kf create-autoscaling-rule


kf create-autoscaling-rule - Create autoscaling rule for App


kf create-autoscaling-rule APP RULE-TYPE MIN-THRESHOLD MAX-THRESHOLD [flags]


Create an autoscaling rule for App.

The only (currently) supported rule type is CPU. It is the target percentage. It is calculated by taking the average of MIN-THRESHOLD and MAX-THRESHOLD.

The range of MIN-THRESHOLD and MAX-THRESHOLD is 1 to 100 (percent)


  # Scale myapp based on CPU load targeting 50% utilization (halfway between 20 and 80)
  kf create-autoscaling-rule myapp CPU 20 80


Don't wait for the action to complete on the server before returning
-h, --help
help for create-autoscaling-rule

Inherited flags

These flags are inherited from parent commands.

Config file (default is $HOME/.kf)
Kubectl config file (default is $HOME/.kube/config)
Log HTTP requests to stderr
Space to run the command against. This overrides the currently targeted space