Crea un intercambio de datos y una lista con Analytics Hub

En esta guía de inicio rápido, se muestra cómo crear un intercambio de datos y una enumeración con la API de Analytics Hub.

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Muestra de código


Antes de probar este ejemplo, sigue las instrucciones de configuración para Go incluidas en la guía de inicio rápido de BigQuery sobre cómo usar bibliotecas cliente. Para obtener más información, consulta la documentación de referencia de la API de BigQuery para Go.

Para autenticarte en BigQuery, configura las credenciales predeterminadas de la aplicación. Si deseas obtener más información, consulta Configura la autenticación para bibliotecas cliente.

// The analyticshub quickstart application demonstrates usage of the
// Analytics hub API by creating an example data exchange and listing.
package main

import (

	analyticshub ""

func main() {

	// Define the command line flags for controlling the behavior of this quickstart.
	var (
		projectID            = flag.String("project_id", "", "Cloud Project ID, used for session creation.")
		location             = flag.String("location", "US", "BigQuery location used for interactions.")
		exchangeID           = flag.String("exchange_id", "ExampleDataExchange", "identifier of the example data exchange")
		listingID            = flag.String("listing_id", "ExampleDataExchange", "identifier of the example data exchange")
		exampleDatasetSource = flag.String("dataset_source", "", "dataset source in the form projects/myproject/datasets/mydataset")
		delete               = flag.Bool("delete_exchange", true, "delete exchange at the end of quickstart")
	// Perform simple validation of the specified flags.
	if *projectID == "" {
		log.Fatal("empty --project_id specified, please provide a valid project ID")
	if *exampleDatasetSource == "" {
		log.Fatalf("empty --dataset_source specified, please provide in the form \"projects/myproject/datasets/mydataset\"")

	// Instantiate the client.
	ctx := context.Background()
	ahubClient, err := analyticshub.NewClient(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("NewClient: %v", err)
	defer ahubClient.Close()

	// Then, create the data exchange (or return information about one already bearing the example name), and
	// print information about it.
	exchange, err := createOrGetDataExchange(ctx, ahubClient, *projectID, *location, *exchangeID)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to get information about the exchange: %v", err)
	fmt.Printf("\nData Exchange Information\n")
	fmt.Printf("Exchange Name: %s\n", exchange.GetName())
	if desc := exchange.GetDescription(); desc != "" {
		fmt.Printf("Exchange Description: %s", desc)

	// Finally, create a listing within the data exchange and print information about it.
	listing, err := createListing(ctx, ahubClient, *projectID, *location, *exchangeID, *listingID, *exampleDatasetSource)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create the listing within the exchange: %v", err)
	fmt.Printf("\n\nListing Information\n")
	fmt.Printf("Listing Name: %s\n", listing.GetName())
	if desc := listing.GetDescription(); desc != "" {
		fmt.Printf("Listing Description: %s\n", desc)
	fmt.Printf("Listing State: %s\n", listing.GetState().String())
	if source := listing.GetSource(); source != nil {
		if dsSource, ok := source.(*analyticshubpb.Listing_BigqueryDataset); ok && dsSource.BigqueryDataset != nil {
			if dataset := dsSource.BigqueryDataset.GetDataset(); dataset != "" {
				fmt.Printf("Source is a bigquery dataset: %s", dataset)
	// Optionally, delete the data exchange at the end of the quickstart to clean up the resources used.
	if *delete {
		if err := deleteDataExchange(ctx, ahubClient, *projectID, *location, *exchangeID); err != nil {
			log.Fatalf("failed to delete exchange: %v", err)
		fmt.Printf("Exchange projects/%s/locations/%s/dataExchanges/%s was deleted.\n", *projectID, *location, *exchangeID)
	fmt.Printf("\nQuickstart completed.\n")

// createOrGetDataExchange creates an example data exchange, or returns information about the exchange already bearing
// the example identifier.
func createOrGetDataExchange(ctx context.Context, client *analyticshub.Client, projectID, location, exchangeID string) (*analyticshubpb.DataExchange, error) {
	req := &analyticshubpb.CreateDataExchangeRequest{
		Parent:         fmt.Sprintf("projects/%s/locations/%s", projectID, location),
		DataExchangeId: exchangeID,
		DataExchange: &analyticshubpb.DataExchange{
			DisplayName:    "Example Data Exchange",
			Description:    "Exchange created as part of an API quickstart",
			PrimaryContact: "",
			Documentation:  "",

	resp, err := client.CreateDataExchange(ctx, req)
	if err != nil {
		// We'll handle one specific error case specially, the case of the exchange already existing.  In this instance,
		// we'll issue a second request to fetch the exchange information for the already present exchange and return it.
		if code := status.Code(err); code == codes.AlreadyExists {
			getReq := &analyticshubpb.GetDataExchangeRequest{
				Name: fmt.Sprintf("projects/%s/locations/%s/dataExchanges/%s", projectID, location, exchangeID),
			resp, err = client.GetDataExchange(ctx, getReq)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, fmt.Errorf("error getting dataExchange: %w", err)
			return resp, nil
		// For all other cases, return the error from creation request.
		return nil, err
	return resp, nil

// createListing creates an example listing within the specified exchange using the provided source dataset.
func createListing(ctx context.Context, client *analyticshub.Client, projectID, location, exchangeID, listingID, sourceDataset string) (*analyticshubpb.Listing, error) {
	req := &analyticshubpb.CreateListingRequest{
		Parent:    fmt.Sprintf("projects/%s/locations/%s/dataExchanges/%s", projectID, location, exchangeID),
		ListingId: listingID,
		Listing: &analyticshubpb.Listing{
			DisplayName: "Example Exchange Listing",
			Description: "Example listing created as part of an API quickstart",
			Categories: []analyticshubpb.Listing_Category{
			Source: &analyticshubpb.Listing_BigqueryDataset{
				BigqueryDataset: &analyticshubpb.Listing_BigQueryDatasetSource{
					Dataset: sourceDataset,
	return client.CreateListing(ctx, req)

// deleteDataExchange deletes a data exchange.
func deleteDataExchange(ctx context.Context, client *analyticshub.Client, projectID, location, exchangeID string) error {
	req := &analyticshubpb.DeleteDataExchangeRequest{
		Name: fmt.Sprintf("projects/%s/locations/%s/dataExchanges/%s", projectID, location, exchangeID),
	return client.DeleteDataExchange(ctx, req)

Antes de probar este ejemplo, sigue las instrucciones de configuración para Node.js incluidas en la guía de inicio rápido de BigQuery sobre cómo usar bibliotecas cliente. Para obtener más información, consulta la documentación de referencia de la API de BigQuery para Node.js.

Para autenticarte en BigQuery, configura las credenciales predeterminadas de la aplicación. Si deseas obtener más información, consulta Configura la autenticación para bibliotecas cliente.

 * TODO(developer): Uncomment these variables before running the sample.
 *  Required. The parent resource path of the DataExchanges.
 *  e.g. `projects/myproject/locations/US`.
// const parent = 'abc123'
 *  The maximum number of results to return in a single response page. Leverage
 *  the page tokens to iterate through the entire collection.
// const pageSize = 1234
 *  Page token, returned by a previous call, to request the next page of
 *  results.
// const pageToken = 'abc123'

// Imports the Dataexchange library
const {AnalyticsHubServiceClient} =

// Instantiates a client
const dataexchangeClient = new AnalyticsHubServiceClient();

async function callListDataExchanges() {
  // Construct request
  const request = {

  // Run request
  const iterable = await dataexchangeClient.listDataExchangesAsync(request);
  for await (const response of iterable) {


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