




在尝试此示例之前,请按照《Vertex AI 快速入门:使用客户端库》中的 Java 设置说明执行操作。 如需了解详情,请参阅 Vertex AI Java API 参考文档

如需向 Vertex AI 进行身份验证,请设置应用默认凭据。 如需了解详情,请参阅为本地开发环境设置身份验证

import com.google.cloud.aiplatform.v1.EndpointName;
import com.google.cloud.aiplatform.v1.PredictResponse;
import com.google.cloud.aiplatform.v1.PredictionServiceClient;
import com.google.cloud.aiplatform.v1.PredictionServiceSettings;
import com.google.gson.JsonObject;
import com.google.protobuf.Value;
import com.google.protobuf.util.JsonFormat;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class PredictTextSentimentAnalysisSample {

  public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
    // TODO(developer): Replace these variables before running the sample.
    String project = "YOUR_PROJECT_ID";
    String content = "YOUR_TEXT_CONTENT";
    String endpointId = "YOUR_ENDPOINT_ID";

    predictTextSentimentAnalysis(project, content, endpointId);

  static void predictTextSentimentAnalysis(String project, String content, String endpointId)
      throws IOException {
    PredictionServiceSettings predictionServiceSettings =

    // Initialize client that will be used to send requests. This client only needs to be created
    // once, and can be reused for multiple requests. After completing all of your requests, call
    // the "close" method on the client to safely clean up any remaining background resources.
    try (PredictionServiceClient predictionServiceClient =
        PredictionServiceClient.create(predictionServiceSettings)) {
      String location = "us-central1";

      // Use JsonObject to ensure safe serialization of the content; handles characters like `"`.
      JsonObject contentJsonObject = new JsonObject();
      contentJsonObject.addProperty("content", content);

      EndpointName endpointName = EndpointName.of(project, location, endpointId);

      Value parameter = Value.newBuilder().setNumberValue(0).setNumberValue(5).build();
      Value.Builder instance = Value.newBuilder();
      JsonFormat.parser().merge(contentJsonObject.toString(), instance);

      List<Value> instances = new ArrayList<>();

      PredictResponse predictResponse =
          predictionServiceClient.predict(endpointName, instances, parameter);
      System.out.println("Predict Text Sentiment Analysis Response");
      System.out.format("\tDeployed Model Id: %s\n", predictResponse.getDeployedModelId());

      for (Value prediction : predictResponse.getPredictionsList()) {
        System.out.format("\tPrediction: %s\n", prediction);

在尝试此示例之前,请按照《Vertex AI 快速入门:使用客户端库》中的 Node.js 设置说明执行操作。 如需了解详情,请参阅 Vertex AI Node.js API 参考文档

如需向 Vertex AI 进行身份验证,请设置应用默认凭据。 如需了解详情,请参阅为本地开发环境设置身份验证

 * TODO(developer): Uncomment these variables before running the sample.\
 * (Not necessary if passing values as arguments)

// const text = "YOUR_PREDICTION_TEXT";
// const endpointId = "YOUR_ENDPOINT_ID";
// const project = 'YOUR_PROJECT_ID';
// const location = 'YOUR_PROJECT_LOCATION';
const aiplatform = require('@google-cloud/aiplatform');
const {instance, prediction} =

// Imports the Google Cloud Model Service Client library
const {PredictionServiceClient} = aiplatform.v1;

// Specifies the location of the api endpoint
const clientOptions = {
  apiEndpoint: 'us-central1-aiplatform.googleapis.com',

// Instantiates a client
const predictionServiceClient = new PredictionServiceClient(clientOptions);

async function predictTextSentimentAnalysis() {
  // Configure the endpoint resource
  const endpoint = `projects/${project}/locations/${location}/endpoints/${endpointId}`;

  const instanceObj = new instance.TextSentimentPredictionInstance({
    content: text,
  const instanceVal = instanceObj.toValue();

  const instances = [instanceVal];
  const request = {

  // Predict request
  const [response] = await predictionServiceClient.predict(request);

  console.log('Predict text sentiment analysis response:');
  console.log(`\tDeployed model id : ${response.deployedModelId}`);

  console.log('\nPredictions :');
  for (const predictionResultValue of response.predictions) {
    const predictionResult =
    console.log(`\tSentiment measure: ${predictionResult.sentiment}`);

在尝试此示例之前,请按照《Vertex AI 快速入门:使用客户端库》中的 Python 设置说明执行操作。 如需了解详情,请参阅 Vertex AI Python API 参考文档

如需向 Vertex AI 进行身份验证,请设置应用默认凭据。 如需了解详情,请参阅为本地开发环境设置身份验证

from google.cloud import aiplatform
from google.cloud.aiplatform.gapic.schema import predict
from google.protobuf import json_format
from google.protobuf.struct_pb2 import Value

def predict_text_sentiment_analysis_sample(
    project: str,
    endpoint_id: str,
    content: str,
    location: str = "us-central1",
    api_endpoint: str = "us-central1-aiplatform.googleapis.com",
    # The AI Platform services require regional API endpoints.
    client_options = {"api_endpoint": api_endpoint}
    # Initialize client that will be used to create and send requests.
    # This client only needs to be created once, and can be reused for multiple requests.
    client = aiplatform.gapic.PredictionServiceClient(client_options=client_options)
    instance = predict.instance.TextSentimentPredictionInstance(
    instances = [instance]
    parameters_dict = {}
    parameters = json_format.ParseDict(parameters_dict, Value())
    endpoint = client.endpoint_path(
        project=project, location=location, endpoint=endpoint_id
    response = client.predict(
        endpoint=endpoint, instances=instances, parameters=parameters
    print(" deployed_model_id:", response.deployed_model_id)
    # See gs://google-cloud-aiplatform/schema/predict/prediction/text_sentiment_1.0.0.yaml for the format of the predictions.
    predictions = response.predictions
    for prediction in predictions:
        print(" prediction:", dict(prediction))


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