Terraform-Beispiele für HA VPN über Cloud Interconnect

Sie können die folgenden Terraform-Beispiele verwenden, um HA VPN über Cloud Interconnect bereitzustellen.

In den Beispielen wird vorausgesetzt, dass Sie bereits zwei Dedicated Interconnect-Verbindungen in zwei Edge-Verfügbarkeitsdomains (Zonen) bereitgestellt haben.

Informationen zum Anwenden oder Entfernen einer Terraform-Konfiguration finden Sie unter Grundlegende Terraform-Befehle.


Im folgenden Terraform-Beispiel wird eine HA VPN über Cloud Interconnect-Bereitstellung mit zwei 5-Gbit/s-VLAN-Anhängen bereitgestellt.

provider "google" {
  # Specify the project where you want
  # to deploy HA VPN over Cloud Interconnect resources.
  # Your Dedicated Interconnect connections can be
  # located in a different project.
  # project = "your-project"

  # Create all resources in the same region, which
  # you can specify at the provider level.
  # Important: This region must support the creation
  # of new VLAN attachments on Dataplane v2.
  region = "us-east4"

# VPC Network
resource "google_compute_network" "network_havpn_ic" {
  name                    = "network-havpn-ic"
  auto_create_subnetworks = false
  routing_mode            = "GLOBAL"

# Subnet
resource "google_compute_subnetwork" "subnet_havpn_ic" {
  name          = "subnet-havpn-ic"
  ip_cidr_range = ""
  network       = google_compute_network.network_havpn_ic.self_link

# Begin Cloud Interconnect tier
# Create Interconnect Cloud Router, specific to HA VPN over Cloud Interconnect

resource "google_compute_router" "ic_router" {
  name                          = "ic-router"
  network                       = google_compute_network.network_havpn_ic.self_link
  encrypted_interconnect_router = true
  bgp {
    asn = 65000

# Optional: Reserve regional internal IP ranges to allocate to the HA VPN gateway
# interfaces. Reserve an internal range for each VLAN attachment.

resource "google_compute_address" "address_vpn_ia_1" {
  name          = "address-vpn-ia-1"
  address_type  = "INTERNAL"
  purpose       = "IPSEC_INTERCONNECT"
  address       = ""
  prefix_length = 29 # Allows you to reserve up to 8 IP addresses
  network       = google_compute_network.network_havpn_ic.self_link

resource "google_compute_address" "address_vpn_ia_2" {
  name          = "address-vpn-ia-2"
  address_type  = "INTERNAL"
  purpose       = "IPSEC_INTERCONNECT"
  address       = ""
  prefix_length = 29 # Allows you to reserve up to 8 IP addresses
  network       = google_compute_network.network_havpn_ic.self_link

# Create encrypted VLAN attachments

data "google_project" "project" {
resource "google_compute_interconnect_attachment" "ia_1" {
  name    = "ia-1"
  project = data.google_project.project.project_id
  router  = google_compute_router.ic_router.self_link
  # If you use the same project for your Dedicated Interconnect connection and attachments, you can keep the variable in the following URL.
  # If not, replace the URL and variable.
  interconnect = "https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/${data.google_project.project.project_id}/global/interconnects/interconnect-zone1"
  description  = ""
  bandwidth    = "BPS_5G"
  type         = "DEDICATED"
  encryption   = "IPSEC"
  ipsec_internal_addresses = [
  vlan_tag8021q = 2001

resource "google_compute_interconnect_attachment" "ia_2" {
  name    = "ia-2"
  project = data.google_project.project.project_id
  router  = google_compute_router.ic_router.self_link
  # If you use the same project for your Dedicated Interconnect connection and attachments, you can keep the variable in the following URL.
  # If not, replace the URL and variable.
  interconnect = "https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/${data.google_project.project.project_id}/global/interconnects/interconnect-zone2"
  description  = ""
  bandwidth    = "BPS_5G"
  type         = "DEDICATED"
  encryption   = "IPSEC"
  ipsec_internal_addresses = [
  vlan_tag8021q = 2002

# Create VLAN attachment interfaces for Cloud Router

resource "google_compute_router_interface" "ic_if_1" {
  name                    = "ic-if-1"
  router                  = google_compute_router.ic_router.name
  ip_range                = google_compute_interconnect_attachment.ia_1.cloud_router_ip_address
  interconnect_attachment = google_compute_interconnect_attachment.ia_1.self_link

resource "google_compute_router_interface" "ic_if_2" {
  name                    = "ic-if-2"
  router                  = google_compute_router.ic_router.name
  ip_range                = google_compute_interconnect_attachment.ia_2.cloud_router_ip_address
  interconnect_attachment = google_compute_interconnect_attachment.ia_2.self_link

# Create BGP peers for Interconnect Cloud Router

resource "google_compute_router_peer" "ic_peer_1" {
  name            = "ic-peer-1"
  router          = google_compute_router.ic_router.name
  peer_ip_address = trimsuffix(google_compute_interconnect_attachment.ia_1.customer_router_ip_address, "/29")
  interface       = google_compute_router_interface.ic_if_1.name
  peer_asn        = 65098

resource "google_compute_router_peer" "ic_peer_2" {
  name            = "ic-peer-2"
  router          = google_compute_router.ic_router.name
  peer_ip_address = trimsuffix(google_compute_interconnect_attachment.ia_2.customer_router_ip_address, "/29")
  interface       = google_compute_router_interface.ic_if_2.name
  peer_asn        = 65099

# Begin VPN Layer
# Create HA VPN Gateways and associate with Cloud Interconnect VLAN attachments

resource "google_compute_ha_vpn_gateway" "vpngw_1" {
  name    = "vpngw-1"
  network = google_compute_network.network_havpn_ic.id
  vpn_interfaces {
    id                      = 0
    interconnect_attachment = google_compute_interconnect_attachment.ia_1.self_link
  vpn_interfaces {
    id                      = 1
    interconnect_attachment = google_compute_interconnect_attachment.ia_2.self_link

resource "google_compute_ha_vpn_gateway" "vpngw_2" {
  name    = "vpngw-2"
  network = google_compute_network.network_havpn_ic.id
  vpn_interfaces {
    id                      = 0
    interconnect_attachment = google_compute_interconnect_attachment.ia_1.self_link
  vpn_interfaces {
    id                      = 1
    interconnect_attachment = google_compute_interconnect_attachment.ia_2.self_link

# Create external peer VPN gateway resources

resource "google_compute_external_vpn_gateway" "external_vpngw_1" {
  name            = "external-vpngw-1"
  redundancy_type = "TWO_IPS_REDUNDANCY"
  interface {
    id         = 0
    ip_address = ""
  interface {
    id         = 1
    ip_address = ""

resource "google_compute_external_vpn_gateway" "external_vpngw_2" {
  name            = "external-vpngw-2"
  redundancy_type = "TWO_IPS_REDUNDANCY"
  interface {
    id         = 0
    ip_address = ""
  interface {
    id         = 1
    ip_address = ""

# Create HA VPN Cloud Router

resource "google_compute_router" "vpn_router" {
  name    = "vpn-router"
  network = google_compute_network.network_havpn_ic.self_link
  bgp {
    asn = 65010

# Create HA VPN tunnels

resource "google_compute_vpn_tunnel" "tunnel_1" {
  name                            = "tunnel-1"
  vpn_gateway                     = google_compute_ha_vpn_gateway.vpngw_1.id
  peer_external_gateway           = google_compute_external_vpn_gateway.external_vpngw_1.id
  shared_secret                   = "shhhhh"
  router                          = google_compute_router.vpn_router.id
  vpn_gateway_interface           = 0
  peer_external_gateway_interface = 0

resource "google_compute_vpn_tunnel" "tunnel_2" {
  name                            = "tunnel-2"
  vpn_gateway                     = google_compute_ha_vpn_gateway.vpngw_1.id
  peer_external_gateway           = google_compute_external_vpn_gateway.external_vpngw_1.id
  shared_secret                   = "shhhhh"
  router                          = google_compute_router.vpn_router.id
  vpn_gateway_interface           = 1
  peer_external_gateway_interface = 1

resource "google_compute_vpn_tunnel" "tunnel_3" {
  name                            = "tunnel-3"
  vpn_gateway                     = google_compute_ha_vpn_gateway.vpngw_2.id
  peer_external_gateway           = google_compute_external_vpn_gateway.external_vpngw_2.id
  shared_secret                   = "shhhhh"
  router                          = google_compute_router.vpn_router.id
  vpn_gateway_interface           = 0
  peer_external_gateway_interface = 0

resource "google_compute_vpn_tunnel" "tunnel_4" {
  name                            = "tunnel-4"
  vpn_gateway                     = google_compute_ha_vpn_gateway.vpngw_2.id
  peer_external_gateway           = google_compute_external_vpn_gateway.external_vpngw_2.id
  shared_secret                   = "shhhhh"
  router                          = google_compute_router.vpn_router.id
  vpn_gateway_interface           = 1
  peer_external_gateway_interface = 1

# Create VPN tunnel interfaces for Cloud Router

resource "google_compute_router_interface" "vpn_1_if_0" {
  name       = "vpn-1-if-0"
  router     = google_compute_router.vpn_router.name
  ip_range   = ""
  vpn_tunnel = google_compute_vpn_tunnel.tunnel_1.self_link

resource "google_compute_router_interface" "vpn_1_if_1" {
  name       = "vpn-1-if-1"
  router     = google_compute_router.vpn_router.name
  ip_range   = ""
  vpn_tunnel = google_compute_vpn_tunnel.tunnel_2.self_link

resource "google_compute_router_interface" "vpn_2_if_0" {
  name       = "vpn-2-if-0"
  router     = google_compute_router.vpn_router.name
  ip_range   = ""
  vpn_tunnel = google_compute_vpn_tunnel.tunnel_3.self_link

resource "google_compute_router_interface" "vpn_2_if_1" {
  name       = "vpn-2-if-1"
  router     = google_compute_router.vpn_router.name
  ip_range   = ""
  vpn_tunnel = google_compute_vpn_tunnel.tunnel_4.self_link

# Create BGP Peers for Cloud Router

resource "google_compute_router_peer" "vpn_peer_1" {
  name            = "vpn-peer-1"
  router          = google_compute_router.vpn_router.name
  peer_ip_address = ""
  interface       = google_compute_router_interface.vpn_1_if_0.name
  peer_asn        = 65011

resource "google_compute_router_peer" "vpn_peer_2" {
  name            = "vpn-peer-2"
  router          = google_compute_router.vpn_router.name
  peer_ip_address = ""
  interface       = google_compute_router_interface.vpn_1_if_1.name
  peer_asn        = 65011

resource "google_compute_router_peer" "vpn_peer_3" {
  name            = "vpn-peer-3"
  router          = google_compute_router.vpn_router.name
  peer_ip_address = ""
  interface       = google_compute_router_interface.vpn_2_if_0.name
  peer_asn        = 65034

resource "google_compute_router_peer" "vpn_peer_4" {
  name            = "vpn-peer-4"
  router          = google_compute_router.vpn_router.name
  peer_ip_address = ""
  interface       = google_compute_router_interface.vpn_2_if_1.name
  peer_asn        = 65034

Im folgenden Terraform-Beispiel wird eine HA VPN über Cloud Interconnect-Bereitstellung mit zwei 10-Gbit/s-VLAN-Anhängen bereitgestellt.

provider "google" {
  # Specify the project where you want
  # to deploy HA VPN over Cloud Interconnect resources.
  # Your Dedicated Interconnect connections can be
  # located in a different project.
  # project = "your-project"

  # Create all resources in the same region, which
  # you can specify at the provider level.
  # Important: This region must support the creation
  # of new VLAN attachments on Dataplane v2.
  region = "us-east4"

# VPC Network
resource "google_compute_network" "network_havpn_ic" {
  name                    = "network-havpn-ic"
  auto_create_subnetworks = false
  routing_mode            = "GLOBAL"

# Subnet
resource "google_compute_subnetwork" "subnet_havpn_ic" {
  name          = "subnet-havpn-ic"
  ip_cidr_range = ""
  network       = google_compute_network.network_havpn_ic.self_link

# Begin Cloud Interconnect tier
# Create Interconnect Cloud Router, specific to HA VPN over Cloud Interconnect

resource "google_compute_router" "ic_router" {
  name                          = "ic-router"
  network                       = google_compute_network.network_havpn_ic.self_link
  encrypted_interconnect_router = true
  bgp {
    asn = 65000

# Optional: Reserve regional internal IP ranges to allocate to the HA VPN gateway
# interfaces. Reserve an internal range for each VLAN attachment.

resource "google_compute_address" "address_vpn_ia_1" {
  name          = "address-vpn-ia-1"
  address_type  = "INTERNAL"
  purpose       = "IPSEC_INTERCONNECT"
  address       = ""
  prefix_length = 29 # Allows you to reserve up to 8 IP addresses
  network       = google_compute_network.network_havpn_ic.self_link

resource "google_compute_address" "address_vpn_ia_2" {
  name          = "address-vpn-ia-2"
  address_type  = "INTERNAL"
  purpose       = "IPSEC_INTERCONNECT"
  address       = ""
  prefix_length = 29 # Allows you to reserve up to 8 IP addresses
  network       = google_compute_network.network_havpn_ic.self_link

# Create encrypted VLAN attachments

data "google_project" "project" {
resource "google_compute_interconnect_attachment" "ia_1" {
  name    = "ia-1"
  project = data.google_project.project.project_id
  router  = google_compute_router.ic_router.self_link
  # If you use the same project for your Dedicated Interconnect connection and attachments, you can keep the variable in the following URL.
  # If not, replace the URL and variable.
  interconnect = "https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/${data.google_project.project.project_id}/global/interconnects/interconnect-zone1"
  description  = ""
  bandwidth    = "BPS_10G"
  type         = "DEDICATED"
  encryption   = "IPSEC"
  ipsec_internal_addresses = [
  vlan_tag8021q = 2001

resource "google_compute_interconnect_attachment" "ia_2" {
  name         = "ia-2"
  project      = data.google_project.project.project_id
  router       = google_compute_router.ic_router.self_link
  interconnect = "https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/${data.google_project.project.project_id}/global/interconnects/interconnect-zone2"
  description  = ""
  bandwidth    = "BPS_10G"
  type         = "DEDICATED"
  encryption   = "IPSEC"
  ipsec_internal_addresses = [
  vlan_tag8021q = 2002

# Create VLAN attachment interfaces for Cloud Router

resource "google_compute_router_interface" "ic_if_1" {
  name                    = "ic-if-1"
  router                  = google_compute_router.ic_router.name
  ip_range                = google_compute_interconnect_attachment.ia_1.cloud_router_ip_address
  interconnect_attachment = google_compute_interconnect_attachment.ia_1.self_link

resource "google_compute_router_interface" "ic_if_2" {
  name                    = "ic-if-2"
  router                  = google_compute_router.ic_router.name
  ip_range                = google_compute_interconnect_attachment.ia_2.cloud_router_ip_address
  interconnect_attachment = google_compute_interconnect_attachment.ia_2.self_link

# Create BGP peers for Interconnect Cloud Router

resource "google_compute_router_peer" "ic_peer_1" {
  name            = "ic-peer-1"
  router          = google_compute_router.ic_router.name
  peer_ip_address = trimsuffix(google_compute_interconnect_attachment.ia_1.customer_router_ip_address, "/29")
  interface       = google_compute_router_interface.ic_if_1.name
  peer_asn        = 65098

resource "google_compute_router_peer" "ic_peer_2" {
  name            = "ic-peer-2"
  router          = google_compute_router.ic_router.name
  peer_ip_address = trimsuffix(google_compute_interconnect_attachment.ia_2.customer_router_ip_address, "/29")
  interface       = google_compute_router_interface.ic_if_2.name
  peer_asn        = 65099

# Begin VPN Layer
# Create HA VPN Gateways and associate with the Cloud Interconnect VLAN attachments

resource "google_compute_ha_vpn_gateway" "vpngw_1" {
  name    = "vpngw-1"
  network = google_compute_network.network_havpn_ic.id
  vpn_interfaces {
    id                      = 0
    interconnect_attachment = google_compute_interconnect_attachment.ia_1.self_link
  vpn_interfaces {
    id                      = 1
    interconnect_attachment = google_compute_interconnect_attachment.ia_2.self_link

resource "google_compute_ha_vpn_gateway" "vpngw_2" {
  name    = "vpngw-2"
  network = google_compute_network.network_havpn_ic.id
  vpn_interfaces {
    id                      = 0
    interconnect_attachment = google_compute_interconnect_attachment.ia_1.self_link
  vpn_interfaces {
    id                      = 1
    interconnect_attachment = google_compute_interconnect_attachment.ia_2.self_link

resource "google_compute_ha_vpn_gateway" "vpngw_3" {
  name    = "vpngw-3"
  network = google_compute_network.network_havpn_ic.id
  vpn_interfaces {
    id                      = 0
    interconnect_attachment = google_compute_interconnect_attachment.ia_1.self_link
  vpn_interfaces {
    id                      = 1
    interconnect_attachment = google_compute_interconnect_attachment.ia_2.self_link

resource "google_compute_ha_vpn_gateway" "vpngw_4" {
  name    = "vpngw-4"
  network = google_compute_network.network_havpn_ic.id
  vpn_interfaces {
    id                      = 0
    interconnect_attachment = google_compute_interconnect_attachment.ia_1.self_link
  vpn_interfaces {
    id                      = 1
    interconnect_attachment = google_compute_interconnect_attachment.ia_2.self_link

# Create external peer VPN gateway resources

resource "google_compute_external_vpn_gateway" "external_vpngw_1" {
  name            = "external-vpngw-1"
  redundancy_type = "TWO_IPS_REDUNDANCY"
  interface {
    id         = 0
    ip_address = ""
  interface {
    id         = 1
    ip_address = ""

resource "google_compute_external_vpn_gateway" "external_vpngw_2" {
  name            = "external-vpngw-2"
  redundancy_type = "TWO_IPS_REDUNDANCY"
  interface {
    id         = 0
    ip_address = ""
  interface {
    id         = 1
    ip_address = ""

# Create HA VPN Cloud Router

resource "google_compute_router" "vpn_router" {
  name    = "vpn-router"
  network = google_compute_network.network_havpn_ic.self_link
  bgp {
    asn = 65010

# Create HA VPN tunnels

resource "google_compute_vpn_tunnel" "tunnel_1" {
  name                            = "tunnel-1"
  vpn_gateway                     = google_compute_ha_vpn_gateway.vpngw_1.id
  peer_external_gateway           = google_compute_external_vpn_gateway.external_vpngw_1.id
  shared_secret                   = "shhhhh"
  router                          = google_compute_router.vpn_router.id
  vpn_gateway_interface           = 0
  peer_external_gateway_interface = 0

resource "google_compute_vpn_tunnel" "tunnel_2" {
  name                            = "tunnel-2"
  vpn_gateway                     = google_compute_ha_vpn_gateway.vpngw_1.id
  peer_external_gateway           = google_compute_external_vpn_gateway.external_vpngw_1.id
  shared_secret                   = "shhhhh"
  router                          = google_compute_router.vpn_router.id
  vpn_gateway_interface           = 1
  peer_external_gateway_interface = 1

resource "google_compute_vpn_tunnel" "tunnel_3" {
  name                            = "tunnel-3"
  vpn_gateway                     = google_compute_ha_vpn_gateway.vpngw_2.id
  peer_external_gateway           = google_compute_external_vpn_gateway.external_vpngw_2.id
  shared_secret                   = "shhhhh"
  router                          = google_compute_router.vpn_router.id
  vpn_gateway_interface           = 0
  peer_external_gateway_interface = 0

resource "google_compute_vpn_tunnel" "tunnel_4" {
  name                            = "tunnel-4"
  vpn_gateway                     = google_compute_ha_vpn_gateway.vpngw_2.id
  peer_external_gateway           = google_compute_external_vpn_gateway.external_vpngw_2.id
  shared_secret                   = "shhhhh"
  router                          = google_compute_router.vpn_router.id
  vpn_gateway_interface           = 1
  peer_external_gateway_interface = 1

resource "google_compute_vpn_tunnel" "tunnel_5" {
  name                            = "tunnel-5"
  vpn_gateway                     = google_compute_ha_vpn_gateway.vpngw_3.id
  peer_external_gateway           = google_compute_external_vpn_gateway.external_vpngw_1.id
  shared_secret                   = "shhhhh"
  router                          = google_compute_router.vpn_router.id
  vpn_gateway_interface           = 0
  peer_external_gateway_interface = 0

resource "google_compute_vpn_tunnel" "tunnel_6" {
  name                            = "tunnel-6"
  vpn_gateway                     = google_compute_ha_vpn_gateway.vpngw_3.id
  peer_external_gateway           = google_compute_external_vpn_gateway.external_vpngw_1.id
  shared_secret                   = "shhhhh"
  router                          = google_compute_router.vpn_router.id
  vpn_gateway_interface           = 1
  peer_external_gateway_interface = 1

resource "google_compute_vpn_tunnel" "tunnel_7" {
  name                            = "tunnel-7"
  vpn_gateway                     = google_compute_ha_vpn_gateway.vpngw_4.id
  peer_external_gateway           = google_compute_external_vpn_gateway.external_vpngw_2.id
  shared_secret                   = "shhhhh"
  router                          = google_compute_router.vpn_router.id
  vpn_gateway_interface           = 0
  peer_external_gateway_interface = 0

resource "google_compute_vpn_tunnel" "tunnel_8" {
  name                            = "tunnel-8"
  vpn_gateway                     = google_compute_ha_vpn_gateway.vpngw_4.id
  peer_external_gateway           = google_compute_external_vpn_gateway.external_vpngw_2.id
  shared_secret                   = "shhhhh"
  router                          = google_compute_router.vpn_router.id
  vpn_gateway_interface           = 1
  peer_external_gateway_interface = 1

# Create VPN tunnel interfaces for Cloud Router

resource "google_compute_router_interface" "vpn_1_if_0" {
  name       = "vpn-1-if-0"
  router     = google_compute_router.vpn_router.name
  ip_range   = ""
  vpn_tunnel = google_compute_vpn_tunnel.tunnel_1.self_link

resource "google_compute_router_interface" "vpn_1_if_1" {
  name       = "vpn-1-if-1"
  router     = google_compute_router.vpn_router.name
  ip_range   = ""
  vpn_tunnel = google_compute_vpn_tunnel.tunnel_2.self_link

resource "google_compute_router_interface" "vpn_2_if_0" {
  name       = "vpn-2-if-0"
  router     = google_compute_router.vpn_router.name
  ip_range   = ""
  vpn_tunnel = google_compute_vpn_tunnel.tunnel_3.self_link

resource "google_compute_router_interface" "vpn_2_if_1" {
  name       = "vpn-2-if-1"
  router     = google_compute_router.vpn_router.name
  ip_range   = ""
  vpn_tunnel = google_compute_vpn_tunnel.tunnel_4.self_link

resource "google_compute_router_interface" "vpn_3_if_0" {
  name       = "vpn-3-if-0"
  router     = google_compute_router.vpn_router.name
  ip_range   = ""
  vpn_tunnel = google_compute_vpn_tunnel.tunnel_5.self_link

resource "google_compute_router_interface" "vpn_3_if_1" {
  name       = "vpn-3-if-1"
  router     = google_compute_router.vpn_router.name
  ip_range   = ""
  vpn_tunnel = google_compute_vpn_tunnel.tunnel_6.self_link

resource "google_compute_router_interface" "vpn_4_if_0" {
  name       = "vpn-4-if-0"
  router     = google_compute_router.vpn_router.name
  ip_range   = ""
  vpn_tunnel = google_compute_vpn_tunnel.tunnel_7.self_link

resource "google_compute_router_interface" "vpn_4_if_1" {
  name       = "vpn-4-if-1"
  router     = google_compute_router.vpn_router.name
  ip_range   = ""
  vpn_tunnel = google_compute_vpn_tunnel.tunnel_8.self_link

# Create BGP Peers for Cloud Router

resource "google_compute_router_peer" "vpn_peer_1" {
  name            = "vpn-peer-1"
  router          = google_compute_router.vpn_router.name
  peer_ip_address = ""
  interface       = google_compute_router_interface.vpn_1_if_0.name
  peer_asn        = 65011

resource "google_compute_router_peer" "vpn_peer_2" {
  name            = "vpn-peer-2"
  router          = google_compute_router.vpn_router.name
  peer_ip_address = ""
  interface       = google_compute_router_interface.vpn_1_if_1.name
  peer_asn        = 65011

resource "google_compute_router_peer" "vpn_peer_3" {
  name            = "vpn-peer-3"
  router          = google_compute_router.vpn_router.name
  peer_ip_address = ""
  interface       = google_compute_router_interface.vpn_2_if_0.name
  peer_asn        = 65011

resource "google_compute_router_peer" "vpn_peer_4" {
  name            = "vpn-peer-4"
  router          = google_compute_router.vpn_router.name
  peer_ip_address = ""
  interface       = google_compute_router_interface.vpn_2_if_1.name
  peer_asn        = 65011

resource "google_compute_router_peer" "vpn_peer_5" {
  name            = "vpn-peer-5"
  router          = google_compute_router.vpn_router.name
  peer_ip_address = ""
  interface       = google_compute_router_interface.vpn_3_if_0.name
  peer_asn        = 65034

resource "google_compute_router_peer" "vpn_peer_6" {
  name            = "vpn-peer-6"
  router          = google_compute_router.vpn_router.name
  peer_ip_address = ""
  interface       = google_compute_router_interface.vpn_3_if_1.name
  peer_asn        = 65034

resource "google_compute_router_peer" "vpn_peer_7" {
  name            = "vpn-peer-7"
  router          = google_compute_router.vpn_router.name
  peer_ip_address = ""
  interface       = google_compute_router_interface.vpn_4_if_0.name
  peer_asn        = 65034

resource "google_compute_router_peer" "vpn_peer_8" {
  name            = "vpn-peer-8"
  router          = google_compute_router.vpn_router.name
  peer_ip_address = ""
  interface       = google_compute_router_interface.vpn_4_if_1.name
  peer_asn        = 65034

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