Creating a Deployment using gcloud or the API

This page describes how to create a deployment. A deployment is an instantiation of a set of resources that are defined in a configuration. You provide a valid configuration in the request to create the deployment. A deployment can contain a number of resources, across a variety of Google Cloud services. When you create a deployment, Deployment Manager creates all of the described resources in the respective Google Cloud APIs.

Before you begin

Creating a deployment

When you create a deployment, you are creating a Deployment resource that contains a collection of resources. Each resource is explicitly defined in a configuration that you provide in your request.

With the Google Cloud CLI, use the deployments create command:

gcloud deployment-manager deployments create my-first-deployment \
    --config vm.yaml

The --config flag is a relative path to your YAML configuration file.

By default, if your configuration includes resources that are already in your project, those resources are acquired by the deployment, and can be managed using the deployment. If you don't want to acquire a resource, you must use the --create-policy option, as in the following gcloud beta command:

gcloud beta deployment-manager deployments create my-first-deployment \
    --config vm.yaml --create-policy CREATE

For information on what policies you can use when you are creating deployments, see Setting the policy for creating resources.

If your deployment is successfully created, you can get a description of the deployment:

gcloud deployment-manager deployments describe my-first-deployment

In the API, make an insert() request with the configuration provided inline, in the request body:


 "name": "example-config-with-templates",
 "target": {
  "config": {
   "content": "resources:\n- name: vm-created-by-cloud-config\n  type: compute.v1.instance\n  properties:\n    zone: us-central1-a\n    machineType:\n    disks:\n    - deviceName: boot\n      type: PERSISTENT\n      boot: true\n      autoDelete: true\n      initializeParams:\n        diskName: disk-created-by-cloud-config\n        sourceImage:\n    networkInterfaces:\n    - network:\n"

If you import templates, you must also provide those templates as part of the request body. For example, the following API request has a target that imports one template, named vm_template.jinja:


 "name": "my-example-config-with-templates-2",
 "target": {
  "config": {
    "content": "imports:\n- path: vm_template.jinja\n\nresources:\n- name: my-vm\n  type: vm_template.jinja"
  "imports": [
    "content": "resources:\n- name: vm-created-by-cloud-config\n  type: compute.v1.instance\n  properties:\n    zone: us-central1-a\n    machineType:\n    disks:\n    - deviceName: boot\n      type: PERSISTENT\n      boot: true\n      autoDelete: true\n      initializeParams:\n        diskName: disk-created-by-cloud-config\n        sourceImage:\n    networkInterfaces:\n    - network:",
    "name": "vm_template.jinja"

Setting the policy for creating resources

When you create a new deployment, if a resource that you want to create already exists in your project, it is acquired by the deployment. In such cases, Deployment Manager does not create a new resource. If you do not want to acquire an existing resource, you must use the CREATE policy for your deployment.

You can use the following policies for creating your resources:

  • CREATE_OR_ACQUIRE - [Default] Deployment Manager acquires resources that exist in the project, or creates resources if they do not exist. To acquire a resource, Deployment Manager checks your configuration for the properties of the resource you are trying to create. If there is an existing resource with the same properties, Deployment Manager acquires that resource as part of your deployment.

    The properties that Deployment Manager checks depend on the type of resource you are creating, and might include:

    • The name of the resource
    • The type of the resource
    • The zone or region of the resource, if applicable

    The properties are part of the URL for GET API request for the resource. To see which properties Deployment Manager uses to acquire a resource, see the API documentation for the resource's GET method. For example, for Compute Engine instances, the request URL for instances.get method includes the resourceId (name in your configuration), zone, and project.

  • CREATE - Deployment Manager creates resources that do not exist. If any of the resources in your configuration already exist in the project, the deployment fails.

  • ACQUIRE - Deployment Manager acquires resources that already exist, using the same criteria as CREATE_OR_ACQUIRE.

    Use the ACQUIRE policy if you have a number of resources already in your project, and want to manage them together, as a single deployment.

    In your template or configuration, you must provide the required properties for these resources as if you are creating them. If any of the resources in your configuration do not exist in the project, the deployment fails.

Listing your deployments

View a list of your deployments in either the Google Cloud console , the API, or the Google Cloud CLI.

Go to the Deployments page in the Google Cloud console.

With the Google Cloud CLI, use the deployments list subcommand:

gcloud deployment-manager deployments list

In the API, make an empty GET request to the Deployments collection:


What's next