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Mystifly: Streamlining customer onboarding and supporting with Google Cloud GenAI

Google Cloud Results
  • Mystifly's new AI-powered chatbot, Mystic, empowers users to self-serve, reducing support requests and boosting efficiency

  • Google Cloud's AI solutions have helped Mystifly streamline customer onboarding and support, enabling agents to focus on complex issues

  • Mystic's advanced NLP capabilities have significantly improved the user experience by providing instant answers and support options

  • By partnering with Google Cloud, Mystifly is setting a new industry standard for efficiency and customer satisfaction

Mystifly, an airfare distribution Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) provider, streamlined customer onboarding and support for their Smart Selling Platform (SSP) Manager using Google Cloud's Conversational and Generative AI solutions. The resulting chatbot, Mystic, empowers users to self-serve and reduces the need for direct agent support, improving efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Mystifly, an airfare distribution platform, faced the challenge of streamlining the configuration process for their Smart Selling Platform (SSP) Manager. While comprehensive documentation existed, new users, unfamiliar with airline industry terminology, often needed additional support from agents. This created a bottleneck in the onboarding process and stretched support resources thin.

The company recognized that an intelligent chatbot could alleviate these issues. They sought a partner with expertise in conversational AI and natural language processing to develop a solution that could understand complex user queries and provide accurate responses.

Google Cloud's Conversational and Generative AI solutions, particularly Vertex AI Agent Builder, stood out due to their advanced capabilities in natural language understanding, content extraction, and response generation. Google's ability to leverage Large Language Models (LLMs) and their experience in cloud-based solutions aligned with Mystifly's requirements for a scalable and intelligent chatbot.

Google Cloud's proven track record, advanced technology, and comprehensive support convinced Mystifly that they were the ideal partner to help them achieve their goals of improving customer onboarding and support efficiency.

Revolutionizing customer support: Empowering self-service with Mystic, the AI-powered chatbot

Mystifly's customers, typically travel agencies or online travel agents, use the SSP Manager platform to configure how they source and sell airfare. With the new Mystic chatbot, powered by Google Cloud's Vertex AI Agent Builder, these customers can get quick answers to their questions without needing to contact support directly.

Example: A travel agent using Mystic

A travel agent, let's call her Sarah, is new to the SSP Manager platform. She's trying to understand how to set up a "Shop Category" to filter which airlines' fares she wants to display to her clients. Instead of sifting through lengthy documentation or waiting for a support agent to respond, Sarah opens the chat window and types her question: "What is a shop category?"

Mystic, the chatbot, instantly analyzes Sarah's question using Google's Large Language Models (LLMs) and understands that she's asking about a specific feature of the SSP Manager. It then searches through Mystifly's internal documentation, which has been indexed and stored in a Google Cloud Storage bucket.

Within seconds, Mystic responds with a clear and concise answer:

"In Smart Selling Platform (SSP), Shop Category is the second step of configuration. It brings in the capability to create buckets/categories of inventory from a given supplier, which helps to control and manage inventory sourcing while the flight search is performed. Essentially this configuration determines which supplier's search results should be displayed when a client/agent performs a flight search."

Sarah is satisfied with the answer and proceeds to configure her Shop Category.


  • Self-service: Sarah was able to resolve her question independently, saving time and effort.
  • Improved efficiency: Mystifly's support agents are not burdened with answering basic questions, allowing them to focus on more complex issues.
  • Enhanced user experience: Sarah's interaction with the platform was smooth and efficient, leading to increased satisfaction.
  • Scalability: If many users like Sarah have similar questions, Mystic can handle them all simultaneously, ensuring consistent and prompt support.

In cases where Mystic cannot answer a question, it can escalate the issue to a human support agent via email, providing a seamless transition for the user. This intelligent escalation ensures that customers receive the assistance they need, even for complex or unique queries.

Overall, the integration of Mystic into Mystifly's SSP Manager platform, powered by Google Cloud's Vertex AI and Gen AI, represents a significant advancement in customer self-service and support within the airfare distribution industry.

Mystifly, an airfare distribution Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) provider, plans to significantly enhance its customer onboarding and support processes by leveraging the power of Google Cloud's Conversational and Generative AI solutions. This partnership has led to the development of a cutting-edge chatbot that streamlines one of the products under the Smart Selling Platform (SSP) Manager, which empowers the users to self-serve and reduces the need for direct agent support.

Better Together

Partnering with Google Cloud allows Mystifly to leverage their expertise with Large Language Models (LLMs) and cloud-based solutions for deep content understanding and sophisticated logical reasoning.

SSP, Mystifly, and Google Cloud logos

The challenge: Streamlining SSP Manager configuration

Businesses face increasing pressure to achieve more with less, but customer expectations and demands have never been stronger. Today's businesses require a solution to increase productivity, effectiveness, and responsiveness while also tackling operational concerns, such as cost minimization, risk reduction, security, and compliance.

Mystifly's SSP Manager platform is a powerful tool for managing customer onboarding. However, even with detailed documentation available, a first-time user will have questions as airline nomenclature is tricky and can't be understood easily if they are new to the industry. Users might overlook existing solutions or require clarification on specific labels or workflows. This previously resulted in a reliance on support agents, impacting efficiency.

Partnering with Google Cloud for the first time for the two-week GenAI Jumpstart program, Mystifly aims to address these challenges with the development of the Chatbot named ‘Mystic.’ By implementing Google Cloud Vertex AI Agent Builder, Mystic can address customer queries faster.

How ‘Mystic’ works?

Google Cloud Storage diagram

Vertex AI Agent Builder is a key component of Mystic, which provides a single powerful platform for building search, conversational and generative AI solutions on Vertex AI. This combination of technologies allows the creation of virtual agents that can understand and respond to natural language in a human-like way, even for complex requests. But before that, the following prerequisites need to be satisfied:

  • The internal Mystifly PDFs are uploaded in the Google Cloud Storage bucket.
  • An unstructured datastore is created to intelligently index data within these internal PDFs to make relevant information easily accessible to the end user.
  • Finally, the chat app is linked to this datastore to understand and respond to user queries in a natural and intuitive way.

Following is the overall solution workflow in points:

  • User asks a question: The user interacts with the search engine or chatbot, asking a question about SSP Manager configuration.
  • AI processes the query: Google's AI technologies analyze the question, understanding its intent and context.
  • Relevant information is retrieved: Foundational LLMs extract the most relevant information from the unstructured data store, pinpointing the answers contained within PDFs.
  • Summarized response is provided: Then, a clear, concise summary of the answer, along with links to the citation document pages are presented for further reference. 
  • Chatbot escalation (if needed): If the user still requires assistance, the chatbot provides an option to trigger an email via Dialogflow CX Webhook and Cloud Functions, thereby, connecting the user with a support agent.

Benefits of the Google Cloud partnership

  • Enhanced user experience: SSP Manager users can now resolve most of their configuration queries independently, leading to increased satisfaction and reduced frustration.
  • Improved efficiency: Support agents are freed from answering routine questions, allowing them to focus on more complex issues.
  • Scalability: Google Cloud's AI solutions can easily scale to accommodate Mystifly's growing customer base and evolving needs.

Example conversation

Chatbot example screenshots are as follows:

Google Cloud Storage diagram

User: What is the shop category?

AI: In Smart Selling Platform (SSP), Shop Category is the second step of configuration. It brings in the capability to create buckets/categories of inventory from a given supplier, which helps to control and manage inventory sourcing while the flight search is performed. Essentially this configuration determines which supplier's search results should be displayed when a client/agent performs a flight search.

Example: Mail webhook trigger

We trigger a webhook in case the chatbot is not able to answer the user query sufficiently.

AI: I apologize, I cannot answer your question at this time. Perhaps you could try asking in a different way, or connect with our support team at ​​

When you click on the mail ID, it will result in the following pop-up:

Open email message

When you click on ‘Open Mail,’ it results in the following placeholder where the email can be typed by the end user.

Compose message


Mystifly's collaboration with Google Cloud demonstrates the transformative power of conversational and generative AI in streamlining business processes. By empowering users with self-service tools and intelligently escalating complex queries, Mystifly is on the path of setting a new standard for efficiency and customer satisfaction within the airfare distribution industry. 

Learn more about Google Cloud’s open and innovative generative AI partner ecosystem. Read more about the partnership between Mystifly and Google Cloud.

Mystifly is a leading airfare distribution Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) provider.

Industries: Travel & Hospitality

Location: India

Products: Vertex AI Agent Builder, Dialogflow CX, Cloud Functions, Cloud Storage

Google Cloud
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