gdcloud projects update


gdcloud projects update - Update a particular project's attributes.


gdcloud projects update PROJECT_ID [flags]


Update a particular project's display name, task order, contract line item number (CLIN), and/or its data exfiltration policy.


To update a project's name to "test-project", run:

    gdcloud projects update PROJECT_ID --name=test-project

To update a project's data exfiltration policy to false, run:

    gdcloud projects update PROJECT_ID --data-exfiltration-prevention=false

You can update any editable project field. Run "gdcloud projects update --help" for more options.


      --clin string                    Number associated with the project's task order.
      --data-exfiltration-prevention   If set to false, allow network data transfer out from project workloads outside the organization. Otherwise, network data transfer out from workloads outside the project's organization is not allowed. (default true)
  -h, --help                           help for update
      --name string                    Name for the project.
      --task-order string              Number used to pay for provisioned resources in the project.