Deploy manually

This page describes how to manually deploy your application to a specific target.

During normal use, Cloud Deploy deploys your application into each target in the progression, in sequence. But you can also manually deploy your application to any defined target.

You can manually deploy a new or an existing release.

Manually deploy an existing release

If a release is already created, you can simply promote it to the intended target:

gcloud deploy releases promote --release=RELEASE_NAME \
                       --delivery-pipeline=PIPELINE_NAME \
                       --to-target=TARGET_NAME \


  • RELEASE_NAME is the name of the release which you're manually promoting to the intended target.

  • PIPELINE_NAME is the name of the delivery pipeline that describes the automated deployment progression you're overriding.

  • TARGET_NAME is the name of the target you're manually deploying to.

  • REGION is the name of the region in which the release was created, for example us-central1. This is required.

Manually deploy a new release

By default, when you create a release Cloud Deploy automatically deploys it to the first target in the promotion sequence. But you can specify a target other than the first one.

As with the default first target in the progression, Cloud Deploy automatically creates the rollout for the specified target and deploys the release there.

To manually deploy a new release, run the following command:

gcloud deploy releases create \
                       --release=RELEASE_NAME \
                       --delivery-pipeline=PIPELINE_NAME \
                       --to-target=TARGET_NAME \


  • RELEASE_NAME is the name of the release which you're manually promoting to the intended target.

  • PIPELINE_NAME is the name of the delivery pipeline that describes the automated deployment progression you're overriding.

  • TARGET_NAME is the name of the target you're manually deploying to.

  • REGION is the name of the region in which to create the release, for example us-central1. This is required.

Effect of manual deployment on the progression

When you manually deploy to a specific target and then promote the release without specifying a target, Cloud Deploy promotes it to the correct next target in the progression. This is because the service tracks the furthest target to which a release has been deployed. If the release is already in the last target in the progression, Cloud Deploy returns a message indicating there is no further target to promote to.