Promote your release and manage approvals

This page describes how to promote an existing Cloud Deploy release to the next target in a delivery pipeline progression.

Before you begin

This page assumes you have already created a release.

Promote the release

When your release is deployed into a target defined in your delivery pipeline, you can promote it to the next target:


gcloud deploy releases promote --release=RELEASE_NAME \
                               --delivery-pipeline=PIPELINE_NAME \


RELEASE_NAME is the name of the release you're promoting.

PIPELINE_NAME is the name of the delivery pipeline you're using to manage deployment of this release.

REGION is the name of the region in which the release was created, for example us-central1. This is required.

See the Google Cloud SDK reference for more information about the gcloud deploy releases promote command.


  1. Open the Delivery pipelines page.

  2. Click your pipeline shown in the list of delivery pipelines.

    The Delivery pipeline details page shows a graphical representation of your delivery pipeline's progress.

    delivery pipeline visualization in Google Cloud console

  3. On the first target in the delivery pipeline visualization, click Promote.

    The Promote release dialog is shown. It shows the details of the target you're promoting to.

  4. Click Promote.

If the delivery pipeline or target has changed since the release was created, Cloud Deploy returns a message indicating a possible mismatch, and prompts you to confirm the promotion. You can respond n to the prompt and examine the differences between the pipeline versions before you proceed. If you choose to promote anyway, the release is deployed according to the delivery pipeline as it was defined when the release was created. See Pipeline instances per release for more information about pipeline mismatches.

Cloud Deploy creates a rollout for the release into the destination target, and the release is queued for deployment. When it's deployed, the delivery pipeline visualization shows that fact:

delivery pipeline visualization in Google Cloud console

Manage approvals for a delivery pipeline

You can require approval for any target, and you can approve or reject releases into that target.

Approvals can be managed programmatically by integrating your workflow management system (such as ServiceNow), or other system, with Cloud Deploy using Pub/Sub and the Cloud Deploy API.

Require approval

To require approval on any target, set requireApproval to true in the target configuration:

     kind: Target
     requireApproval: true

See Delivery pipeline configuration for further details.

When a rollout is pending approval, users or systems that subscribe to the clouddeploy-approvals Pub/Sub topic receive notification and can then approve or reject the rollout.

When using parallel deployment, you can configure the multi-target to require approval. If promotion to the target is rejected, the controller rollout fails, with a state of APPROVAL_REJECTED, and the child rollouts are not created.

Approve or reject a rollout

Each target can require approval before any release is deployed to it. When you promote to a target that requires approval, Cloud Deploy publishes a Pub/Sub message to the clouddeploy-approvals topic.

Any user or service account with the role roles/clouddeploy.approver can approve a Cloud Deploy rollout to a target that requires approval.

Your integrated workflow management system, having received an approval-required notification using service notifications, can approve or reject the rollout using the Cloud Deploy API.

Approve or reject manually


  1. In the Google Cloud console, navigate to the Cloud Deploy Delivery pipelines page to view of list of your available delivery pipelines.

    Open the Delivery pipelines page

    The list of delivery pipelines is shown in Google Cloud console. Delivery pipelines that have been configured but not registered with the Cloud Deployservice are not shown.

  2. Click the name of the delivery pipeline.

    The pipeline visualization is shown. If approval is pending, and if you have the roles/clouddeploy.approver role, or equivalent permissions, the visualization includes a Review link.

    Delivery pipeline
visualization, with approval pending

  3. Click Review.

    A list is shown of rollouts pending approval.

    Rollouts for this
pipeline, with approval pending

  4. Click Review.

    The Approve rollout screen is shown.

    Details of the
rollout with approval pending

    The Manifest diff tab shows any changes to the rendered manifest from the currently deployed version (if any) to the one you're now approving (or rejecting).

  5. Click Approve or Reject.

    If you approve, your application is deployed into the target. If you reject, the application is not deployed, and can't be approved later unless re-promoted.


A user with the roles/clouddeploy.approver role can manually approve or reject a rollout. To approve:

gcloud deploy rollouts approve rollout-name --delivery-pipeline=pipeline-name \
                                                                   --region=region \

To reject:

gcloud deploy rollouts reject rollout-name --delivery-pipeline=pipeline-name \
                                                                  --region=region \