Transazione di sola lettura

Utilizzare una transazione di sola lettura.

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Esempio di codice


Per scoprire come installare e utilizzare la libreria client per Spanner, consulta librerie client di Spanner.

Per eseguire l'autenticazione su Spanner, configura le Credenziali predefinite dell'applicazione. Per maggiori informazioni, consulta Configurare l'autenticazione per un ambiente di sviluppo locale.

void ReadOnlyTransaction(google::cloud::spanner::Client client) {
  namespace spanner = ::google::cloud::spanner;
  auto read_only = spanner::MakeReadOnlyTransaction();

  spanner::SqlStatement select(
      "SELECT SingerId, AlbumId, AlbumTitle FROM Albums");
  using RowType = std::tuple<std::int64_t, std::int64_t, std::string>;

  // Read#1.
  auto rows1 = client.ExecuteQuery(read_only, select);
  std::cout << "Read 1 results\n";
  for (auto& row : spanner::StreamOf<RowType>(rows1)) {
    if (!row) throw std::move(row).status();
    std::cout << "SingerId: " << std::get<0>(*row)
              << " AlbumId: " << std::get<1>(*row)
              << " AlbumTitle: " << std::get<2>(*row) << "\n";
  // Read#2. Even if changes occur in-between the reads the transaction ensures
  // that Read #1 and Read #2 return the same data.
  auto rows2 = client.ExecuteQuery(read_only, select);
  std::cout << "Read 2 results\n";
  for (auto& row : spanner::StreamOf<RowType>(rows2)) {
    if (!row) throw std::move(row).status();
    std::cout << "SingerId: " << std::get<0>(*row)
              << " AlbumId: " << std::get<1>(*row)
              << " AlbumTitle: " << std::get<2>(*row) << "\n";


Per scoprire come installare e utilizzare la libreria client per Spanner, consulta librerie client di Spanner.

Per eseguire l'autenticazione su Spanner, configura le Credenziali predefinite dell'applicazione. Per maggiori informazioni, consulta Configurare l'autenticazione per un ambiente di sviluppo locale.

using Google.Cloud.Spanner.Data;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Transactions;

public class QueryDataWithTransactionAsyncSample
    public class Album
        public int SingerId { get; set; }
        public int AlbumId { get; set; }
        public string AlbumTitle { get; set; }

    public async Task<List<Album>> QueryDataWithTransactionAsync(string projectId, string instanceId, string databaseId)
        string connectionString = $"Data Source=projects/{projectId}/instances/{instanceId}/databases/{databaseId}";

        var albums = new List<Album>();
        using TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeAsyncFlowOption.Enabled);
        using var connection = new SpannerConnection(connectionString);

        // Opens the connection so that the Spanner transaction included in the TransactionScope
        // is read-only TimestampBound.Strong.
        await connection.OpenAsync(AmbientTransactionOptions.ForTimestampBoundReadOnly(), default);
        using var cmd = connection.CreateSelectCommand("SELECT SingerId, AlbumId, AlbumTitle FROM Albums");

        // Read #1.
        using (var reader = await cmd.ExecuteReaderAsync())
            while (await reader.ReadAsync())
                Console.WriteLine("SingerId : " + reader.GetFieldValue<string>("SingerId")
                    + " AlbumId : " + reader.GetFieldValue<string>("AlbumId")
                    + " AlbumTitle : " + reader.GetFieldValue<string>("AlbumTitle"));

        // Read #2. Even if changes occur in-between the reads,
        // the transaction ensures that Read #1 and Read #2
        // return the same data.
        using (var reader = await cmd.ExecuteReaderAsync())
            while (await reader.ReadAsync())
                albums.Add(new Album
                    AlbumId = reader.GetFieldValue<int>("AlbumId"),
                    SingerId = reader.GetFieldValue<int>("SingerId"),
                    AlbumTitle = reader.GetFieldValue<string>("AlbumTitle")
        Console.WriteLine("Transaction complete.");
        return albums;


Per scoprire come installare e utilizzare la libreria client per Spanner, consulta librerie client di Spanner.

Per eseguire l'autenticazione su Spanner, configura le Credenziali predefinite dell'applicazione. Per maggiori informazioni, consulta Configurare l'autenticazione per un ambiente di sviluppo locale.

import (


func readOnlyTransaction(w io.Writer, db string) error {
	ctx := context.Background()
	client, err := spanner.NewClient(ctx, db)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	defer client.Close()

	ro := client.ReadOnlyTransaction()
	defer ro.Close()
	stmt := spanner.Statement{SQL: `SELECT SingerId, AlbumId, AlbumTitle FROM Albums`}
	iter := ro.Query(ctx, stmt)
	defer iter.Stop()
	for {
		row, err := iter.Next()
		if err == iterator.Done {
		if err != nil {
			return err
		var singerID int64
		var albumID int64
		var albumTitle string
		if err := row.Columns(&singerID, &albumID, &albumTitle); err != nil {
			return err
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "%d %d %s\n", singerID, albumID, albumTitle)

	iter = ro.Read(ctx, "Albums", spanner.AllKeys(), []string{"SingerId", "AlbumId", "AlbumTitle"})
	defer iter.Stop()
	for {
		row, err := iter.Next()
		if err == iterator.Done {
			return nil
		if err != nil {
			return err
		var singerID int64
		var albumID int64
		var albumTitle string
		if err := row.Columns(&singerID, &albumID, &albumTitle); err != nil {
			return err
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "%d %d %s\n", singerID, albumID, albumTitle)


Per scoprire come installare e utilizzare la libreria client per Spanner, consulta librerie client di Spanner.

Per eseguire l'autenticazione su Spanner, configura le Credenziali predefinite dell'applicazione. Per maggiori informazioni, consulta Configurare l'autenticazione per un ambiente di sviluppo locale.

static void readOnlyTransaction(DatabaseClient dbClient) {
  // ReadOnlyTransaction must be closed by calling close() on it to release resources held by it.
  // We use a try-with-resource block to automatically do so.
  try (ReadOnlyTransaction transaction = dbClient.readOnlyTransaction()) {
    ResultSet queryResultSet =
            Statement.of("SELECT SingerId, AlbumId, AlbumTitle FROM Albums"));
    while ( {
          "%d %d %s\n",
          queryResultSet.getLong(0), queryResultSet.getLong(1), queryResultSet.getString(2));
    try (ResultSet readResultSet =
            "Albums", KeySet.all(), Arrays.asList("SingerId", "AlbumId", "AlbumTitle"))) {
      while ( {
            "%d %d %s\n",
            readResultSet.getLong(0), readResultSet.getLong(1), readResultSet.getString(2));


Per scoprire come installare e utilizzare la libreria client per Spanner, consulta librerie client di Spanner.

Per eseguire l'autenticazione su Spanner, configura le Credenziali predefinite dell'applicazione. Per maggiori informazioni, consulta Configurare l'autenticazione per un ambiente di sviluppo locale.

// Imports the Google Cloud client library
const {Spanner} = require('@google-cloud/spanner');

 * TODO(developer): Uncomment the following lines before running the sample.
// const projectId = 'my-project-id';
// const instanceId = 'my-instance';
// const databaseId = 'my-database';

// Creates a client
const spanner = new Spanner({
  projectId: projectId,

// Gets a reference to a Cloud Spanner instance and database
const instance = spanner.instance(instanceId);
const database = instance.database(databaseId);

// Gets a transaction object that captures the database state
// at a specific point in time
database.getSnapshot(async (err, transaction) => {
  if (err) {
  const queryOne = 'SELECT SingerId, AlbumId, AlbumTitle FROM Albums';

  try {
    // Read #1, using SQL
    const [qOneRows] = await;

    qOneRows.forEach(row => {
      const json = row.toJSON();
        `SingerId: ${json.SingerId}, AlbumId: ${json.AlbumId}, AlbumTitle: ${json.AlbumTitle}`

    const queryTwo = {
      columns: ['SingerId', 'AlbumId', 'AlbumTitle'],

    // Read #2, using the `read` method. Even if changes occur
    // in-between the reads, the transaction ensures that both
    // return the same data.
    const [qTwoRows] = await'Albums', queryTwo);

    qTwoRows.forEach(row => {
      const json = row.toJSON();
        `SingerId: ${json.SingerId}, AlbumId: ${json.AlbumId}, AlbumTitle: ${json.AlbumTitle}`

    console.log('Successfully executed read-only transaction.');
  } catch (err) {
    console.error('ERROR:', err);
  } finally {
    // Close the database when finished.
    await database.close();


Per scoprire come installare e utilizzare la libreria client per Spanner, consulta librerie client di Spanner.

Per eseguire l'autenticazione su Spanner, configura le Credenziali predefinite dell'applicazione. Per maggiori informazioni, consulta Configurare l'autenticazione per un ambiente di sviluppo locale.

use Google\Cloud\Spanner\SpannerClient;

 * Reads data inside of a read-only transaction.
 * Within the read-only transaction, or "snapshot", the application sees
 * consistent view of the database at a particular timestamp.
 * Example:
 * ```
 * read_only_transaction($instanceId, $databaseId);
 * ```
 * @param string $instanceId The Spanner instance ID.
 * @param string $databaseId The Spanner database ID.
function read_only_transaction(string $instanceId, string $databaseId): void
    $spanner = new SpannerClient();
    $instance = $spanner->instance($instanceId);
    $database = $instance->database($databaseId);

    $snapshot = $database->snapshot();
    $results = $snapshot->execute(
        'SELECT SingerId, AlbumId, AlbumTitle FROM Albums'
    print('Results from the first read:' . PHP_EOL);
    foreach ($results as $row) {
        printf('SingerId: %s, AlbumId: %s, AlbumTitle: %s' . PHP_EOL,
            $row['SingerId'], $row['AlbumId'], $row['AlbumTitle']);

    // Perform another read using the `read` method. Even if the data
    // is updated in-between the reads, the snapshot ensures that both
    // return the same data.
    $keySet = $spanner->keySet(['all' => true]);
    $results = $database->read(
        ['SingerId', 'AlbumId', 'AlbumTitle']

    print('Results from the second read:' . PHP_EOL);
    foreach ($results->rows() as $row) {
        printf('SingerId: %s, AlbumId: %s, AlbumTitle: %s' . PHP_EOL,
            $row['SingerId'], $row['AlbumId'], $row['AlbumTitle']);


Per scoprire come installare e utilizzare la libreria client per Spanner, consulta librerie client di Spanner.

Per eseguire l'autenticazione su Spanner, configura le Credenziali predefinite dell'applicazione. Per maggiori informazioni, consulta Configurare l'autenticazione per un ambiente di sviluppo locale.

def read_only_transaction(instance_id, database_id):
    """Reads data inside of a read-only transaction.

    Within the read-only transaction, or "snapshot", the application sees
    consistent view of the database at a particular timestamp.
    spanner_client = spanner.Client()
    instance = spanner_client.instance(instance_id)
    database = instance.database(database_id)

    with database.snapshot(multi_use=True) as snapshot:
        # Read using SQL.
        results = snapshot.execute_sql(
            "SELECT SingerId, AlbumId, AlbumTitle FROM Albums"

        print("Results from first read:")
        for row in results:
            print("SingerId: {}, AlbumId: {}, AlbumTitle: {}".format(*row))

        # Perform another read using the `read` method. Even if the data
        # is updated in-between the reads, the snapshot ensures that both
        # return the same data.
        keyset = spanner.KeySet(all_=True)
        results =
            table="Albums", columns=("SingerId", "AlbumId", "AlbumTitle"), keyset=keyset

        print("Results from second read:")
        for row in results:
            print("SingerId: {}, AlbumId: {}, AlbumTitle: {}".format(*row))


Per scoprire come installare e utilizzare la libreria client per Spanner, consulta librerie client di Spanner.

Per eseguire l'autenticazione su Spanner, configura le Credenziali predefinite dell'applicazione. Per maggiori informazioni, consulta Configurare l'autenticazione per un ambiente di sviluppo locale.

# project_id  = "Your Google Cloud project ID"
# instance_id = "Your Spanner instance ID"
# database_id = "Your Spanner database ID"

require "google/cloud/spanner"

spanner = project: project_id
client  = spanner.client instance_id, database_id

client.snapshot do |snapshot|
  snapshot.execute("SELECT SingerId, AlbumId, AlbumTitle FROM Albums").rows.each do |row|
    puts "#{row[:AlbumId]} #{row[:AlbumTitle]} #{row[:SingerId]}"

  # Even if changes occur in-between the reads, the transaction ensures that
  # both return the same data."Albums", [:AlbumId, :AlbumTitle, :SingerId]).rows.each do |row|
    puts "#{row[:AlbumId]} #{row[:AlbumTitle]} #{row[:SingerId]}"

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