Add product details for your data product

This document describes how to add product details for your Cloud Marketplace data product. Product details include your product's title, icon, marketing information, and links to documentation.

Add product details

You add your product details in Producer Portal. The direct link to Producer Portal is:

To add product details, complete the following steps:

  1. In Producer Portal, select your data product.

  2. From the Overview page of your product, go to the Product details section and click Edit.

  3. Add the title, icon, and description for your data product's Cloud Marketplace listing.

  4. Select up to two categories from the Category drop-down. This helps customers to find your product under select categories or filters as they search Cloud Marketplace.

  5. Under Product overview and documentation, add an overview and documentation for your product.

To save your progress at any point, or after completing this section, click Save.