Optimize database performance by comparing performance snapshots

This document describes how to manually generate performance snapshot reports, which let you compare snapshots of system metrics between two points in time. You can use performance snapshot reports to identify and mitigate AlloyDB for PostgreSQL database performance issues. The system metrics captured in each snapshot include virtual CPU (vCPU) usage, memory usage, disk I/O, transaction count, and wait events.

Automatic and manual snapshots

AlloyDB supports the following snapshots:

  • Automatic snapshots: By default, AlloyDB automatically captures snapshots once a day and stores the snapshots for 7 days. Automatic snapshots help to generate reports with daily workload granularity. You cannot change the retention of an automatic snapshot, but you can configure the frequency.

  • Manual snapshots: You can manually capture snapshots and generate reports.

You can mix and match automatic and manual snapshots to generate performance reports. For example, you can generate a performance snapshot report that compares a manually generated snapshot to an automatic snapshot.

This document describes how to manually generate performance snapshot reports.

How performance snapshot reports work

Performance snapshot reports are a built-in AlloyDB tool that captures and analyzes performance data to help you identify the cause of performance issues. This tool complements other AlloyDB observability features like systems insights, query insights, and the Metrics Explorer, which provide real-time metrics about your instance.

Performance snapshot reports display database metrics between two timestamps in a single report. You can use the performance snapshot report information to identify performance issues with your performance snapshot report instance, like decreased database performance during certain times of the day or decreased performance over a certain time period.

Using the performance snapshot report, you compare the metrics to a performance baseline to gain insights into workload performance metrics, which you can use to optimize or troubleshoot database performance. A baseline is a customized set of database snapshots that measure the standard performance and behavior of a database for a specific configuration and workload.

For information about wait events in performance snapshot report, see Database performance snapshot report reference.

Required roles

Ensure that you have the alloydbsuperuser role. By default, AlloyDB grants the pg_monitor role to alloydbsuperuser. For more information, see PostgreSQL predefined roles.

If you prefer to use your other self-defined roles, run GRANT pg_monitor TO my_user as alloydbsuperuser first. For more information, see Update an Identity and Access Management (IAM) account with the appropriate role.

Create a snapshot of system metrics

Create a snapshot at the beginning and end of the workload you're interested in. The time interval between the two snapshots allows enough time for the workload to progress so that the system can accumulate metrics that reflect the workload. After you obtain metrics from the resulting performance snapshot report, you can take another set of snapshots and repeat the process.

  1. Connect a psql client to an AlloyDB instance..
  2. Run SELECT perfsnap.snap(). The output looks similar to the following:

    postgres=# select perfsnap.snap();
    (1 row)

View a list of snapshots

  1. Connect a psql client to an AlloyDB instance..
  2. Run SELECT * FROM perfsnap.g$snapshots. The output looks similar to the following:

    postgres=# select * from perfsnap.g$snapshots;
     snap_id |           snap_time           | instance_id | node_id | snap_description | snap_type | is_baseline
           1 | 2023-11-13 22:13:43.159237+00 | sr-primary  |         | Manual snapshot  | Manual    | f
           2 | 2023-11-13 22:53:40.49565+00  | sr-primary  |         | Automatic snapshot| Automatic | f
    (2 rows)

Generate a snapshot report

To generate a report that captures the difference between snapshots 1 and 2, for example, run
SELECT perfsnap.report(1,2).

The second snapshot in a differential operation doesn't need to immediately follow the first snapshot. However, make sure you capture the second snapshot in the differential after the first snapshot.

The generated performance snapshot report looks similar to the following abridged example:

Example performance snapshot report

$ psql -d postgres -U alloydbsuperuser
postgres=> select perfsnap.report(22, 23);


 PGSNAP DB Report for:

 Snapshot details
 Host                   i841-sr-primary-2a34f46e-06bc
 Release                14.12
 Startup Time           2024-10-08 03:23:15+00

              Snap Id    Snap Time
 ------------ ---------- ------------------------
 Begin Snap:          22 24.10.2024 04:33:56 (UTC) Automatic snapshot
   End Snap:          23 25.10.2024 04:38:56 (UTC) Automatic snapshot
    Elapsed:                      1 day 00:04:59.979321

 Database Cache sizes
            Shared Buffers:       31 GB        Block Size:         8192
      Effective Cache Size:       25 GB       WAL Buffers:        16384

 Host CPU
       %User   %Nice %System   %Idle    %WIO    %IRQ   %SIRQ  %Steal  %Guest
     ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------
        1.07    0.22    0.91   97.40    0.09    0.00    0.31    0.00    0.00

 Host Memory
              Total Memory:       63 GB
          Available Memory:       11 GB
               Free Memory:      726 MB
            Buffers Memory:     3706 MB

 Load profile (in bytes)
 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~            Per Second         Per Transaction
                                    ------------       ---------------
                     Redo size:         63083.64               4489.93
                 Logical reads:          1961.21                139.59

 Response Time Profile (in s)
 CPU time:               5399 (   0.39%)
 Wait time:           1386906 (  99.61%)
 Total time:           1392306

 Backend Processes Wait Class Breakdown (in s)
 IO                   119.300 (  98.91%)
 LWLock                 1.305 (   1.08%)
 IPC                     .010 (   0.01%)
 Lock                    .000 (   0.00%)

 Backend Processes Wait Information
 Event                                          Class         Waits      Time (us)      Avg (us)
 -------------------------------------- ------------- ------------- -------------- -------------
 CPU                                                                    1995948632
 WALInsert                                     LWLock             1           6656          6656

 Vacuum Information
             Num Analyze operations:             1976
              Num Vacuum operations:             3435

 Per Database Information
 Name                      Commits       Rollbacks     BlkRds        Blkhits       TempFiles     TempBytes
 ------------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------
 bench                             27939             0             0       7823038             0       0 bytes
 postgres                          39792             0             7      11089243             0       0 bytes

 Per Database DML & DQL Information
 Name                      Tuples returned  Tuples fetched   Tuples inserted  Tuples updated   Tuples deleted   Index splits     Index Only heap fetches   HOT updates
 ------------------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ------------------------- ----------------
 bench                             16119481          4843262                0                0                0                0                        16                0
 postgres                          25415473          6327188                0               10                0                0                         0                8

 Per Database Conflict Information
 Name                      Lock Timeout  Old Snapshot  Buffer Pins   Deadlock
 ------------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------
 bench                                 0             0             0             0
 postgres                              0             0             0             0

 Per Database Vacuum Information
 Name                      Frozen XID    % Consumed    Aggregate Vacuum Gap
 ------------------------- ------------- ------------- --------------------
 bench                         179460916         9.00%         20539084
 postgres                      179339239         9.00%         20660761

 Per Database Sizing Information
 Name                 Collation     Limit   Tablespace           DB Size    Growth
 -------------------- ------------- ------- -------------------- ---------- ----------
 bench                C.UTF-8            -1 pg_default                80 GB    0 bytes
 postgres             C.UTF-8            -1 pg_default               135 MB    0 bytes

 Backend Wait Event Histogram
 Event                                          Class       Waits    <= 1us    <= 2us    <= 4us    <= 8us   <= 16us   <= 32us   <= 64us  <= 128us  <= 256us  <= 512us
 -------------------------------------- ------------- ----------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------
 WALInsert                                  LWLock             1         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0

 Background Wait Event Histogram
 Event                                          Class       Waits    <= 1us    <= 2us    <= 4us    <= 8us   <= 16us   <= 32us   <= 64us  <= 128us  <= 256us  <= 512us
 -------------------------------------- ------------- ----------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------
 WALInsert                                  LWLock           542       107       174        39       113        93         8         1         1         0         1

 Write Ahead Log (WAL) Statistics
 Records       Full Page Images   Bytes        Buffers Full   Write         Sync          Write Time    Sync Time
 -----------   ----------------   -----------  ------------   -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------
     2936305                100     805989345             0             0             0             0             0

 Summary Stats (across all databases)
 Name                             Value
 -------------------------------- ----------------------------------
 Buffers evicted                  0
 Commits                          1216693

 Parameter Settings
 Parameter                         Value
 --------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------
 DateStyle                            ISO, MDY
 TimeZone                             UTC
 autovacuum                           on
 work_mem                             4096

 Columnar Engine available size  Columnar Engine configured size
 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
                       14959MB                         19293MB

 Columnar Engine Statistics
 name                                                       count
 ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------
 CU Populations/Refreshes                                          13197
 CU Auto Refreshes                                                 10975
 Columnar Engine Ultra-fast Cache Statistics
 Ultra-fast Cache Size (MB):                        19200
 Ultra-fast Cache Used Size (MB):                       0
 Ultra-fast Cache Block Size (MB):                     80

 Created by G_STATS v1.0.100
(xxx rows)


For information about report fields and performance optimization recommendations, see Database performance optimization recommendations. For more information about wait events in performance snapshot reports, see Database performance snapshot report reference.

Delete a snapshot

Before you can delete snapshots that are part of an existing baseline, you must clear the baseline .

To delete a snapshot, run SELECT perfsnap.delete(n). After you delete a snapshot, you can't recover it.

Mark a snapshot as a performance baseline

To mark all snapshots with IDs between 1 and 3, for example, as a system performance baseline, run
SELECT perfsnap.make_baseline(1, 3).

Clear performance baselines

To clear all baselines with IDs between 1 and 3, for example, run SELECT perfsnap.clear_baseline(1, 3).

Modify the frequency of automated snapshots

To customize the frequency of automated snapshots, set the perfsnap.interval flag, which sets the automatic snapshot interval in seconds. For more information, see Configure database flags.

We recommend that you set the value of the flag at least large than several minutes to capture meaningful information.

To avoid wasting resources, when you no longer need the customized frequency, reset the flag to the default value (which is seconds per day).

Optimize database performance using snapshot report results

Follow these steps to optimize AlloyDB database performance:

  1. Create baseline snapshots when your database is idle or when it's experiencing an average load.
  2. Start the workload or query whose performance you want to improve.
  3. When the workload or query reaches peak resource usage, create another set of snapshots. We recommend that you use the same interval for both reports.
  4. Compare the reports that you created with both set of snapshots and identify changes that might improve performance. For more information about performance recommendations, see Database performance optimization recommendations.

Database performance optimization recommendations

The following table lists performance snapshot report sections and recommended improvements for each report section. For more information about performance snapshot report sections and wait events, see Database performance snapshot report reference.

Untitled document

Section Report field Report field description Optimization recommendations
Snapshot details Snapshot Details Provides the host, PostgreSQL compatible release version, and the time when the machine is up and running. N/A
Snapshot ID Lists the ID and the point-in-time of the snapshots that are used to create this report. N/A
System Insights Host CPU Host CPU utilization details. If the CPU utilization is greater than 80%, then we recommend that you scale up to the next available size.
Host Memory Host memory utilization details. If the free memory is less than 15%, then we recommend that you scale up to the next available size.
Load Profile Lists counters that help qualify your workload of Write-Ahead Logging (WAL) generated, I/O requirements, and connection management. If the physical reads are higher than logical reads, consider scaling up to the next available size to support larger caching of data.
Response Time and Wait Class Breakdown Breakdown of the time that Postgres processes spent during the workload run. Focus your tuning on shortening I/O wait if the processes are mostly in a wait state, for example.
Database workload Information Per Database Workload Information Key metrics for each database, including commits, rollbacks, hit ratio, and information about temporary tables and sort operations. If rollbacks are high, consider diagnosing your app.
Per Database DML and DQL Information Counters for query operations. Qualify your workload as read-heavy or write-heavy.
Database Conflict Information Counters for common application and database issues. Locate issues in your application if there is a deadlock.
Sizing Information
Shows how much the database has grown during the interval between two snapshots. This field also shows if the database has connection limits established. Locate issues in your application if database growth is too large.
Vacuum Information Vacuum Information Details of I/O and counters for vacuum operations. By default, AlloyDB performs adaptive vacuuming. You can override some of the vacuum settings to suit your workload. For example, reduce vacuum operations if too much I/O is spent on these requests.
Per Database Vacuum Information Shows the following information:
  • Current age of datfrozenxid (oldest unfrozen XIDs) of each database, or the number of transactions from datfrozenxid to the current transaction's XID.
  • Unfrozen transaction IDs consumed out of all transaction IDs.
  • Result of autovacuum_freeze_max_age - age(pg_database.datfrozenxid), which indicates the approximate age gaps (in transactions) at the second snapshot time, when autovacuum is triggered to prevent wraparounds on a database-aggregated level.
If the age of the Frozen XID field is too old, or if the percentage of consumed transactions is close to 90%, consider vacuuming. If the aggregate vacuum gap decreases, this indicates that a vacuum will be enforced by Postgres to prevent wraparound.
Database Processes Wait Details Detailed Backend &
Background Processes Information
Details of all the waits by backend & background processes in the report interval. Information includes the cumulative wait time, CPU time, and the average time per wait type. To decrease the wait on WALWrite, for example, increase the number of wal_buffers available to the database.
Detailed Backend & Background Wait Event Histogram This is included in the performance snapshot report by default. The list contains the wait event histogram for backend & background processes, which are divided into 32 buckets, from 1 us to more than 16 secs. Locate the wait events and determine if there are too many wait events on the larger wait time bucket. There might be a problem with too many wait events or with each consumed time of wait.
Misc statistics Write Ahead Log (WAL) Statistics Summary of WAL statistics. If you experience too much sync time, adjust the related database flags (GUC) to improve your workload. GUC is the PostgreSQL subsystem that handles server configuration.
Summary Statistics (across all databases) Summary of all database operations that occur during the snapshot interval. N/A
Parameter Settings Parameter Settings Key Postgres configuration parameters at the end snapshot time. Check the GUC parameter settings (the Postgres database flags) to determine if the values aren't expected or aren't recommended.