Crea un dataLabelingJob

Crea un trabajo de etiquetado de datos con el método create_data_labeling_job.

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Muestra de código


Antes de probar este ejemplo, sigue las instrucciones de configuración para Java incluidas en la guía de inicio rápido de Vertex AI sobre cómo usar bibliotecas cliente. Para obtener más información, consulta la documentación de referencia de la API de Vertex AI Java.

Para autenticarte en Vertex AI, configura las credenciales predeterminadas de la aplicación. Si deseas obtener más información, consulta Configura la autenticación para un entorno de desarrollo local.

import java.util.Map;

public class CreateDataLabelingJobSample {

  public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
    // TODO(developer): Replace these variables before running the sample.
    String project = "YOUR_PROJECT_ID";
    String displayName = "YOUR_DATA_LABELING_DISPLAY_NAME";
    String datasetId = "YOUR_DATASET_ID";
    String instructionUri =
    String inputsSchemaUri = "YOUR_INPUT_SCHEMA_URI";
    String annotationSpec = "YOUR_ANNOTATION_SPEC";
        project, displayName, datasetId, instructionUri, inputsSchemaUri, annotationSpec);

  static void createDataLabelingJob(
      String project,
      String displayName,
      String datasetId,
      String instructionUri,
      String inputsSchemaUri,
      String annotationSpec)
      throws IOException {
    JobServiceSettings jobServiceSettings =

    // Initialize client that will be used to send requests. This client only needs to be created
    // once, and can be reused for multiple requests. After completing all of your requests, call
    // the "close" method on the client to safely clean up any remaining background resources.
    try (JobServiceClient jobServiceClient = JobServiceClient.create(jobServiceSettings)) {
      String location = "us-central1";
      LocationName locationName = LocationName.of(project, location);

      String jsonString = "{\"annotation_specs\": [ " + annotationSpec + "]}";
      Value.Builder annotationSpecValue = Value.newBuilder();
      JsonFormat.parser().merge(jsonString, annotationSpecValue);

      DatasetName datasetName = DatasetName.of(project, location, datasetId);
      DataLabelingJob dataLabelingJob =
                  "", "my_test_saved_query")

      DataLabelingJob dataLabelingJobResponse =
          jobServiceClient.createDataLabelingJob(locationName, dataLabelingJob);

      System.out.println("Create Data Labeling Job Response");
      System.out.format("\tName: %s\n", dataLabelingJobResponse.getName());
      System.out.format("\tDisplay Name: %s\n", dataLabelingJobResponse.getDisplayName());
      System.out.format("\tDatasets: %s\n", dataLabelingJobResponse.getDatasetsList());
      System.out.format("\tLabeler Count: %s\n", dataLabelingJobResponse.getLabelerCount());
      System.out.format("\tInstruction Uri: %s\n", dataLabelingJobResponse.getInstructionUri());
      System.out.format("\tInputs Schema Uri: %s\n", dataLabelingJobResponse.getInputsSchemaUri());
      System.out.format("\tInputs: %s\n", dataLabelingJobResponse.getInputs());
      System.out.format("\tState: %s\n", dataLabelingJobResponse.getState());
      System.out.format("\tLabeling Progress: %s\n", dataLabelingJobResponse.getLabelingProgress());
      System.out.format("\tCreate Time: %s\n", dataLabelingJobResponse.getCreateTime());
      System.out.format("\tUpdate Time: %s\n", dataLabelingJobResponse.getUpdateTime());
      System.out.format("\tLabels: %s\n", dataLabelingJobResponse.getLabelsMap());
          "\tSpecialist Pools: %s\n", dataLabelingJobResponse.getSpecialistPoolsList());
      for (Map.Entry<String, String> annotationLabelMap :
          dataLabelingJobResponse.getAnnotationLabelsMap().entrySet()) {
        System.out.println("\tAnnotation Level");
        System.out.format("\t\tkey: %s\n", annotationLabelMap.getKey());
        System.out.format("\t\tvalue: %s\n", annotationLabelMap.getValue());
      Money money = dataLabelingJobResponse.getCurrentSpend();

      System.out.println("\tCurrent Spend");
      System.out.format("\t\tCurrency Code: %s\n", money.getCurrencyCode());
      System.out.format("\t\tUnits: %s\n", money.getUnits());
      System.out.format("\t\tNanos: %s\n", money.getNanos());


Antes de probar este ejemplo, sigue las instrucciones de configuración para Python incluidas en la guía de inicio rápido de Vertex AI sobre cómo usar bibliotecas cliente. Para obtener más información, consulta la documentación de referencia de la API de Vertex AI Python.

Para autenticarte en Vertex AI, configura las credenciales predeterminadas de la aplicación. Si deseas obtener más información, consulta Configura la autenticación para un entorno de desarrollo local.

from import aiplatform
from google.protobuf import json_format
from google.protobuf.struct_pb2 import Value

def create_data_labeling_job_sample(
    project: str,
    display_name: str,
    dataset_name: str,
    instruction_uri: str,
    inputs_schema_uri: str,
    annotation_spec: str,
    location: str = "us-central1",
    api_endpoint: str = "",
    # The AI Platform services require regional API endpoints.
    client_options = {"api_endpoint": api_endpoint}
    # Initialize client that will be used to create and send requests.
    # This client only needs to be created once, and can be reused for multiple requests.
    client = aiplatform.gapic.JobServiceClient(client_options=client_options)
    inputs_dict = {"annotation_specs": [annotation_spec]}
    inputs = json_format.ParseDict(inputs_dict, Value())

    data_labeling_job = {
        "display_name": display_name,
        # Full resource name: projects/{project_id}/locations/{location}/datasets/{dataset_id}
        "datasets": [dataset_name],
        # labeler_count must be 1, 3, or 5
        "labeler_count": 1,
        "instruction_uri": instruction_uri,
        "inputs_schema_uri": inputs_schema_uri,
        "inputs": inputs,
        "annotation_labels": {
            "": "my_test_saved_query"
    parent = f"projects/{project}/locations/{location}"
    response = client.create_data_labeling_job(
        parent=parent, data_labeling_job=data_labeling_job
    print("response:", response)

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