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The INFORMATION_SCHEMA.RECOMMENDATIONS_BY_ORGANIZATION view contains data about all BigQuery recommendations for all projects in the current organization.

The INFORMATION_SCHEMA.RECOMMENDATIONS_BY_ORGANIZATION view supports the following recommendations:

This schema view is only available to users with defined Google Cloud organizations.

Required permissions

To view recommendations with the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.RECOMMENDATIONS_BY_ORGANIZATION view, you must have the required permissions for the corresponding recommender. The INFORMATION_SCHEMA.RECOMMENDATIONS_BY_ORGANIZATION view only returns recommendations that you have permission to view. When you have the required permissions on the organization, you can view recommendations for all projects within that organization, regardless of your permissions on the project itself.

Ask your administrator to grant access to view the recommendations. To see the required permissions for each recommender, see the following:



Column name Data type Value
recommendation_id STRING Base64 encoded ID that contains the RecommendationID and recommender.
recommender STRING The type of recommendation. For example, google.bigquery.table.PartitionClusterRecommender for partitioning and clustering recommendations.
subtype STRING The subtype of the recommendation.
project_id STRING The ID of the project.
project_number STRING The number of the project.
description STRING The description about the recommendation.
last_updated_time TIMESTAMP This field represents the time when the recommendation was last created.
target_resources STRING Fully qualified resource names this recommendation is targeting.
state STRING The state of the recommendation. For a list of possible values, see State.
primary_impact RECORD The impact this recommendation can have when trying to optimize the primary category. Contains the following fields:
  • category: The category this recommendation is trying to optimize. For a list of possible values, see Category.
  • cost_projection: This value may be populated if the recommendation can project the cost savings from this recommendation. Only present when the category is COST.
  • security_projection: Might be present when the category is SECURITY.
priority STRING The priority of the recommendation. For a list of possible values, see Priority.
associated_insight_ids STRING Full Insight names associated with the recommendation.Insight name is the Base64 encoded representation of Insight type name & the Insight ID. This can be used to query Insights view.
additional_details RECORD Additional Details about the recommendation.
  • overview: Overview of the recommendation in JSON format. The content of this field might change based on the recommender.
  • state_metadata: Metadata about the state of the recommendation in key-value pairs.
  • operations: List of operations the user can perform on the target resources. This contains the following fields:
    • action: The type of action the user must perform. This can be a free-text set by the system while generating the recommendation. Will always be populated.
    • resource_type: The cloud resource type.
    • resource: Fully qualified resource name.
    • path: Path of the target field relative to the resource.
    • value: Value of the path field.

Scope and syntax

Queries against this view must include a region qualifier. A project ID is optional. If no project ID is specified, the project that the query runs in is used.

View name Resource scope Region scope
Replace the following:

  • Optional: PROJECT_ID: the ID of your Google Cloud project. If not specified, the default project is used.


To run the query against a project other than your default project, add the project ID in the following format:

Replace the following:

  • PROJECT_ID: the ID of the project.
  • REGION_NAME: the region for your project.


View materialized view recommendations in organization

The following example returns materialized view recommendations in the organization:

  LAX_INT64(additional_details.overview.bytesSavedMonthly) / POW(1024, 3) as est_gb_saved_monthly,
  LAX_INT64(additional_details.overview.slotMsSavedMonthly) / (1000 * 3600) as slot_hours_saved_monthly,
  recommender = 'google.bigquery.materializedview.Recommender'

The result is similar to the following:

|          project_id           | est_gb_saved_monthly| slot_hours_saved_monthly |  last_updated_time  |
| project1                      |   4689.071544663957 |       2682.1816833333337 | 2024-07-01 13:00:31 |
| project2                      |   137.5052567309467 |        9613.139166666666 | 2024-07-01 13:00:31 |
| project3                      |  146.83722260318973 |        7093.014316666667 | 2024-07-01 13:00:31 |