Frontend proxying using Nginx

This page shows how to use NGINX as a frontend proxy for your application container. This is useful if you want to process requests or responses. You can add gzip compression, or translate HTTP/2 to HTTP/1 if your application containers supports only HTTP/1 and you need to use HTTP/2 end-to-end for performance reasons.

In the example provided in this page, an Nginx container runs on every Cloud Run instance as the main serving container, and it is configured to forward requests to the application container, which runs as a sidecar container, as shown in this diagram:

Cloud Run mc hello nginx 1

The most effective way to do frontend proxying in Cloud Run is to deploy the Nginx server proxy server container and the web app container as a single Cloud Run service:

Cloud Run mc hello nginx 2

This single Cloud Run service accepts requests and delivers them to the ingress (serving) container, which in this case is the proxy server. The proxy server then sends requests to the web app over the localhost network interface, which avoids any external network.

Deploying as a single Cloud Run service reduces latencies, service management overhead, and eliminates exposure to external networks. Cloud Run does not directly interact with the sidecar containers, other than to start or stop them whenever the service is started or stopped.

The web app container and any sidecar containers can be written in different programming languages. For a sample written in PHP, see the PHP nginx sample in GitHub.

Before you begin

  1. Sign in to your Google Cloud account. If you're new to Google Cloud, create an account to evaluate how our products perform in real-world scenarios. New customers also get $300 in free credits to run, test, and deploy workloads.
  2. In the Google Cloud console, on the project selector page, select or create a Google Cloud project.

    Go to project selector

  3. Make sure that billing is enabled for your Google Cloud project.

  4. In the Google Cloud console, on the project selector page, select or create a Google Cloud project.

    Go to project selector

  5. Make sure that billing is enabled for your Google Cloud project.

  6. Enable the Cloud Run and Secret Manager APIs.

    Enable the APIs

  7. Install and initialize the gcloud CLI.
  8. Update Google Cloud CLI: gcloud components update
  9. Configure Google Cloud CLI: gcloud init
  10. Authenticate with Google Cloud CLI: gcloud auth login

Permissions required to deploy

You must have ONE of the following:

Configuration overview

These instructions use prebuilt container images, so the only thing required for frontend proxying is to configure the containers and the service itself.

Configure the Nginx ingress container

The container image is nginx available at Docker Hub. It is mostly ready to use as is, except it needs to be configured to run as a proxy service, delivering the proxied requests to the port where the sidecar container is listening on localhost. The example on this page also enables gzip compression for requests and responses.

Configuration is provided using a text file mounted at /etc/nginx/conf.d/nginx.conf. Because you can't directly edit files in the container, you must mount a volume at /etc/nginx/conf.d/ that contains the configuration file. One way to mount a file at a specific location in a container running on Cloud Run is to store the file content in a Secret Manager secret, and mount that secret at the selected location.

Copy the following in a file named nginx.conf on the current directory of your local machine.

server {
    # Listen at port 8080
    listen 8080; 
    # Server at localhost
    server_name _;
    # Enables gzip compression to make our app faster
    gzip on;

    location / {
        # Passes initial requests to port 8080 to `hello` container at port 8888

In the configuration, do the following:

  • Assign nginx to listen at the same Cloud Run default port 8080, located on localhost.
  • Apply gzip compression for performance enhancement.
  • Instruct proxy_pass to deliver any requests to this ingress container to the web app sidecar container at localhost port 8888.

Create a secret with the content of the nginx.conf file.


  1. Go to the Secret Manager page of the Google Cloud console:

    Go to Secret Manager

  2. Click Create secret.

  3. In the name form field, enter nginx_config.

  4. Upload the nginx.conf file located at multi-container/hello-nginx-sample/nginx.conf as the secret value.

  5. Keep the defaults (Google-managed encryption key, etc).

  6. Click Create secret.

  7. Grant the project compute service account access to this new secret. To do this, go to the IAM page in the Google Cloud console:

    Go to IAM

  8. Locate the principal service account with name: Compute Engine default service account and click Edit principal.

  9. Click Add another role and select Secret Manager Secret Accessor.

  10. Click Save.


  1. In a terminal, use the following command to create a new nginx_config secret in Secret Manager:

    gcloud secrets create nginx_config --replication-policy='automatic' --data-file='./nginx.conf'

  2. Grant the project compute service account access to this new secret using the command

    export PROJECT_NUMBER=$(gcloud projects describe $(gcloud config get-value project) --format='value(projectNumber)')
    gcloud secrets add-iam-policy-binding nginx_config --member=serviceAccount:$ --role='roles/secretmanager.secretAccessor'

  3. Verify that your secret was created by running gcloud secrets list.

About the web app sidecar sample image

These instructions use the sample container image at You need to specify the port number the container will listen on and localhost as the host, as described under Specify sidecar container configuration, as described in the following sections.

Configure the multicontainer service

You can use the Google Cloud console or the Cloud Run YAML file to configure a Cloud Run service with more than one container.

In the service configuration, specify the Nginx proxy server as ingress (serving) container, the port it will listen on, whether it accepts HTTP 1 or HTTP 2 requests, and the container start order. The ingress container (proxy server) depends on the web app sidecar, so the web app sidecar must be started first.

These configurations are shown in the next few sections.

Add YAML metadata


Navigate to Deploy the service for the full console instructions.


  1. If you are creating a new service, skip this step. If you are updating an existing service, download its YAML configuration:

    gcloud run services describe SERVICE --format export > service.yaml
  2. In service.yaml, add the following:

      name: "MC_SERVICE_NAME"
      labels: "REGION"
        # Required to use Cloud Run multi-containers (preview feature) BETA sample tutorial service
        # Externally available all

The section describes the revision of the service, which includes properties that could vary from revision to revision.

Specify container start-up order


Navigate to Deploy the service for the full console instructions.


In service.yaml, append the following:

        # Defines container startup order within multi-container service.
        # Below requires hello container to spin up before nginx container,
        # which depends on the hello container.
        # "{nginx: [hello]}"

Note the container-dependencies annotation that tells Cloud Run to wait for the hello container to start up before starting the nginx container. Otherwise, if the nginx container starts first, it could try to proxy a web request to the web app container that isn't ready, which would generate web error responses.

Each container can optionally have a name property defined for it, that can be used to refer to it in other directives. The serving container runs the proxy server, named nginx. This is the container that Cloud Run delivers incoming requests to so you must specify the version of HTTP and container port to deliver them to.

Specify serving container configuration


Navigate to Deploy the service for the full console instructions.


In service.yaml file, append the following:

    # A) Serving ingress container "nginx" listening at PORT 8080
    # Main entrypoint of multi-container service.
    # Source is stored in nginx_config secret in Secret Manager.
    # Any pings to this container will proxy over to hello container at PORT 8888.
    - image: nginx
      name: nginx
        - name: http1
          containerPort: 8080
          cpu: 500m
          memory: 256Mi
      # Referencing declared volume below,
      # Declaring volume to mount in current ingress container's filesystem
        - name: nginx-conf-secret
          readOnly: true
          mountPath: /etc/nginx/conf.d/
        timeoutSeconds: 240
        periodSeconds: 240
        failureThreshold: 1
          port: 8080

The nginx server requires a configuration file in the /etc/nginx/conf.d/ directory. To do this, mount a volume containing the file at that location. The volumeMount section specifies a volume called configuration to be placed there. The volume itself is defined in its own section later in the file.

Specify sidecar container configuration


Navigate to Deploy the service for the full console instructions.


In service.yaml, append the following:

- image:
  name: hello
    - name: PORT
      value: "8888"
      cpu: 1000m
      memory: 512Mi
    timeoutSeconds: 240
    periodSeconds: 240
    failureThreshold: 1
      port: 8888

The hello application also needs configuration information. It listens for incoming requests at the port specified in the PORT environment variable. That name and value are specified in the env section.

Specify the secret volume


Navigate to Deploy the service for the full console instructions.


In service.yaml file, append the following:

  - name: nginx-conf-secret
      secretName: nginx_config
        - key: latest
          path: default.conf

Specify the configuration volume mounted in the volumeMount section. It contains a single file called nginx.conf whose contents are defined as the value of the secret named nginx-conf-secret.

Deploy the service


  1. Go to the Cloud Run page in the Google Cloud console:

    Go to Cloud Run

  2. Click Deploy container and select Service to display the Create service form.

    1. Select Deploy one revision from an existing container image and enter nginx as Container image URL.
    2. In the Service name field, supply a name for your service, for example, hello-mc.
    3. From the Region list, select a location to deploy to, for example, us-west1.
    4. Under Authentication, select Allow unauthenticated invocations. If you don't have permissions (Cloud Run Admin role) to select this, the service will deploy and require authentication.
  3. Click Container(s), volumes, networking, security to expand the configuration form.

    1. Click the Volumes tab.
    2. Click Add volume.
    3. From the Volume type list, select Secret.
    4. In the Volume name field, enter nginx-conf-secret.
    5. In the Secret field, enter nginx_config.
    6. Under Specified paths for secret versions, specify default.conf as the path and latest as the version.
    7. Click Create to create the secret volume.
  4. Click the Containers tab to display the Edit container form.

    1. Click Settings, then under Resources, change memory to 256MiB and CPU to 1 CPU.
    2. Click Volume mounts.
    3. Click Mount volume.
    4. Select nginx-conf-secret from the name list.
    5. For Mount path, enter etc/nginx/conf.d.
    6. Click Done to complete configuration for the first container.
  5. Click Add container to add the sidecar container and display the New container form.

    1. Select the default container image URL
    2. Click the Settings tab, then under Resources, change memory to 256MiB and CPU to 1 CPU.
    3. Click Variables & Secrets.
    4. Click Add variable.
    5. Enter PORT as the new environment variable name and 8888 as the value.
    6. Click Done.
  6. Navigate to the Edit container form for the first container (nginx).

    1. Click the Settings tab.
    2. Under Container start up order, select nginx from the Depends on list. This means the nginx container starts up only after the hello container starts up successfully.
    3. Click Create and wait for your service to deploy.


To deploy the proxy server container and web app container as a single service:

gcloud run services replace service.yaml

Verify the deployed service


To verify successful deployment, copy the generated Cloud Run URL and open it in a browser, or use this command to send an authenticated request:

curl --header "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-identity-token)" 

You should be greeted with a nginx proxy that has successfully ported to the hello sidecar container with response status 200.

Try this yourself

To follow along with this tutorial:


  1. In a terminal, clone the sample app repository to your local machine:

    git clone

  2. Change to the directory that contains the Cloud Run sample code:

    cd cloud-run-samples/multi-container/hello-nginx-sample/

What's next

To explore more about using sidecars in a Cloud Run service: