Use a deploy policy to restrict rollouts

This quickstart shows you how to prevent Cloud Deploy rollouts to a target during a specified time, and how to override that restriction.

In this quickstart, you'll do the following:

  1. Create a Skaffold configuration and a Kubernetes manifest or Cloud Run service definition to specify the (pre-built) container image to deploy.

  2. Define your Cloud Deploy delivery pipeline and one deployment target, pointing to one GKE cluster or Cloud Run service.

    This pipeline includes only one stage, for the one target.

  3. Configure a deploy policy for a target.

    The policy defines a range of dates during which to prohibit rollouts to that target.

  4. Create a release.

    Normally when you create a release, Cloud Deploy creates a rollout for the first target in your delivery pipeline's progression. In this case, because there is a policy preventing deployment to the target, the rollout for that target is not created.

  5. View the results in Google Cloud console.

    Because of the policy, you won't see a rollout for the release, and there is no pending action in the delivery pipeline visualization.

  6. Override the deploy policy.

    This override results in Cloud Deploy now creating the rollout for the target.

  7. View the results in Google Cloud console.

    Because the policy has now been overridden, you can see that there is a rollout in progress (or completed, if enough time has passed).

Before you begin

  1. Sign in to your Google Cloud account. If you're new to Google Cloud, create an account to evaluate how our products perform in real-world scenarios. New customers also get $300 in free credits to run, test, and deploy workloads.
  2. In the Google Cloud console, on the project selector page, select or create a Google Cloud project.

    Go to project selector

  3. Make sure that billing is enabled for your Google Cloud project.

  4. Enable the Cloud Deploy, Cloud Build, GKE, and Cloud Storage APIs.

    Enable the APIs

  5. Install the Google Cloud CLI.
  6. To initialize the gcloud CLI, run the following command:

    gcloud init
  7. In the Google Cloud console, on the project selector page, select or create a Google Cloud project.

    Go to project selector

  8. Make sure that billing is enabled for your Google Cloud project.

  9. Enable the Cloud Deploy, Cloud Build, GKE, and Cloud Storage APIs.

    Enable the APIs

  10. Install the Google Cloud CLI.
  11. To initialize the gcloud CLI, run the following command:

    gcloud init
  12. If you already have the Google Cloud CLI installed, make sure you're running the latest version:

    gcloud components update
  13. Make sure the default Compute Engine service account has sufficient permissions.

    The service account might already have the necessary permissions. These steps are included for projects that disable automatic role grants for default service accounts.

    1. First add the clouddeploy.jobRunner role:
      gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding PROJECT_ID \
          --member=serviceAccount:$(gcloud projects describe PROJECT_ID \
          --format="value(projectNumber)") \
    2. Add the clouddeploy.policyAdmin role:
      gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding PROJECT_ID \
          --member=serviceAccount:$(gcloud projects describe PROJECT_ID \
          --format="value(projectNumber)") \
    3. Add the developer role for your specific runtime.
      • For GKE:

        gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding PROJECT_ID \
            --member=serviceAccount:$(gcloud projects describe PROJECT_ID \
            --format="value(projectNumber)") \

      • For Cloud Run:

        gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding PROJECT_ID \
            --member=serviceAccount:$(gcloud projects describe PROJECT_ID \
            --format="value(projectNumber)") \

    4. Add the iam.serviceAccountUser role, which includes the actAspermission to deploy to the runtime:
      gcloud iam service-accounts add-iam-policy-binding $(gcloud projects describe PROJECT_ID \
          --format="value(projectNumber)") \
          --member=serviceAccount:$(gcloud projects describe PROJECT_ID \
          --format="value(projectNumber)") \
          --role="roles/iam.serviceAccountUser" \

Create your runtime environment

If you're deploying to Cloud Run, you can skip this command.

For GKE, create one cluster: quickstart-cluster-qsprod. The cluster's Kubernetes API endpoint must be network-reachable from the public internet. GKE clusters are externally accessible by default.

gcloud container clusters create-auto quickstart-cluster-qsprod \
                 --project=PROJECT_ID \

Prepare your Skaffold configuration and application manifest

Cloud Deploy uses Skaffold to provide the details for what to deploy and how to deploy it to your target.

In this quickstart, you create a skaffold.yaml file, which which identifies the Kubernetes manifest to be used to deploy the sample app.

  1. Open a terminal window.

  2. Create a new directory and navigate into it.


    mkdir deploy-policy-quickstart
    cd deploy-policy-quickstart

    Cloud Run

    mkdir deploy-policy-quickstart
    cd deploy-policy-quickstart
  3. Create a file named skaffold.yaml with the following contents:


    apiVersion: skaffold/v4beta1
    kind: Config
      - k8s-pod.yaml
      kubectl: {}

    Cloud Run

    apiVersion: skaffold/v4beta1
    kind: Config
      - service.yaml
      cloudrun: {}

    This file is a minimal Skaffold config. For this quickstart, you create the file. But you can also have Cloud Deploy create one for you, for basic, non-production applications.

    See the skaffold.yaml reference for more information about this configuration file.

  4. Create the manifest for your application—a service definition for Cloud Run or a Kubernetes manifest for GKE.


    Create a file named k8s-pod.yaml, with the following contents:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Pod
      name: getting-started
      - name: nginx
        image: my-app-image

    This file is a basic Kubernetes manifest, which is applied to the cluster to deploy the application.

    Cloud Run

    Create a file named service.yaml, with the following contents:

    kind: Service
      name: my-deploy-policy-run-service
          - image: my-app-image

    This file is a basic Cloud Run service definition, which is used at deploy time to create your Cloud Run service.

Create your delivery pipeline and target

You can define your delivery pipeline and targets in one file or in separate files. In this quickstart, you create a single file with both.

  1. Create your delivery pipeline and target definition:


    In the deploy-policy-quickstart directory, create a new file: clouddeploy.yaml, with the following contents:

    kind: DeliveryPipeline
      name: deploy-policy-pipeline
      - targetId: prod-target
    kind: Target
      name: prod-target
    description: production cluster
      cluster: projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/us-central1/clusters/quickstart-cluster-qsprod

    Cloud Run

    In the deploy-policy-quickstart directory, create a new file: clouddeploy.yaml, with the following contents:

    kind: DeliveryPipeline
      name: deploy-policy-pipeline
      - targetId: prod-target
    kind: Target
      name: prod-target
    description: production Run service
      location: projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/us-central1
  2. Register your pipeline and target resources with the Cloud Deploy service:

    gcloud deploy apply --file=clouddeploy.yaml --region=us-central1 --project=PROJECT_ID

    You now have a delivery pipeline with one target.

  3. Confirm your pipeline and targets:

    In the Google Cloud console, navigate to the Cloud Deploy Delivery pipelines page to view of list of your available delivery pipelines.

    Open the Delivery pipelines page

    The delivery pipeline you just created is shown, with one target listed in the Targets column.

    delivery pipeline page in Google Cloud console, showing your pipeline

Create your deploy policy

You can define the deploy policy in the same file as your delivery pipeline and targets, or you can define it in a separate file. For this quickstart, we define it separately.

  1. In the same directory in which you created the delivery pipeline and targets, create a new file, deploypolicy.yaml, with the following content:

    description: Restrict all rollouts in the deploy-policy-pipeline resource for the next ten years
    kind: DeployPolicy
      name: quickstart-deploy-policy
    - deliveryPipeline:
        id: 'deploy-policy-pipeline'
    - rolloutRestriction:
        id: no-rollouts
          timeZone: America/New_York
          - start: 2024-01-01 00:00
            end: 2034-01-01 24:00

    This policy blocks rollouts for 10 years, beginning January 1, 2024. This isn't a realistic policy; it's done like this for this quickstart only, to ensure that the policy is in place when you create your release.

  2. Register your deploy policy resource with the Cloud Deploy service:

    gcloud deploy apply --file=deploypolicy.yaml --region=us-central1 --project=PROJECT_ID
  3. Confirm your deploy policy:

    In the Google Cloud console, navigate to the Cloud Deploy Deploy policies page to view of list of your available policies.

    Open the Deploy policies page

    The deploy policy you just created is shown.

    deploy policies page in Google Cloud console

Create a release

A release is the central Cloud Deploy resource representing the changes being deployed. The delivery pipeline defines the lifecycle of that release. See Cloud Deploy service architecture for details about that lifecycle.


Run the following command from the deploy-policy-quickstart directory to create the release:

 gcloud deploy releases create test-release-001 \
   --project=PROJECT_ID \
   --region=us-central1 \
   --delivery-pipeline=deploy-policy-pipeline \

Cloud Run

Run the following command from the deploy-policy-quickstart directory to create the release:

 gcloud deploy releases create test-release-001 \
   --project=PROJECT_ID \
   --region=us-central1 \
   --delivery-pipeline=deploy-policy-pipeline \

Under normal circumstances, Cloud Deploy creates the rollout to the first target when you create the release using this command. In this case, because rollouts are restricted according to the deploy policy, no rollout is created. An error message is shown on the command line:

ERROR: (gcloud.deploy.releases.create) A create-rollout attempt was blocked by the "quickstart-deploy-policy" policy. Target: "prod-target", Delivery pipeline: "deploy-policy-pipeline", policy rule: "no-rollouts"

Override the policy restriction

To deploy the sample application, which is blocked by the deploy policy, you need to override that policy. To do so, you create a new rollout against this release, this time including the --override-deploy-policies option:


Run the following command from the deploy-policy-quickstart directory to create the release:

 gcloud deploy releases promote --release=test-release-001 \
   --project=PROJECT_ID \
   --region=us-central1 \
   --delivery-pipeline=deploy-policy-pipeline \
   --to-target=prod-target \

Cloud Run

Run the following command from the deploy-policy-quickstart directory to create the release:

 gcloud deploy releases promote --release=test-release-001 \
   --project=PROJECT_ID \
   --region=us-central1 \
   --delivery-pipeline=deploy-policy-pipeline \
   --to-target=prod-target \

Because you included --override-deploy-policies=quickstart-deploy-policy, and because you have the roles/clouddeploy.policyAdmin role, Cloud Deploy ignores the deploy policy you created and creates the rollout to the prod-target.

View the results in Google Cloud console

  1. In the Google Cloud console, navigate again to the Cloud Deploy Delivery pipelines page to view your delivery pipeline (deploy-policy-pipeline).

    Open the Delivery pipelines page

  2. Click the name of your delivery pipeline (deploy-policy-pipeline).

    The pipeline visualization shows the app's deployment status. In this case, because the policy was overridden, the rollout was created and it succeeded.

    Delivery pipeline visualization showing rollout

    And your release is listed on the Releases tab under Delivery pipeline details.

Clean up

To avoid incurring charges to your Google Cloud account for the resources used on this page, follow these steps.

  1. Delete the GKE cluster or Cloud Run service:


    gcloud container clusters delete quickstart-cluster-qsprod --region=us-central1 --project=PROJECT_ID

    Cloud Run

    gcloud run services delete my-deploy-policy-run-service --region=us-central1 --project=PROJECT_ID
  2. Delete the deploy policy:

    gcloud deploy delete --file=deploypolicy.yaml --region=us-central1 --project=PROJECT_ID
  3. Delete the delivery pipeline, target, release, and rollout:

    gcloud deploy delete --file=clouddeploy.yaml --force --region=us-central1 --project=PROJECT_ID
  4. Delete both of the Cloud Storage buckets that Cloud Deploy created.

    Open the Cloud Storage browser page

That's it, you completed this quickstart!

What's next