Trigger functions from Pub/Sub using Eventarc

This tutorial demonstrates how to write and trigger an event-driven Cloud Run functions with a Pub/Sub trigger.

You can configure the routing of events, including the event source and the event target, by specifying filters for an Eventarc trigger. For the example in this tutorial, publishing a message to a Pub/Sub topic triggers the event, and a request is sent to your function in the form of an HTTP request.

If you are new to Pub/Sub and want to learn more, see the Pub/Sub documentation for quickstarts and key references.


In this tutorial, you will:

  1. Deploy an event-driven function.
  2. Create an Eventarc trigger.
  3. Trigger the function by publishing a message to a Pub/Sub topic.


In this document, you use the following billable components of Google Cloud:

To generate a cost estimate based on your projected usage, use the pricing calculator. New Google Cloud users might be eligible for a free trial.

Before you begin

Security constraints defined by your organization might prevent you from completing the following steps. For troubleshooting information, see Develop applications in a constrained Google Cloud environment.

  1. Sign in to your Google Cloud account. If you're new to Google Cloud, create an account to evaluate how our products perform in real-world scenarios. New customers also get $300 in free credits to run, test, and deploy workloads.
  2. Install the Google Cloud CLI.
  3. If you're using an external identity provider (IdP), you must first sign in to the gcloud CLI with your federated identity.

  4. To initialize the gcloud CLI, run the following command:

    gcloud init
  5. Create or select a Google Cloud project.

    • Create a Google Cloud project:

      gcloud projects create PROJECT_ID

      Replace PROJECT_ID with a name for the Google Cloud project you are creating.

    • Select the Google Cloud project that you created:

      gcloud config set project PROJECT_ID

      Replace PROJECT_ID with your Google Cloud project name.

  6. Make sure that billing is enabled for your Google Cloud project.

  7. If you are not using Cloud Shell, update the Google Cloud CLI components and log in using your account:
    gcloud components update
    gcloud auth login
  8. Enable the APIs:
    gcloud services enable \ \ \ \ \
  9. Set the configuration variables used in this tutorial:
    export REGION=us-central1
    gcloud config set run/region ${REGION}
    gcloud config set run/platform managed
    gcloud config set eventarc/location ${REGION}
  10. Create a service account:
    gcloud iam service-accounts create $SERVICE_ACCOUNT
  11. If you are under a domain restriction organization policy restricting unauthenticated invocations for your project, you will need to access your deployed service as described under Testing private services.

Required roles

You or your administrator must grant the deployer account, the trigger identity, and optionally, the Pub/Sub service agent and the Cloud Storage service agent the following IAM roles.

  1. If you are the project creator, you are granted the basic Owner role (roles/owner). By default, this Identity and Access Management (IAM) role includes the permissions necessary for full access to most Google Cloud resources and you can skip this step.

    If you are not the project creator, required permissions must be granted on the project to the appropriate principal. For example, a principal can be a Google Account (for end users) or a service account (for applications and compute workloads). For more information, see the Roles and permissions page for your event destination.

    To get the permissions that you need to complete this tutorial, ask your administrator to grant you the following IAM roles on your project:

    For more information about granting roles, see Manage access to projects, folders, and organizations.

    You might also be able to get the required permissions through custom roles or other predefined roles.

    Note that by default, Cloud Build permissions include permissions to upload and download Artifact Registry artifacts.

  1. Make note of the Compute Engine default service account as you will you attach it to an Eventarc trigger to represent the identity of the trigger for testing purposes. This service account is automatically created after enabling or using a Google Cloud service that uses Compute Engine, and with the following email format:

    Replace PROJECT_NUMBER with your Google Cloud project number. You can find your project number on the Welcome page of the Google Cloud console or by running the following command:

    gcloud projects describe PROJECT_ID --format='value(projectNumber)'

    For production environments, we strongly recommend creating a new service account and granting it one or more IAM roles that contain the minimum permissions required and follow the principle of least privilege.

  2. By default, Cloud Run services are only callable by Project Owners, Project Editors, and Cloud Run Admins and Invokers. You can control access on a per-service basis; however, for testing purposes, grant the Cloud Run Invoker role (run.invoker) on the Google Cloud project to the Compute Engine service account. This grants the role on all Cloud Run services and jobs in a project.
    gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding PROJECT_ID \ \

    Note that if you create a trigger for an authenticated Cloud Run service without granting the Cloud Run Invoker role, the trigger is created successfully and is active. However, the trigger will not work as expected and a message similar to the following appears in the logs:

    The request was not authenticated. Either allow unauthenticated invocations or set the proper Authorization header.
  3. Grant the Eventarc Event Receiver role (roles/eventarc.eventReceiver) on the project to the Compute Engine default service account so that the Eventarc trigger can receive events from event providers.
    gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding PROJECT_ID \ \
  • Before creating a trigger for direct events from Cloud Storage, grant the Pub/Sub Publisher role (roles/pubsub.publisher) to the Cloud Storage service agent:

    SERVICE_ACCOUNT="$(gcloud storage service-agent --project=PROJECT_ID)"
    gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding PROJECT_ID \
        --member="serviceAccount:${SERVICE_ACCOUNT}" \
  • If you enabled the Cloud Pub/Sub service agent on or before April 8, 2021, to support authenticated Pub/Sub push requests, grant the Service Account Token Creator role (roles/iam.serviceAccountTokenCreator) to the service agent. Otherwise, this role is granted by default:
    gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding PROJECT_ID \ \

Create a Pub/Sub topic

In Cloud Run, Pub/Sub topics are not automatically created when you deploy a function. Before deploying your function, publish a message to this Pub/Sub topic to trigger the function:

gcloud pubsub topics create YOUR_TOPIC_NAME

Prepare the application

  1. Clone the sample app repository to your local machine:

    git clone
    git clone
    git clone
    git clone
    git clone
    git clone
    git clone
  2. Change to the directory that contains the sample code for accessing Pub/Sub:

    cd nodejs-docs-samples/functions/v2/helloPubSub/
    cd python-docs-samples/functions/v2/pubsub/
    cd golang-samples/functions/functionsv2/hellopubsub/
    cd java-docs-samples/functions/v2/pubsub/
    cd dotnet-docs-samples/functions/helloworld/HelloPubSub/
    cd ruby-docs-samples/functions/helloworld/pubsub/
    cd php-docs-samples/functions/helloworld_pubsub/
  3. Take a look at the sample code:

    const functions = require('@google-cloud/functions-framework');
    // Register a CloudEvent callback with the Functions Framework that will
    // be executed when the Pub/Sub trigger topic receives a message.
    functions.cloudEvent('helloPubSub', cloudEvent => {
      // The Pub/Sub message is passed as the CloudEvent's data payload.
      const base64name =;
      const name = base64name
        ? Buffer.from(base64name, 'base64').toString()
        : 'World';
      console.log(`Hello, ${name}!`);
    import base64
    from cloudevents.http import CloudEvent
    import functions_framework
    # Triggered from a message on a Cloud Pub/Sub topic.
    def subscribe(cloud_event: CloudEvent) -> None:
        # Print out the data from Pub/Sub, to prove that it worked
            "Hello, " + base64.b64decode(["message"]["data"]).decode() + "!"
    // Package helloworld provides a set of Cloud Functions samples.
    package helloworld
    import (
    func init() {
    	functions.CloudEvent("HelloPubSub", helloPubSub)
    // MessagePublishedData contains the full Pub/Sub message
    // See the documentation for more details:
    type MessagePublishedData struct {
    	Message PubSubMessage
    // PubSubMessage is the payload of a Pub/Sub event.
    // See the documentation for more details:
    type PubSubMessage struct {
    	Data []byte `json:"data"`
    // helloPubSub consumes a CloudEvent message and extracts the Pub/Sub message.
    func helloPubSub(ctx context.Context, e event.Event) error {
    	var msg MessagePublishedData
    	if err := e.DataAs(&msg); err != nil {
    		return fmt.Errorf("event.DataAs: %w", err)
    	name := string(msg.Message.Data) // Automatically decoded from base64.
    	if name == "" {
    		name = "World"
    	log.Printf("Hello, %s!", name)
    	return nil
    import functions.eventpojos.PubSubBody;
    import io.cloudevents.CloudEvent;
    import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
    import java.util.Base64;
    import java.util.logging.Logger;
    public class SubscribeToTopic implements CloudEventsFunction {
      private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(SubscribeToTopic.class.getName());
      public void accept(CloudEvent event) {
        // The Pub/Sub message is passed as the CloudEvent's data payload.
        if (event.getData() != null) {
          // Extract Cloud Event data and convert to PubSubBody
          String cloudEventData = new String(event.getData().toBytes(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
          Gson gson = new Gson();
          PubSubBody body = gson.fromJson(cloudEventData, PubSubBody.class);
          // Retrieve and decode PubSub message data
          String encodedData = body.getMessage().getData();
          String decodedData =
              new String(Base64.getDecoder().decode(encodedData), StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
"Hello, " + decodedData + "!");
    using CloudNative.CloudEvents;
    using Google.Cloud.Functions.Framework;
    using Google.Events.Protobuf.Cloud.PubSub.V1;
    using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
    using System.Threading;
    using System.Threading.Tasks;
    namespace HelloPubSub;
    public class Function : ICloudEventFunction<MessagePublishedData>
        private readonly ILogger _logger;
        public Function(ILogger<Function> logger) =>
            _logger = logger;
        public Task HandleAsync(CloudEvent cloudEvent, MessagePublishedData data, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            string nameFromMessage = data.Message?.TextData;
            string name = string.IsNullOrEmpty(nameFromMessage) ? "world" : nameFromMessage;
            _logger.LogInformation("Hello {name}", name);
            return Task.CompletedTask;
    require "functions_framework"
    require "base64"
    FunctionsFramework.cloud_event "hello_pubsub" do |event|
      # The event parameter is a CloudEvents::Event::V1 object.
      # See
      name = Base64.decode64["message"]["data"] rescue "World"
      # A cloud_event function does not return a response, but you can log messages
      # or cause side effects such as sending additional events. "Hello, #{name}!"
    use CloudEvents\V1\CloudEventInterface;
    use Google\CloudFunctions\FunctionsFramework;
    // Register the function with Functions Framework.
    // This enables omitting the `FUNCTIONS_SIGNATURE_TYPE=cloudevent` environment
    // variable when deploying. The `FUNCTION_TARGET` environment variable should
    // match the first parameter.
    FunctionsFramework::cloudEvent('helloworldPubsub', 'helloworldPubsub');
    function helloworldPubsub(CloudEventInterface $event): void
        $log = fopen(getenv('LOGGER_OUTPUT') ?: 'php://stderr', 'wb');
        $cloudEventData = $event->getData();
        $pubSubData = base64_decode($cloudEventData['message']['data']);
        $name = $pubSubData ? htmlspecialchars($pubSubData) : 'World';
        fwrite($log, "Hello, $name!" . PHP_EOL);

Deploy an event-driven function

To deploy the function, run the following command in the directory that contains the sample code:

  gcloud run deploy FUNCTION \
        --source . \
        --function helloPubSub \
        --base-image nodejs22 \
  gcloud run deploy FUNCTION \
        --source . \
        --function subscribe \
        --base-image python312 \
  gcloud run deploy FUNCTION \
        --source . \
        --function HelloPubSub \
        --base-image go122 \
  gcloud run deploy FUNCTION \
        --source . \
        --function functions.SubscribeToTopic \
        --base-image java21 \
  gcloud run deploy FUNCTION \
        --source . \
        --function HelloPubSub.Function \
        --base-image dotnet8 \
  gcloud run deploy FUNCTION \
        --source . \
        --function hello_pubsub \
        --base-image ruby33 \
  gcloud run deploy FUNCTION \
        --source . \
        --function helloworldPubsub \
        --base-image php83 \

Replace FUNCTION with the name of the function you are deploying. If you omit this parameter, you will be prompted to enter a name when you run the command.

BASE_IMAGE is the base image environment for your function. For more details about base images and the packages included in each image, see Runtimes base images.

If you are prompted to create a repository in the specified region, respond by pressing y. When the deployment is complete, the Google Cloud CLI displays a URL where the service is running.

Create an Eventarc trigger

To deploy the function with a Pub/Sub trigger, run the following command in the directory that contains the sample code:

  1. Create an Eventarc Pub/Sub trigger:

    gcloud eventarc triggers create TRIGGER_NAME  \
        --location=${REGION} \
        --destination-run-service=FUNCTION \
        --destination-run-region=${REGION} \
        --event-filters="" \


    • TRIGGER_NAME with the name for your trigger.
    • FUNCTION with the name of your function.
    • PROJECT_NUMBER with your Google Cloud project number.

    Note that when creating an Eventarc trigger for the first time in a Google Cloud project, there might be a delay in provisioning the Eventarc service agent. This issue can usually be resolved by attempting to create the trigger again. For more information, see Permission denied errors.

  2. Confirm that the trigger was successfully created. Note that although your trigger is created immediately, it can take up to two minutes for a trigger to be fully functional.

    gcloud eventarc triggers list --location=${REGION}

    The output should be similar to the following:

    NAME: helloworld-events
    DESTINATION: Cloud Run service: helloworld-events
    ACTIVE: Yes
    LOCATION: us-central1

Trigger the function

To test the Pub/Sub function:

  1. Assign the topic to a variable:

    TOPIC_ID=$(gcloud eventarc triggers describe TRIGGER_NAME --location $REGION --format='value(transport.pubsub.topic)')
  2. Publish a message to the topic:

    gcloud pubsub topics publish $TOPIC_ID --message="Hello World"

The Cloud Run service logs the body of the incoming message. You can view this in the Logs section of your Cloud Run instance:

  1. Navigate to the Google Cloud console.
  2. Click the function.
  3. Select the Logs tab.

    Logs might take a few moments to appear. If you don't see them immediately, check again after a few moments.

  4. Look for the "Hello World!" message.

Clean up

If you created a new project for this tutorial, delete the project. If you used an existing project and want to keep it without the changes added in this tutorial, delete the resources created for the tutorial.

Delete the project

The easiest way to eliminate billing is to delete the project that you created for the tutorial.

To delete the project:

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Manage resources page.

    Go to Manage resources

  2. In the project list, select the project that you want to delete, and then click Delete.
  3. In the dialog, type the project ID, and then click Shut down to delete the project.

Delete tutorial resources

  1. Delete the Cloud Run service you deployed in this tutorial:

    gcloud run services delete SERVICE_NAME

    Where SERVICE_NAME is your chosen service name.

    You can also delete Cloud Run services from the Google Cloud console.

  2. Remove any gcloud CLI default configurations you added during the tutorial setup.

    For example:

    gcloud config unset run/region


    gcloud config unset project

  3. Delete other Google Cloud resources created in this tutorial:

    • Delete the Eventarc trigger:
      gcloud eventarc triggers delete TRIGGER_NAME
      Replace TRIGGER_NAME with the name of your trigger.

What's next