The PHP runtime

Your Cloud Run function runs in an environment consisting of an operating system version with add-on packages, language support, and the PHP Functions Framework library that supports and invokes your function. This environment is identified by the language version, and is known as the runtime ID.

Function preparation

You can prepare a function directly from the Google Cloud console or write it on your local machine and upload it. To prepare your local machine for PHP development, see Use PHP on Google Cloud.

Supported PHP runtimes and base images

Runtime Runtime ID Stacks Runtime base image
PHP 8.3 php83 google-22-full (default) google-22-full/php83
PHP 8.2 php82 google-22-full (default) google-22-full/php82
PHP 8.1 php81 google-18-full google-18-full/php81
PHP 7.4 php74 google-18-full google-18-full/php74

Select your runtime

You can select one of the supported PHP runtimes for your function during deployment.

You can select a runtime version using the Google Cloud console, or the gcloud CLI. Click the tab for instructions on using the tool of your choice:

Specify the PHP base image for your function using the --base-image flag, while deploying your function. For example:

gcloud run deploy FUNCTION \
    --source . \
    --function FUNCTION_ENTRYPOINT \
    --base-image php83


  • FUNCTION with the name of the function you are deploying. You can omit this parameter entirely, but you will be prompted for the name if you omit it.

  • FUNCTION_ENTRYPOINT with the entry point to your function in your source code. This is the code Cloud Run executes when your function runs. The value of this flag must be a function name or fully-qualified class name that exists in your source code.

For detailed instructions on deploying a function using the gcloud CLI, see Deploy functions in Cloud Run.

You can select a runtime version when you create or update a Cloud Run function in the Google Cloud console. For detailed instructions on deploying a function, see Deploy functions in Cloud Run.

To select a runtime in the Google Cloud console when you create a function, follow these steps:

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Cloud Run page:

    Go to Cloud Run

  2. Click Write a function.

  3. In the Runtime list, select a PHP runtime version.

  4. Click Create, and wait for Cloud Run to create the service using a placeholder revision.

  5. The console will redirect you to the Source tab where you can see the source code of your function. Click Save and redeploy.

For detailed instructions on updating the runtime version after your function is deployed, see Re-deploy new source code.

Source code structure

For Cloud Run functions to find your function's definition, your source code must follow a specific structure. See Write Cloud Run functions for more information.

PHP Configuration

You configure your PHP function with a php.ini file in your function's root directory. You can view existing PHP configuration settings with the phpinfo() function as shown in the following code sample:

use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface;

function phpInfoDemo(ServerRequestInterface $request): string
    // phpinfo() displays its output directly in the function's
    // HTTP response, so we don't need to explicitly return it
    // Note: we recommend deleting the deployed Cloud Function once you no
    // longer need it, as phpinfo() may broadcast potential security issues.
    return '';

Specifying dependencies

PHP uses Composer to manage dependencies. You specify dependencies for your function by adding the dependencies to a project file called composer.json.

The Cloud Run functions PHP runtime requires the Functions Framework to be an explicit dependency. To add Functions Framework as a dependency, run the following command in the directory containing your function code (this directory must also contain the composer.json file):

composer require google/cloud-functions-framework

This adds the Functions Framework to your composer.json and installs the package in the vendor/ directory.

autoload.php file

One of the files contained in your vendor/ directory is autoload.php.

Add the following line to the top of your PHP scripts to require the autoload.php file, which automatically requires your function's other dependencies:

require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

By default, the vendor/ directory is ignored in the generated .gcloudignore file to reduce the number of files sent in deployment.