GKE Ingress for Application Load Balancers

This page provides a general overview of what Ingress for external Application Load Balancers is and how it works. Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) provides a built-in and managed Ingress controller called GKE Ingress. This controller implements Ingress resources as Google Cloud load balancers for HTTP(S) workloads in GKE.

This page is for Networking specialists who design and architect the network for their organization and install, configure, and support network equipment. To learn more about common roles and example tasks that we reference in Google Cloud content, see Common GKE Enterprise user roles and tasks.


In GKE, an Ingress object defines rules for routing HTTP(S) traffic to applications running in a cluster. An Ingress object is associated with one or more Service objects, each of which is associated with a set of Pods. To learn more about how Ingress exposes applications using Services, see Service networking overview.

When you create an Ingress object, the GKE Ingress controller creates a Google Cloud HTTP(S) Load Balancer and configures it according to the information in the Ingress and its associated Services.

To use Ingress, you must have the HTTP load balancing add-on enabled. GKE clusters have HTTP load balancing enabled by default; you must not disable it.

Ingress for external and internal traffic

GKE Ingress resources come in two types:

GKE Ingress controller behavior

For clusters running GKE versions 1.18 and later, whether or not the GKE Ingress controller processes an Ingress depends on the value of the kubernetes.io/ingress.class annotation:

kubernetes.io/ingress.class value ingressClassName value GKE Ingress controller behavior
Not set Not set Process the Ingress manifest and create an external Application Load Balancer.
Not set Any value Takes no action. The Ingress manifest could be processed by a third-party Ingress controller if one has been deployed.
gce Any value. This field is ignored. Process the Ingress manifest and create an external Application Load Balancer.
gce-internal Any value. This field is ignored. Process the Ingress manifest and create an internal Application Load Balancer.
Set to a value other than gce or gce-internal Any value Takes no action. The Ingress manifest could be processed by a third-party Ingress controller if one has been deployed.

For clusters running older GKE versions, the GKE controller processes any Ingress that does not have the annotation kubernetes.io/ingress.class, or has the annotation with the value gce or gce-internal.

kubernetes.io/ingress.class annotation deprecation

Although the kubernetes.io/ingress.class annotation is deprecated in Kubernetes, GKE continues to use this annotation.

You cannot use the ingressClassName field to specify a GKE Ingress. You must use the kubernetes.io/ingress.class annotation.

Features of external Application Load Balancers

An external Application Load Balancer, configured by Ingress, includes the following features:

  • Flexible configuration for Services. An Ingress defines how traffic reaches your Services and how the traffic is routed to your application. In addition, an Ingress can provide a single IP address for multiple Services in your cluster.
  • Integration with Google Cloud network services
  • Support for multiple TLS certificates. An Ingress can specify the use of multiple TLS certificates for request termination.

For a comprehensive list, see Ingress configuration.

Container-native load balancing

Container-native load balancing is the practice of load balancing directly to Pod endpoints in GKE using Network Endpoint Groups (NEGs).

When using Instance Groups, Compute Engine load balancers send traffic to VM IPs as backends. When running containers on VMs, in which containers share the same host interface, this introduces some limitations:

  • It incurs two hops of load balancing - one hop from the load balancer to the VM NodePort and another hop through kube-proxy routing to the Pod IP (which may reside on a different VM).
  • Additional hops add latency and make the traffic path more complex.
  • The Compute Engine load balancer has no direct visibility to Pods resulting in suboptimal traffic balancing.
  • Environmental events like VM or Pod loss are more likely to cause intermittent traffic loss due to the double traffic hop.

With NEGs, traffic is load balanced from the load balancer directly to the Pod IP as opposed to traversing the VM IP and kube-proxy networking. In addition, Pod readiness gates are implemented to determine the health of Pods from the perspective of the load balancer and not just the Kubernetes in-cluster health probes. This improves overall traffic stability by making the load balancer infrastructure aware of lifecycle events such as Pod startup, Pod loss, or VM loss. These capabilities resolve the above limitations and result in more performant and stable networking.

Container-native load balancing is enabled by default for Services when all of the following conditions are true:

  • For Services created in GKE clusters 1.17.6-gke.7 and up
  • Using VPC-native clusters
  • Not using a Shared VPC
  • Not using GKE Network Policy

In these conditions, Services will be annotated automatically with cloud.google.com/neg: '{"ingress": true}' indicating that a NEG should be created to mirror the Pod IPs within the Service. The NEG is what allows Compute Engine load balancers to communicate directly with Pods. Note that existing Services created prior to GKE 1.17.6-gke.7 won't be automatically annotated by the Service controller.

For GKE 1.17.6-gke.7 and earlier, where NEG annotation is automatic, it is possible to disable NEGs and force the Compute Engine external load balancer to use an instance group as its backends if necessary. This can be done by explicitly annotating Services with cloud.google.com/neg: '{"ingress": false}'. It is not possible to disable NEGs with Ingress for internal Application Load Balancers.

For clusters where NEGs are not the default, it is still strongly recommended to use container-native load balancing, but it must be enabled explicitly on a per-Service basis. The annotation should be applied to Services in the following manner:

kind: Service
    cloud.google.com/neg: '{"ingress": true}'

Shared VPC

Ingress and MultiClusterIngress resources are supported in Shared VPC, but they require additional preparation.

The Ingress controller runs on the GKE control plane and makes API calls to Google Cloud using the GKE service account of the cluster's project. By default, when a cluster that is located in a Shared VPC service project uses a Shared VPC network, the Ingress controller cannot use the service project's GKE service account to create and update ingress allow firewall rules in the host project.

You can grant the service project's GKE service account permissions to create and manage VPC firewall rules in the host project. By granting these permissions, GKE creates ingress allow firewall rules for the following:

Manually provision firewall rules from the host project

If your security policies only allow firewall management from the host project, then you can provision these firewall rules manually. When deploying Ingress in a Shared VPC, the Ingress resource event provides the specific firewall rule you need to add necessary to provide access.

To manually provision a rule:

  1. View the Ingress resource event:

    kubectl describe ingress INGRESS_NAME

    Replace INGRESS_NAME with the name of your Ingress.

    You should see output similar to the following example:

    Type    Reason  Age                    From                     Message
    ----    ------  ----                   ----                     -------
    Normal  Sync    9m34s (x237 over 38h)  loadbalancer-controller  Firewall change required by security admin: `gcloud compute firewall-rules update k8s-fw-l7--6048d433d4280f11 --description "GCE L7 firewall rule" --allow tcp:30000-32767,tcp:8080 --source-ranges, --target-tags gke-l7-ilb-test-b3a7e0e5-node --project <project>`

    The suggested required firewall rule appears in the Message column.

  2. Copy and apply the suggested firewall rules from the host project. Applying the rule provides access to your Pods from the load balancer and Google Cloud health checkers.

Providing the GKE Ingress controller permission to manage host project firewall rules

If you want a GKE cluster in a service project to create and manage the firewall resources in your host project, the service project's GKE service account must be granted the appropriate IAM permissions using one of the following strategies:

  • Grant the service project's GKE service account the Compute Security Admin role to the host project. The following example demonstrates this strategy.

  • For a finer grained approach, create a custom IAM role that includes only the following permissions: compute.networks.updatePolicy, compute.firewalls.list, compute.firewalls.get, compute.firewalls.create, compute.firewalls.update, compute.firewalls.delete, and compute.subnetworks.list. Grant the service project's GKE service account that custom role to the host project.

If you have clusters in more than one service project, you must choose one of the strategies and repeat it for each service project's GKE service account.

gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding HOST_PROJECT_ID \
  --member=serviceAccount:service-SERVICE_PROJECT_NUMBER@container-engine-robot.iam.gserviceaccount.com \

Replace the following:

Multiple backend services

Each external Application Load Balancer or internal Application Load Balancer uses a single URL map, which references one or more backend services. One backend service corresponds to each Service referenced by the Ingress.

For example, you can configure the load balancer to route requests to different backend services depending on the URL path. Requests sent to your-store.example could be routed to a backend service that displays full-price items, and requests sent to your-store.example/discounted could be routed to a backend service that displays discounted items.

You can also configure the load balancer to route requests according to the hostname. Requests sent to your-store.example could go to one backend service, and requests sent to your-experimental-store.example could go to another backend service.

In a GKE cluster, you create and configure an HTTP(S) load balancer by creating a Kubernetes Ingress object. An Ingress object must be associated with one or more Service objects, each of which is associated with a set of Pods.

If you want to configure GKE Ingress with multiple backends for the same host, you must have a single rule with a single host and multiple paths. Otherwise, the GKE ingress controller provisions only one backend service

Here is a manifest for an Ingress called my-ingress:

apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: Ingress
  name: my-ingress
  - host: your-store.example
      - path: /products
            name: my-products
              number: 60000
      - path: /discounted-products
            name: my-discounted-products
              number: 80

When you create the Ingress, the GKE ingress controller creates and configures an external Application Load Balancer or an internal Application Load Balancer according to the information in the Ingress and the associated Services. Also, the load balancer is given a stable IP address that you can associate with a domain name.

In the preceding example, assume you have associated the load balancer's IP address with the domain name your-store.example. When a client sends a request to your-store.example, the request is routed to a Kubernetes Service named my-products on port 60000. And when a client sends a request to your-store.example/discounted, the request is routed to a Kubernetes Service named my-discounted-products on port 80.

The only supported wildcard character for the path field of an Ingress is the * character. The * character must follow a forward slash (/) and must be the last character in the pattern. For example, /*, /foo/*, and /foo/bar/* are valid patterns, but *, /foo/bar*, and /foo/*/bar are not.

A more specific pattern takes precedence over a less specific pattern. If you have both /foo/* and /foo/bar/*, then /foo/bar/bat is taken to match /foo/bar/*.

For more information about path limitations and pattern matching, see the URL Maps documentation.

The manifest for the my-products Service might look like this:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: my-products
  type: NodePort
    app: products
    department: sales
  - protocol: TCP
    port: 60000
    targetPort: 50000

In the Service manifest, you must use type: NodePort unless you're using container native load balancing. If using container native load balancing, use the type: ClusterIP.

In the Service manifest, the selector field says any Pod that has both the app: products label and the department: sales label is a member of this Service.

When a request comes to the Service on port 60000, it is routed to one of the member Pods on TCP port 50000.

Each member Pod must have a container listening on TCP port 50000.

The manifest for the my-discounted-products Service might look like this:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: my-discounted-products
  type: NodePort
    app: discounted-products
    department: sales
  - protocol: TCP
    port: 80
    targetPort: 8080

In the Service manifest, the selector field says any Pod that has both the app: discounted-products label and the department: sales label is a member of this Service.

When a request comes to the Service on port 80, it is routed to one of the member Pods on TCP port 8080.

Each member Pod must have a container listening on TCP port 8080.

Default backend

You can specify a default backend for your Ingress by providing a spec.defaultBackend field in your Ingress manifest. This will handle any requests that don't match the paths defined in the rules field. For example, in the following Ingress, any requests that don't match /discounted are sent to a service named my-products on port 60001.

apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: Ingress
  name: my-ingress
      name: my-products
        number: 60001
  - http:
      - path: /discounted
        pathType: ImplementationSpecific
            name: my-discounted-products
              number: 80

If you don't specify a default backend, GKE provides a default backend that returns 404. This is created as a default-http-backend NodePort service on the cluster in the kube-system namespace.

The 404 HTTP response is similar to the following:

response 404 (backend NotFound), service rules for the path non-existent

To set up GKE Ingress with a customer default backend, see the GKE Ingress with custom default backend.

Ingress to Compute Engine resource mappings

The GKE Ingress controller deploys and manages Compute Engine load balancer resources based on the Ingress resources that are deployed in the cluster. The mapping of Compute Engine resources depends on the structure of the Ingress resource.

The following manifest describes an Ingress:

apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: Ingress
  name: my-ingress
  - http:
      - path: /*
        pathType: ImplementationSpecific
            name: my-products
              number: 60000
      - path: /discounted
        pathType: ImplementationSpecific
            name: my-discounted-products
              number: 80

This Ingress manifest instructs GKE to create the following Compute Engine resources:

  • A forwarding rule and IP address.
  • Compute Engine firewall rules that permit traffic for load balancer health checks and application traffic from Google Front Ends or Envoy proxies.
  • A target HTTP proxy and a target HTTPS proxy, if you configured TLS.
  • A URL map which with a single host rule referencing a single path matcher. The path matcher has two path rules, one for /* and another for /discounted. Each path rule maps to a unique backend service.
  • NEGs which hold a list of Pod IP addresses from each Service as endpoints. These are created as a result of the my-discounted-products and my-products Services.

Options for providing SSL certificates

You can provide SSL certificates to an HTTP(S) load balancer using the following methods:

Google-managed certificates
Google-managed SSL certificates are provisioned, deployed, renewed, and managed for your domains. Managed certificates do not support wildcard domains.
Self-managed certificates shared with Google Cloud
You can provision your own SSL certificate and create a certificate resource in your Google Cloud project. You can then list the certificate resource in an annotation on an Ingress to create an HTTP(S) load balancer that uses the certificate. Refer to instructions for pre-shared certificates for more information.
Self-managed certificates as Secret resources
You can provision your own SSL certificate and create a Secret to hold it. You can then refer to the Secret in an Ingress specification to create an HTTP(S) load balancer that uses the certificate. Refer to the instructions for using certificates in Secrets for more information.

Health checks

When you expose one or more Services through an Ingress using the default Ingress controller, GKE creates a classic Application Load Balancer or an internal Application Load Balancer. Both of these load balancers support multiple backend services on a single URL map. Each of the backend services corresponds to a Kubernetes Service, and each backend service must reference a Google Cloud health check. This health check is different from a Kubernetes liveness or readiness probe because the health check is implemented outside of the cluster.

GKE uses the following procedure to create a health check for each backend service corresponding to a Kubernetes Service:

  • If the Service references a BackendConfig CRD with healthCheck information, GKE uses that to create the health check. Both the GKE Enterprise Ingress controller and the GKE Ingress controller support creating health checks this way.

  • If the Service does not reference a BackendConfig CRD:

    • GKE can infer some or all of the parameters for a health check if the Serving Pods use a Pod template with a container whose readiness probe has attributes that can be interpreted as health check parameters. See Parameters from a readiness probe for implementation details and Default and inferred parameters for a list of attributes that can be used to create health check parameters. Only the GKE Ingress controller supports inferring parameters from a readiness probe.

    • If the Pod template for the Service's serving Pods does not have a container with a readiness probe whose attributes can be interpreted as health check parameters, the default values are used to create the health check. Both the GKE Enterprise Ingress controller and the GKE Ingress controller can create a health check using only the default values.

Default and inferred parameters

The following parameters are used when you do not specify health check parameters for the corresponding Service using a BackendConfig CRD.

Health check parameter Default value Inferable value
Protocol HTTP if present in the Service annotation cloud.google.com/app-protocols
Request path / if present in the serving Pod's spec:
Request Host header Host: backend-ip-address if present in the serving Pod's spec:
Expected response HTTP 200 (OK) HTTP 200 (OK)
cannot be changed
Check interval
  • for zonal NEGs: 15 seconds
  • for instance groups: 60 seconds
if present in the serving Pod's spec:
  • for zonal NEGs:
  • for instance groups:
    containers[].readinessProbe.periodSeconds + 60 seconds
Check timeout 5 seconds if present in the serving Pod's spec:
Healthy threshold 1 1
cannot be changed
Unhealthy threshold
  • for zonal NEGs: 2
  • for instance groups: 10
same as default:
  • for zonal NEGs: 2
  • for instance groups: 10
Port specification
  • for zonal NEGs: the Service's port
  • for instance groups: the Service's nodePort
The health check probes are sent to the port number specified by the spec.containers[].readinessProbe.httpGet.port, as long as all of the following are also true:
  • The readiness probe's port number must match the serving Pod's containers[].spec.ports.containerPort
  • The serving Pod's containerPort matches the Service's targetPort
  • The Ingress service backend port specification references a valid port from spec.ports[] of the Service. This can be done in one of two ways:
    • spec.rules[].http.paths[].backend.service.port.name in the Ingress matches spec.ports[].name defined in the corresponding Service
    • spec.rules[].http.paths[].backend.service.port.number in the Ingress matches spec.ports[].port defined in the corresponding Service
Destination IP address
  • for zonal NEGs: the Pod's IP address
  • for instance groups: the node's IP address
same as default:
  • for zonal NEGs: the Pod's IP address
  • for instance groups: the node's IP address

Parameters from a readiness probe

When GKE creates the health check for the Service's backend service, GKE can copy certain parameters from one container's readiness probe used by that Service's serving Pods. This option is only supported by the GKE Ingress controller.

Supported readiness probe attributes that can be interpreted as health check parameters are listed along with the default values in Default and inferred parameters. Default values are used for any attributes not specified in the readiness probe or if you don't specify a readiness probe at all.

If serving Pods for your Service contain multiple containers, or if you're using the GKE Enterprise Ingress controller, you should use a BackendConfig CRD to define health check parameters. For more information, see When to use a BackendConfig CRD instead.

When to use BackendConfig CRDs instead

Instead of relying on parameters from Pod readiness probes, you should explicitly define health check parameters for a backend service by creating a BackendConfig CRD for the Service in these situations:

  • If you're using GKE Enterprise: The GKE Enterprise Ingress controller does not support obtaining health check parameters from the readiness probes of serving Pods. It can only create health checks using implicit parameters or as defined in a BackendConfig CRD.
  • If you have more than one container in the serving Pods: GKE does not have a way to select the readiness probe of a specific container from which to infer health check parameters. Because each container can have its own readiness probe, and because a readiness probe isn't a required parameter for a container, you should define the health check for the corresponding backend service by referencing a BackendConfig CRD on the corresponding Service.

  • If you need control over the port used for the load balancer's health checks: GKE only uses the readiness probe's containers[].readinessProbe.httpGet.port for the backend service's health check when that port matches the service port for the Service referenced in the Ingress spec.rules[].http.paths[].backend.servicePort.

Parameters from a BackendConfig CRD

You can specify the backend service's health check parameters using the healthCheck parameter of a BackendConfig CRD referenced by the corresponding Service. This gives you more flexibility and control over health checks for a classic Application Load Balancer or an internal Application Load Balancer created by an Ingress. See Ingress configuration for GKE version compatibility.

This example BackendConfig CRD defines the health check protocol (type), a request path, a port, and a check interval in its spec.healthCheck attribute:

apiVersion: cloud.google.com/v1
kind: BackendConfig
  name: http-hc-config
    checkIntervalSec: 15
    port: 15020
    type: HTTPS
    requestPath: /healthz

To configure all the fields available when configuring a BackendConfig health check, use the custom health check configuration example.

To set up GKE Ingress with a custom HTTP health check, see GKE Ingress with custom HTTP health check.

Using multiple TLS certificates

Suppose you want an HTTP(S) load balancer to serve content from two hostnames: your-store.example and your-experimental-store.example. Also, you want the load balancer to use one certificate for your-store.example and a different certificate for your-experimental-store.example.

You can do this by specifying multiple certificates in an Ingress manifest. The load balancer chooses a certificate if the Common Name (CN) in the certificate matches the hostname used in the request. For detailed information on how to configure multiple certificates, see Using multiple SSL certificates in HTTPS Load Balancing with Ingress.

Kubernetes Service compared to Google Cloud backend service

A Kubernetes Service and a Google Cloud backend service are different things. There is a strong relationship between the two, but the relationship is not necessarily one to one. The GKE ingress controller creates a Google Cloud backend service for each (service.name, service.port) pair in an Ingress manifest. So it is possible for one Kubernetes Service object to be related to several Google Cloud backend services.


  • In clusters using versions earlier than 1.16, the total length of the namespace and name of an Ingress must not exceed 40 characters. Failure to follow this guideline may cause the GKE Ingress controller to act abnormally. For more information, see this GitHub issue about long names.

  • In clusters using NEGs, ingress reconciliation time may be affected by the number of ingresses. For example, a cluster with 20 ingresses, each containing 20 distinct NEG backends, may result in a latency of more than 30 minutes for an ingress change to be reconciled. This especially impacts regional clusters due to the increased number of NEGs needed.

  • Quotas for URL maps apply.

  • Quotas for Compute Engine resources apply.

  • If you're not using NEGs with the GKE ingress controller then GKE clusters have a limit of 1000 nodes. When services are deployed with NEGs, there is no GKE node limit. Any non-NEG Services exposed through Ingress do not function correctly on clusters above 1000 nodes.

  • For the GKE Ingress controller to use your readinessProbes as health checks, the Pods for an Ingress must exist at the time of Ingress creation. If your replicas are scaled to 0, the default health check applies. For more information, see this GitHub issue comment about health checks.

  • Changes to a Pod's readinessProbe do not affect the Ingress after it is created.

  • An external Application Load Balancer terminates TLS in locations that are distributed globally, to minimize latency between clients and the load balancer. If you require geographic control over where TLS is terminated, you should use a custom ingress controller exposed through a GKE Service of type LoadBalancer instead, and terminate TLS on backends that are located in regions appropriate to your needs.

  • Combining multiple Ingress resources into a single Google Cloud load balancer is not supported.

  • You must turn off mutual TLS on your application because it is not supported for external Application Load Balancers.

External Ingress and routes-based clusters

If you use routes-based clusters with external Ingress, the GKE Ingress controller cannot use container-native load balancing using GCE_VM_IP_PORT network endpoint groups (NEGs). Instead, the Ingress controller uses unmanaged instance group backends that include all nodes in all node pools. If these unmanaged instance groups are also used by LoadBalancer Services, it can cause issues related to the Single load-balanced instance group limitation.

Some older external Ingress objects created in VPC-native clusters might use instance group backends on the backend services of each external Application Load Balancer they create. This is not relevant to internal Ingress because internal Ingress resources always use GCE_VM_IP_PORT NEGs and require VPC-native clusters.

To learn how to troubleshoot 502 errors with external Ingress, see External Ingress produces HTTP 502 errors.

Implementation details

  • The Ingress controller performs periodic checks of service account permissions by fetching a test resource from your Google Cloud project. You will see this as a GET of the (non-existent) global BackendService with the name k8s-ingress-svc-acct-permission-check-probe. As this resource should not normally exist, the GET request will return "not found". This is expected; the controller is checking that the API call is not rejected due to authorization issues. If you create a BackendService with the same name, then the GET will succeed instead of returning "not found".

Templates for the Ingress configuration

What's next