kf bind-service


kf bind-service - Grant an App access to a service instance


kf bind-service APP_NAME SERVICE_INSTANCE [-c PARAMETERS_AS_JSON] [--binding-name BINDING_NAME] [flags]


Binding a service injects information about the service into the App via the VCAP_SERVICES environment variable.


  kf bind-service myapp mydb -c '{"permissions":"read-only"}'


Don't wait for the action to complete on the server before returning
-b, --binding-name=string
Name of the binding injected into the app, defaults to the service instance name
-h, --help
help for bind-service

Inherited flags

These flags are inherited from parent commands.

Config file (default is $HOME/.kf)
Kubectl config file (default is $HOME/.kube/config)
Log HTTP requests to stderr
Space to run the command against. This overrides the currently targeted space