This page describes how to monitor utilization of the columnar engine.
Verify usage of the columnar engine using EXPLAIN
You can verify the usage of the columnar engine by using the EXPLAIN
statement to
observe the new columnar operators that appear in a query's generated query
psql Client
EXPLAIN (ANALYZE,COSTS OFF,BUFFERS,TIMING OFF,SUMMARY OFF) SELECT l_returnflag, l_linestatus, l_quantity, l_extendedprice, l_discount, l_tax FROM lineitem WHERE l_shipdate <= date '1992-08-06' ; QUERY PLAN ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Append (actual rows=3941797 loops=1) Buffers: shared hit=9 -> Custom Scan (columnar scan) on lineitem (actual rows=3941797 loops=1) Filter: (l_shipdate <= '1992-08-06'::date) Rows Removed by Columnar Filter: 56054083 Columnar cache search mode: columnar filter only Buffers: shared hit=9 -> Seq Scan on lineitem (never executed) Filter: (l_shipdate <= '1992-08-06'::date)
Custom Scan (columnar scan)
indicates that columnar-engine scanning is being included in the query plan.Rows Removed by Columnar Filter
lists the number of rows filtered out by the columnar vectorized execution.Columnar cache search mode
can becolumnar filter only
, orrow store scan
. The planner chooses the search mode automatically based on costing and pushdown evaluation capability.
When the planner chooses the native
mode, it pushes down some of the
columnar operators to the scan:
Rows Aggregated by Columnar Scan
lists the number of rows that are aggregated.Rows Sorted by Columnar Scan
lists the number of rows that are sorted.Rows Limited by Columnar Scan
lists the limited number of rows that were scanned.
With joins, columnar scan operators can also use the Late Materialization
psql Client
EXPLAIN (ANALYZE,COSTS OFF,BUFFERS,TIMING OFF,SUMMARY OFF) SELECT l_shipmode, o_orderpriority FROM orders, lineitem WHERE o_orderkey = l_orderkey AND l_shipmode in ('AIR', 'FOB') AND l_receiptdate >= date '1995-01-01' ; QUERY PLAN ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hash Join (actual rows=9865288 loops=1) Hash Cond: (lineitem.l_orderkey = orders.o_orderkey) Buffers: temp read=127738 written=127738 -> Append (actual rows=9865288 loops=1) -> Custom Scan (columnar scan) on lineitem (actual rows=9865288 loops=1) Filter: ((l_shipmode = ANY ('{AIR,FOB}'::bpchar[])) AND (l_receiptdate >= '1995-01-01'::date)) Rows Removed by Columnar Filter: 50130592 Columnar cache search mode: native -> Index Scan using idx_lineitem_orderkey_fkidx on lineitem (never executed) Filter: ((l_shipmode = ANY ('{AIR,FOB}'::bpchar[])) AND (l_receiptdate >= '1995-01-01'::date)) -> Hash (actual rows=15000000 loops=1) Buckets: 1048576 Batches: 32 Memory Usage: 37006kB Buffers: temp written=83357 -> Append (actual rows=15000000 loops=1) -> Custom Scan (columnar scan) on orders (actual rows=15000000 loops=1) Rows Removed by Columnar Filter: 0 Columnar projection mode: late materialization Columnar cache search mode: native -> Seq Scan on orders (never executed)
Columnar projection mode
can be late materialization
Columnar operators choose this mode automatically when the planner optimizes
the projection by deferring the materialization of some column values.
View columnar engine vectorized join usage
You can verify the new vectorized join operator by using EXPLAIN
statement to
observe the new Vectorized Hash Join
operator that appears in a query's
generated query plan.
EXPLAIN (ANALYZE,COSTS OFF,BUFFERS,TIMING OFF,SUMMARY OFF) SELECT l_quantity, l_extendedprice, l_discount, l_tax FROM lineitem, orders WHERE l_shipdate <= date '2022-08-06' AND l_orderkey = o_orderkey AND o_orderdate <= date '2025-03-07'; QUERY PLAN --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vectorized Hash Join (actual rows=3934686 loops=1) Vectorized partitioning, Partitions: 16 (Disk usage: 208MB) (Peak Memory Usage: 27MB, Threads: 1) Hash Cond: (lineitem.l_orderkey = orders.o_orderkey) Rows Removed by Bloom Filter: 0 Buffers: temp read=26728 written=26728 -> Append (actual rows=3934686 loops=1) -> Custom Scan (columnar scan) on lineitem (actual rows=3934686 loops=1) Filter: (l_shipdate <= '2022-08-06'::date) Rows Removed by Columnar Filter: 56051366 Columnar cache search mode: native -> Seq Scan on lineitem (never executed) Filter: (l_shipdate <= '2022-08-06'::date) -> Vectorized Hash (actual rows=7245824 loops=1) Build bloom filter, Memory Usage: 1024kB -> Append (actual rows=7245824 loops=1) -> Custom Scan (columnar scan) on orders (actual rows=7245824 loops=1) Filter: (o_orderdate <= '2025-03-07'::date) Rows Removed by Columnar Filter: 7754176 Columnar cache search mode: native -> Seq Scan on orders (never executed) Filter: (o_orderdate <= '2025-03-07'::date)
Vectorized Hash Join
indicates that the join between the two relations used the vectorized hash join.Vectorized partitioning, Partitions:
lists the number of partitions the data was split into.
option for EXPLAIN
command supports the COLUMNAR_ENGINE
option. When specified, the command prints out Columnar Check
messages in the EXPLAIN plan to show what might have led the planner or executor to make certain columnar engine related choices for the plan. The command also prints out additional details that are specific to the columnar engine. The message is associated with the non-columnar scan node. It typically indicates the first cause that prevents a columnar scan from being chosen for a scan. Some example causes are the table is too small
, a needed column of the table is not in the CE store
, or a needed column has a CE unsupported data type
The following example output of the command prints out a Columnar Check
psql Client
EXPLAIN (COLUMNAR_ENGINE, COSTS OFF) SELECT * FROM sample_small_table WHERE col1 > 10000; QUERY PLAN -------------------------------------- Seq Scan on sample_small_table Filter: (col1 > 10000) Columnar Check: table is too small
Based on the message, the user can do one of the following:
- Address the specific cause and then rerun the command to confirm the columnar plan.
- Iterate over the same process. There can be more than one cause, and the clause only tries to list the first one.
The following example shows additional details being printed that are specific to the columnar engine:
psql Client
EXPLAIN (ANALYZE, COLUMNAR_ENGINE, COSTS OFF, TIMING OFF, SUMMARY OFF, VERBOSE) SELECT SUM(c1) FROM counter_table WHERE c2 > 0 and c2 < 80000; QUERY PLAN --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aggregate (actual rows=1 loops=1) Output: sum(c1) -> Append (actual rows=79999 loops=1) -> Custom Scan (columnar scan) on public.counter_table (actual rows=79999 loops=1) Output: c1 Filter: ((counter_table.c2 > 0) AND (counter_table.c2 < 80000)) Rows Removed by Columnar Filter: 1 Rows Aggregated by Columnar Scan: 79999 Bytes fetched from storage cache: 1392655 Columnar cache search mode: native -> Seq Scan on public.counter_table (never executed) Output: c1 Filter: ((counter_table.c2 > 0) AND (counter_table.c2 < 80000)) (13 rows)
View information about tables with columns in the column store
You can view information about the tables or the materialized views with columns
in the column store by querying the g_columnar_relations
psql Client
SELECT * FROM g_columnar_relations; ┌─[ RECORD 1 ]────────┬───────────────────┐ │ relation_name │ tbl_parallel_test │ │ schema_name │ public │ │ database_name │ advisor │ │ status │ Usable │ │ size │ 581431259 │ │ columnar_unit_count │ 3 │ │ invalid_block_count │ 0 │ │ total_block_count │ 8337 │ ├─[ RECORD 2 ]────────┼───────────────────┤ │ relation_name │ lineitem │ │ schema_name │ public │ │ database_name │ advisor │ │ status │ Usable │ │ size │ 423224944 │ │ columnar_unit_count │ 29 │ │ invalid_block_count │ 0 │ │ total_block_count │ 115662 │ ├─[ RECORD 3 ]────────┼───────────────────┤
View information about the columns in the column store
You can view information about the columns in the column store by querying
the g_columnar_columns
view, including those columns' size and the
last access time.
psql Client
SELECT database_name, schema_name, relation_name, column_name, size_in_bytes, last_accessed_time FROM g_columnar_columns;
View columnar engine execution statistics for recent queries
You can view columnar engine execution statistics for recent queries using the
view. This view adds columnar engine statistics to
the pg_stat_statements
view provided by the pg_stat_statements
extension. To
use this view, you must first enable the pg_stat_statements
psql Client
- Enable the
extension:CREATE EXTENSION pg_stat_statements;
- Make the queries whose statistics you want to view.
You can do this manually, or you can let enough time pass so
that your applications make these queries with
enabled. - Query the
views. Note the following query retrieves all the columnar execution statistics including those that were collected before the extensionpg_stat_statements
was created. The null value ofuserid
indicates that the statistics were collected before the extensionpg_stat_statements
was created.SELECT * FROM pg_stat_statements(TRUE) AS pg_stats FULL JOIN g_columnar_stat_statements AS g_stats ON pg_stats.userid = g_stats.user_id AND pg_stats.dbid = g_stats.db_id AND pg_stats.queryid = g_stats.query_id WHERE columnar_unit_read > 0; ┌─[ RECORD 1 ]────────┬─────────────────────────────── │ userid │ 10 │ │ dbid │ 33004 │ │ queryid │ 6779068104316758833 │ │ query │ SELECT l_returnflag, ↵│ │ │ l_linestatus, ↵│ │ │ l_quantity, ↵│ │ │ l_extendedprice, ↵│ │ │ l_discount, ↵│ │ │ l_tax ↵│ │ │FROM lineitem ↵│ │ │WHERE l_shipdate <= date $1│ │ calls │ 1 │ │ total_time │ 299.969983 │ │ min_time │ 299.969983 │ │ max_time │ 299.969983 │ │ mean_time │ 299.969983 │ │ stddev_time │ 0 │ │ rows │ 392164 │ │ shared_blks_hit │ 0 │ │ shared_blks_read │ 0 │ │ shared_blks_dirtied │ 0 │ │ shared_blks_written │ 0 │ │ local_blks_hit │ 0 │ │ local_blks_read │ 0 │ │ local_blks_dirtied │ 0 │ │ local_blks_written │ 0 │ │ temp_blks_read │ 0 │ │ temp_blks_written │ 0 │ │ blk_read_time │ 0 │ │ blk_write_time │ 0 │ │ user_id │ 10 │ │ db_id │ 33004 │ │ query_id │ 6779068104316758833 │ │ columnar_unit_read │ 29 │ │ page_read │ 115662 │ │ rows_filtered │ 0 │ │ columnar_scan_time │ 0 │ └─────────────────────┴───────────────────────────────┘
View column store memory usage
To see the amount of unused RAM available to the columnar engine, you
can query the google_columnar_engine_memory_available()
function. The
resulting integer shows the available memory in megabytes (MB).
SELECT google_columnar_engine_memory_available();