Perform a vector search

This tutorial describes how to set up and perform a vector search in AlloyDB for PostgreSQL using the Google Cloud console. Examples are included to show vector search capabilities, and they're intended for demonstration purposes only.

To learn how to perform a vector search with Vertex AI embeddings, see Getting started with Vector Embeddings with AlloyDB AI.


  • Create an AlloyDB cluster and primary instance.
  • Connect to your database and install required extensions.
  • Create a product and product inventory table.
  • Insert data to the product and product inventory tables and perform a basic vector search.
  • Create a ScaNN index on the products table.
  • Perform a simple vector search.
  • Perform a complex vector search with a filter and a join.


In this document, you use the following billable components of Google Cloud:

To generate a cost estimate based on your projected usage, use the pricing calculator. New Google Cloud users might be eligible for a free trial.

When you finish the tasks that are described in this document, you can avoid continued billing by deleting the resources that you created. For more information, see Clean up.

Before you begin

Enable billing and required APIs

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Clusters page.

    Go to project selector

  2. Make sure that billing is enabled for your Google Cloud project.

  3. Enable the Cloud APIs necessary to create and connect to AlloyDB for PostgreSQL.

    Enable the APIs

    1. In the Confirm project step, click Next to confirm the name of the project you are going to make changes to.
    2. In the Enable APIs step, click Enable to enable the following:

      • AlloyDB API
      • Compute Engine API
      • Service Networking API
      • Vertex AI API

Create an AlloyDB cluster and primary instance

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Clusters page.

    Go to Clusters

  2. Click Create cluster.

  3. In Cluster ID, enter my-cluster.

  4. Enter a password. Take note of this password because you use it in this tutorial.

  5. Select a region—for example, us-central1 (Iowa).

  6. Select the default network.

    If you have a private access connection, continue to the next step. Otherwise, click Set up connection and follow these steps:

    1. In Allocate an IP range, click Use an automatically allocated IP range.
    2. Click Continue and then click Create connection.
  7. In Zonal availability, select Single zone.

  8. Select the 2 vCPU,16 GB machine type.

  9. In Connectivity, select Enable public IP.

  10. Click Create cluster. It might take several minutes for AlloyDB to create the cluster and display it on the primary cluster Overview page.

  11. In Instances in your cluster, expand the Connectivity pane. Take note of the Connection URI because you use it in this tutorial.

    The connection URI is in the projects/<var>PROJECT_ID</var>/locations/<var>REGION_ID</var>/clusters/my-cluster/instances/my-cluster-primary format.

Grant Vertex AI user permission to AlloyDB service agent

To enable AlloyDB to use Vertex AI text embedding models, you must add Vertex AI user permissions to the AlloyDB service agent for the project where your cluster and instance is located.

For more information about how to add the permissions, see Grant Vertex AI user permission to AlloyDB service agent.

Connect to your database using a web browser

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Clusters page.

    Go to Clusters

  2. In the Resource name column, click the name of your cluster, my-cluster.

  3. In the navigation pane, click AlloyDB Studio.

  4. In the Sign in to AlloyDB Studio page, follow these steps:

    1. Select the postgres database.
    2. Select the postgres user.
    3. Enter the password you created in Create a cluster and its primary instance.
    4. Click Authenticate. The Explorer pane displays a list of the objects in the postgres database.
  5. Open a new tab by clicking + New SQL editor tab or + New tab.

Install required extensions

Run the following query to install the vector, alloydb_scann, and the google_ml_integration extensions:


Insert product and product inventory data and perform a basic vector search

  1. Run the following statement to create a product table that does the following:

    • Stores basic product information.
    • Includes an embedding vector column that computes and stores an embedding vector for a product description of each product.
      CREATE TABLE product (
        id INT PRIMARY KEY,
        name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
        description TEXT,
        category VARCHAR(255),
        color VARCHAR(255),
        embedding vector(768) GENERATED ALWAYS AS (embedding('text-embedding-005', description)) STORED
  2. Run the following query to create a product_inventory table that stores information about available inventory and corresponding prices. The product_inventory and product tables are used in this tutorial to run complex vector search queries.

    CREATE TABLE product_inventory (
      product_id INT REFERENCES product(id),
      inventory INT,
      price DECIMAL(10,2)
  3. Run the following query to insert product data into the product table:

    INSERT INTO product (id, name, description,category, color) VALUES
    (1, 'Stuffed Elephant', 'Soft plush elephant with floppy ears.', 'Plush Toys', 'Gray'),
    (2, 'Remote Control Airplane', 'Easy-to-fly remote control airplane.', 'Vehicles', 'Red'),
    (3, 'Wooden Train Set', 'Classic wooden train set with tracks and trains.', 'Vehicles', 'Multicolor'),
    (4, 'Kids Tool Set', 'Toy tool set with realistic tools.', 'Pretend Play', 'Multicolor'),
    (5, 'Play Food Set', 'Set of realistic play food items.', 'Pretend Play', 'Multicolor'),
    (6, 'Magnetic Tiles', 'Set of colorful magnetic tiles for building.', 'Construction Toys', 'Multicolor'),
    (7, 'Kids Microscope', 'Microscope for kids with different magnification levels.', 'Educational Toys', 'White'),
    (8, 'Telescope for Kids', 'Telescope designed for kids to explore the night sky.', 'Educational Toys', 'Blue'),
    (9, 'Coding Robot', 'Robot that teaches kids basic coding concepts.', 'Educational Toys', 'White'),
    (10, 'Kids Camera', 'Durable camera for kids to take pictures and videos.', 'Electronics', 'Pink'),
    (11, 'Walkie Talkies', 'Set of walkie talkies for kids to communicate.', 'Electronics', 'Blue'),
    (12, 'Karaoke Machine', 'Karaoke machine with built-in microphone and speaker.', 'Electronics', 'Black'),
    (13, 'Kids Drum Set', 'Drum set designed for kids with adjustable height.', 'Musical Instruments', 'Blue'),
    (14, 'Kids Guitar', 'Acoustic guitar for kids with nylon strings.', 'Musical Instruments', 'Brown'),
    (15, 'Kids Keyboard', 'Electronic keyboard with different instrument sounds.', 'Musical Instruments', 'Black'),
    (16, 'Art Easel', 'Double-sided art easel with chalkboard and whiteboard.', 'Arts & Crafts', 'White'),
    (17, 'Finger Paints', 'Set of non-toxic finger paints for kids.', 'Arts & Crafts', 'Multicolor'),
    (18, 'Modeling Clay', 'Set of colorful modeling clay.', 'Arts & Crafts', 'Multicolor'),
    (19, 'Watercolor Paint Set', 'Watercolor paint set with brushes and palette.', 'Arts & Crafts', 'Multicolor'),
    (20, 'Beading Kit', 'Kit for making bracelets and necklaces with beads.', 'Arts & Crafts', 'Multicolor'),
    (21, '3D Puzzle', '3D puzzle of a famous landmark.', 'Puzzles', 'Multicolor'),
    (22, 'Race Car Track Set', 'Race car track set with cars and accessories.', 'Vehicles', 'Multicolor'),
    (23, 'RC Monster Truck', 'Remote control monster truck with oversized tires.', 'Vehicles', 'Green'),
    (24, 'Train Track Expansion Set', 'Expansion set for wooden train tracks.', 'Vehicles', 'Multicolor');
  4. Optional: Run the following query to verify that the data is inserted in the product table:

    SELECT * FROM product;
  5. Run the following query to insert inventory data into the product_inventory table:

    INSERT INTO product_inventory (id, product_id, inventory, price) VALUES
    (1, 1, 9, 13.09),
    (2, 2, 40, 79.82),
    (3, 3, 34, 52.49),
    (4, 4, 9, 12.03),
    (5, 5, 36, 71.29),
    (6, 6, 10, 51.49),
    (7, 7, 7, 37.35),
    (8, 8, 6, 10.87),
    (9, 9, 7, 42.47),
    (10, 10, 3, 24.35),
    (11, 11, 4, 10.20),
    (12, 12, 47, 74.57),
    (13, 13, 5, 28.54),
    (14, 14, 11, 25.58),
    (15, 15, 21, 69.84),
    (16, 16, 6, 47.73),
    (17, 17, 26, 81.00),
    (18, 18, 11, 91.60),
    (19, 19, 8, 78.53),
    (20, 20, 43, 84.33),
    (21, 21, 46, 90.01),
    (22, 22, 6, 49.82),
    (23, 23, 37, 50.20),
    (24, 24, 27, 99.27);
  6. Run the following vector search query that tries to find products that are similar to the word music. This means that even though the word music isn't explicitly mentioned in the product description, the result shows products that are relevant to the query:

    SELECT * FROM product
    ORDER BY embedding <=> embedding('text-embedding-005', 'music')::vector
    LIMIT 3;

    The result of the query is as follows: Basic search query result

    Performing a basic vector search without creating an index uses exact nearest neighbor search (KNN), which provides efficient recall. At scale, using KNN might impact performance. For a better query performance, we recommend that you use the ScaNN index for approximate nearest neighbor (ANN) search, which provides high recall with low latencies.

    Without creating an index, AlloyDB defaults to using exact nearest-neighbor search (KNN).

    To learn more about using ScaNN at scale, see Getting started with Vector Embeddings with AlloyDB AI.

Create a ScaNN index on products table

Run the following query to create a product_index ScaNN index on the product table:

  CREATE INDEX product_index ON product
  USING scann (embedding cosine)
  WITH (num_leaves=5);

The num_leaves parameter indicates the number of leaf nodes that the tree-based index builds the index with. For more information on how to tune this parameter, see Tune vector query performance.

Run the following vector search query that tries to find products that are similar to the natural language query music. Even though the word music isn't included in the product description, the result shows products that are relevant to the query:

SET LOCAL scann.num_leaves_to_search = 2;

SELECT * FROM product
ORDER BY embedding <=> embedding('text-embedding-005', 'music')::vector
  LIMIT 3;

The query results are as follows: Vector search query result

The scann.num_leaves_to_search query parameter controls the number of leaf nodes that are searched during a similarity search. The num_leaves and scann.num_leaves_to_search parameter values help to achieve a balance of performance and recall.

You can run filtered vector search queries efficiently even when you use the ScaNN index. Run the following complex vector search query, which returns relevant results that satisfy the query conditions, even with filters:

SET LOCAL scann.num_leaves_to_search = 2;

SELECT * FROM product p
JOIN product_inventory pi ON = pi.product_id
WHERE pi.price < 80.00
ORDER BY embedding <=> embedding('text-embedding-005', 'music')::vector

Clean up

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Clusters page.

    Go to Clusters

  2. Click the name of your cluster, my-cluster, in the Resource name column.

  3. Click Delete cluster.

  4. In Delete cluster my-cluster, enter my-cluster to confirm you want to delete your cluster.

  5. Click Delete.

  6. If you created a private connection when you created a cluster, go to the Google Cloud console Networking page and click Delete VPC network.

What's next