Endpoints Framework Maven plugin

The Endpoints Framework Maven plugin provides tasks and configurations to build Endpoints Framework projects. This plugin provides server-side and client-side support. The server-side goals generate Discovery documents and OpenAPI specifications from an annotated Endpoints Framework Java project and client libraries. The client-side goal generates client libraries when a discovery document is available.

Add the Endpoints Framework Maven plugin

Add the Endpoints Framework Maven plugin by using the following plugin snippet to your pom.xml:

    <!-- plugin configuration -->

Plugin goals

After you add the Endpoints Framework Maven plugin, the following Endpoints Framework-specific Maven goals are available:


Goal Description
endpoints-framework:clientLibs Generates client libraries
endpoints-framework:discoveryDocs Generates discovery documents
endpoints-framework:openApiDocs Generates OpenAPI documents


Goal Description
endpoints-framework:generateSrc Generates client libraries from discovery documents.

Goal parameters

Each goal has associated parameters that you can use. You can specify these settings in the pom.xml or in the command line.

To configure these settings in the pom.xml, add the parameter name in the <configuration> section.

Alternatively, to configure these settings in the command line, follow the pattern -D[USER_PROPERTY]=[PARAMETER_VALUE].

See the following sections for a list of the parameters that are available for each goal.


This goal generates client libraries from the server-side.

Parameter Description User Property
clientLibDir Define the location of generated client libraries. The default location is defined as `target/client-libs`. endpoints.clientLibDir
serviceClasses Optional parameter to provide a List of names of service classes (endpoints classes). This can be inferred from the `web.xml`. endpoints.serviceClasses
webappDir Provide the location of the `webapp` directory. The default location is defined as `src/main/webapp`. endpoints.webappDir
hostname To set the root url for client libs. For example using `hostname = myapp.appspot.com` will result in a default root url of`https://myapp.appspot.com/_ah/api` endpoints.hostname


This goal generates discovery documents.

Parameter Description User Property
discoveryDocDir Define a location for generated discovery documents. The default location is defined as `target/discovery-docs`. endpoints.discoveryDocDir
serviceClasses Optional parameter to provide a List of names of service classes (endpoints classes). This can be inferred from the `web.xml`. endpoints.serviceClasses
webappDir Provide the location of the `webapp` directory. The default location is defined as `src/main/webapp`. endpoints.webappDir
hostname To set the root url for discovery docs. For example using `hostname = myapp.appspot.com` will result in a default root url of`https://myapp.appspot.com/_ah/api` endpoints.hostname


This goal generates OpenAPI documents.

Parameter Description User Property
openApiDocDir Define a location for generated OpenAPI documents. The default location is defined as `target/openapi-docs`. endpoints.openApiDocDir
serviceClasses Optional parameter to provide a List of names of service classes (endpoints classes). This can be inferred from the `web.xml`. endpoints.serviceClasses
webappDir Provide the location of the `webapp` directory. The default location is defined as `src/main/webapp`. endpoints.webappDir
hostname To set the root url for OpenAPI documents. For example using `hostname = myapp.appspot.com` will result in a default root url of`https://myapp.appspot.com/_ah/api` endpoints.hostname


This goal generates client sources from discovery documents.

Parameter Description User Property
discoveryDocs Define a list of discovery documents. endpoints.discoveryDocs
generatedSrcDir Output directory for generated client library sources. Default location is at `target/generated-sources/`. endpoints.generatedSrcDir

What's next

  • Explore the plugin code and report issues on GitHub.