Set up MACsec

This page describes how to set up MACsec for Cloud Interconnect.

Before you enable and use MACsec for Cloud Interconnect, you need to create one or more pre-shared keys and configure your on-premises router to use them. Your router and Google's edge router use the pre-shared keys to encrypt traffic that transits between the routers.

Before you begin

To get the permissions that you need to retrieve MACsec keys, ask your administrator to grant you the Compute Network Admin (roles/compute.networkAdmin) IAM role on your project. For more information about granting roles, see Manage access to projects, folders, and organizations.

You might also be able to get the required permissions through custom roles or other predefined roles.

If you choose to use custom roles, ensure that your custom role for administrating MACsec for Cloud Interconnect includes the compute.interconnects.getMacsecConfig IAM permission.

Verify that Cloud Interconnect is MACsec capable

Use one of the following options to verify if an existing Cloud Interconnect connection is MACsec capable. If it is, skip to Create pre-shared keys.

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Cloud Interconnect Physical connections tab.

    Go to Physical connections

  2. Click the name of the connection you want to inspect.

  3. Click the MACsec tab.

    The MACsec information is displayed. If your Cloud Interconnect connection supports MACsec and it isn't configured, MACsec configuration displays Disabled. If your connection doesn't support MACsec, then the Enable button isn't actionable and hovering over the button displays "Your Interconnect does not support MACsec. You need a MACsec-capable port."

Run the following command:

gcloud compute interconnects describe INTERCONNECT_CONNECTION_NAME

Replace INTERCONNECT_CONNECTION_NAME with the name of your Cloud Interconnect connection.

The output is similar to the following sample. MACsec-capable connections display the following:

  • For 10‑GB links: linkType: LINK_TYPE_ETHERNET_10G_LR and availableFeatures: IF_MACSEC
  • For 100‑GB links: linkType: LINK_TYPE_ETHERNET_100G_LR; all 100‑GB links are MACsec capable
adminEnabled: true
- customerDemarcId: fake-peer-demarc-0
  googleCircuitId: LOOP-0
  googleDemarcId: fake-local-demarc-0
creationTimestamp: '2021-10-05T03:39:33.888-07:00'
customerName: Fake Company
description: something important
googleReferenceId: '123456789'
id: '12345678987654321'
interconnectType: IT_PRIVATE
kind: compute#interconnect
labelFingerprint: 12H17262736_
macsecEnabled: false
macsecPort: REQUESTED
operationalStatus: OS_ACTIVE
provisionedLinkCount: 1
requestedLinkCount: 1
state: ACTIVE

The following items specify the Cloud Interconnect connection's MACsec configuration:

  • availableFeatures: MACsec capability on the Cloud Interconnect connection. This parameter is shown only for 10 GB Cloud Interconnect connections, because 100 GB Cloud Interconnect connections are MACsec capable by default.

  • macsecEnabled: MACsec status for Cloud Interconnect on this link. The value will be false until you enabled MACsec on the interconnect.

Request a MACsec-capable Cloud Interconnect connection

A 100‑GB Cloud Interconnect connection is MACsec capable by default. However, a 10‑GB connection is not MACsec capable by default. If your existing connection isn't MACsec capable, then you need to request a new connection before continuing.

Select one of the following options:

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Cloud Interconnect Physical connections tab.

    Go to Physical connections

  2. Click Set up physical connection.

  3. Select Dedicated Interconnect, and then click Continue.

  4. Select Order new Dedicated Interconnect, and then click Continue.

  5. Specify the details of the connection:

    • Name: A name for the connection. This name is displayed in the Google Cloud console and is used by the Google Cloud CLI to reference the connection, such as my-interconnect.

    • Google Cloud location: The physical location where the connection is created. Your on-premises network must meet Google Cloud's network in this location. You can limit the list of available locations by geographic area in the Geographic location drop-down.

    • The MACsec support for current project column displays the circuit sizes available for MACsec for Cloud Interconnect.

    • Capacity: The total capacity of your connection, which is determined by the number and size of the circuits that you order.

      Select one of the displayed options.

    • Order a MACsec-capable port: If you are ordering a 10‑Gbps physical link, you must select this option when ordering your Cloud Interconnect connection for MACsec-capable connections. If you are ordering a 100‑Gbps physical link, then a MACsec-capable port is automatically selected for you and can't deselect it.

      You can provide an optional description of the connection in the Description field. This description is for your use.

  6. Click Next.

  7. If you require redundancy, specify details for your duplicate connection, and then click Next.

  8. Specify your contact information:

    • Company name: the name of your organization to put in the LOA as the party authorized to request a connection.

    • Technical contact: an email address where notifications about this connection are sent. You don't need to enter your own address; you are included in all notifications. You can specify only one address.

      If you are creating a connection through workforce identity federation, specifying a Technical contact is required. Workforce identity federation is in Preview.

  9. Review your order. Check that your Dedicated Interconnect connection details and contact information are correct. If everything is correct, click Place order. If not, go back and edit the connection details.

  10. On the order confirmation page, review the next steps, and then click Done.

The following command demonstrates how to request a MACsec-capable Cloud Interconnect connection on a 10‑GB link. MACsec on 10‑GB connections is supported, but you must contact your Google Cloud account team to enable your Google Cloud projects to create a MACsec-capable connection on 10‑GB links.

gcloud compute interconnects create INTERCONNECT_CONNECTION_NAME \
    --customer-name=CUSTOMER_NAME \
    --interconnect-type=DEDICATED \
    --link-type=LINK_TYPE_ETHERNET_10G_LR \
    --requested-link-count=LINK_COUNT \

Replace the following:

  • INTERCONNECT_CONNECTION_NAME: a name for your Cloud Interconnect connection

  • CUSTOMER_NAME: the customer name for the letter of authorization (LOA) that we issue for this connection

  • INTERCONNECT_CONNECTION_LOCATION: a Cloud Interconnect connection location listed in the locations table

  • LINK_COUNT: the number of Cloud Interconnect connections that you want

After you request a MACsec-capable Cloud Interconnect connection, a Cloud Interconnect connection is provisioned for you.

For more information about provisioning, see either the Dedicated Interconnect provisioning overview or the Partner Interconnect provisioning overview.

Create pre-shared keys

After your MACsec-capable Cloud Interconnect connection is provisioned, create the pre-shared keys that MACsec uses to encrypt the traffic that transits between Google's edge routers and your router. Creating keys doesn't turn on MACsec. To turn on MACsec, you must configure your on-premises router and then enable MACsec.

MACsec for Cloud Interconnect requires that you have at least one key with a start time of now or before. Keys that you create for MACsec for Cloud Interconnect have infinite validity. You can have a maximum of five keys per connection.

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Cloud Interconnect Physical connections tab.

    Go to Physical connections

  2. Select the connection that you want to modify.

  3. On the MACsec tab, go to the Pre-shared keys section, and then click Managed pre-shared keys.

  4. Specify the details of the pre-shared key:

    • Key Name 1: a name for the key. This name is displayed in the Google Cloud console and is used by the gcloud CLI to reference the key, such as psk-1.

    • Start time 1: the time that the key is valid from.

  5. To add more pre-shared keys, click Add key. Consecutive pre-shared keys must have start times that are at least six hours apart.

  6. Click Submit.

gcloud compute interconnects macsec add-key INTERCONNECT_CONNECTION_NAME \
     --key-name=KEY_NAME --start-time="START_TIME"

Replace the following:

  • KEY_NAME: a name for the key
  • START_TIME: the time that this key is valid from in ISO 8601 format—for example, 2023-07-01T21:00:01.000Z

Get pre-shared keys

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Cloud Interconnect Physical connections tab.

    Go to Physical connections

  2. Select the connection that you want to view.

  3. On the MACsec tab, go to the Pre-shared keys section, find the name of the pre-shared key, and then click View. A window displays the connectivity association key (CAK) and the connectivity association key name (CKN). Click Copy next to either value to copy the value to your computer's clipboard.

  4. Click Close.

Run the following command:

gcloud compute interconnects macsec get-config INTERCONNECT_CONNECTION_NAME

The output is similar to the following:

- cak: 0123456789abcdef...0123456789abcdef
  ckn: 0101016789abcdef...0123456789abcdef
  name: key1
  startTime: 2023-07-01T21:00:01.000Z

Note the connectivity association key (CAK) and the connectivity association key name (CKN) for your router's configuration.

If you receive a permissions denied error, verify that you have the correct permissions. For more information, see Before you begin.

Configure your on-premises router

Refer to your router vendor's documentation to set the following values on your router for compatibility with Google's routers.

At this point, MACsec isn't enabled on Google's end. To avoid a traffic outage, don't enable MACsec on your router while setting these values.

Setting Value
MACsec cipher suite
  • GCM-AES-256-XPN
  • GCM-AES-256
CAK cryptographic algorithm AES_256_CMAC
Key server priority 15
Secure association key (SAK) rekey interval 28800 seconds
MACsec confidentiality offset 0
Window size 64
Integrity check value (ICV) indicator yes
CAK The value that you previously noted when you got pre-shared keys.
CKN The value that you previously noted when you got pre-shared keys.
Secure Channel Identifier (SCI) enabled

What's next?