The following is the list of SKUs and prices for Google Cloud Platform services. Any price changes will be made in accordance with the Agreement.
Spot prices are dynamic and can change up to once every 30 days, but always provide discounts of 60-91% off of the corresponding on-demand price for machine types and GPUs as well as smaller discounts for local SSDs.
List prices for Compute Engine Flexible Committed Use Discounts ("Flex CUDs") are representative only; the applicable price is available via the Admin Console and may be higher or lower depending on other active Compute Engine discounts. The total effective discount for Flex CUDs as compared to on-demand prices will be as described at
We will not notify you for increases in non-USD prices that are due to currency conversion fluctuations. With respect to BRL, such conversion will be made by Google according to the foreign exchange rate for purchase of BRL available at the SISBACEN of Brazilian Central Bank - PTAX rate.
If you are looking up a text-based SKU identifier, such as CP-BIGQUERY-STORAGE, you can find mapping to the new SKU identifiers at Legacy SKU Identifiers. If you are looking for SKUs for Alpha features, visit the Pre-GA SKUs page. You must have been added to the respective Alpha feature to access the preceding link. Compute Engine discounts are detailed at Sustained Use Discounts. If you are looking for pricing information for solutions, visit the Solutions page.
Note: As of 1 April 2020, GCP prices in Brazilian Reals include a surcharge of +13.83% to account for the direct operating cost of providing services locally in Brazil.