigation menu, click Integrations.

    The Integrations page appears listing all the integrations available in the Google Cloud project.

  3. Select an existing integration or click Create integration to create a new one.

    If you are creating a new integration:

    1. Enter a name and description in the Create Integration pane.
    2. Select a region for the integration.
    3. Select a service account for the integration. You can change or update the service account details of an integration any time from the Integration summary pane in the integration toolbar.
    4. Click Create.

    This opens the integration in the integration editor.

  4. In the integration editor navigation bar, click Tasks to view the list of available tasks and connectors.
  5. Click and place the Send Email task element in the integration editor.
  6. Click the Send Email task element on the designer to open the Send Email task configuration pane.
  7. Configure the displayed fields using the Configuration properties for the task as detailed in the tables below.

    All changes to the properties are saved automatically.

Configuration properties

The following table describes the configuration properties of the Send Email task.

Property Data type Description
Recipients String Email address of the recipient(s). You can specify multiple email addresses separated by a comma. For example,,

Alternatively, you can also create a variable of type String Array and add comma separated emails in the value.

Subject String Email subject line.
Body String Email body in plaintext.

You can set the properties to any of the following values:

  • A literal
  • An integration variable
  • A combination of a literal and an integration variable

For the Subject and Body fields, you can enter combinations of literals and integration variables for the string values. Use dollar sign notation for variable names, that is, precede and follow the variable name with a $ sign. For example, if you want to use a variable $varSubject$ in the email Subject, you will enter text similar to Test $varSubject$ where Test is a literal and $varSubject$ is the variable.

Error handling strategy

An error handling strategy for a task specifies the action to take if the task fails due to a temporary error. For information about how to use an error handling strategy, and to know about the different types of error handling strategies, see Error handling strategies.

Quotas and limits

For information about quotas and limits, see Quotas and limits.

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