Applied Cyber Threat Intelligence


Modern cyber attackers are increasingly stealthy, unpredictable, and persistent, creating challenges for organizations of all sizes. To identify and stop attackers, and to make more impactful business and security decisions, organizations need to quickly and accurately understand how adversaries think, how they operate, and what they want. Cyber threat intelligence (CTI) is essential to solving this challenge and can help create a proactive cyber defense posture to reduce cyber risk. However, the ability to synthesize global threats into meaningful insights that are relevant to accomplishing your specific goals, requires a combination of expertise and technology as well as access to a robust dataset.

About Applied Intelligence

Mandiant Applied Intelligence services are annual subscriptions for threat insights designed for your organization’s leaders and cyber defenders. They help you make informed data-driven business and security decisions. Delivered by a cyber threat intelligence subject matter expert (SME) with extended access to global Mandiant threat data and technology, they offer strategic, operational, and technical intelligence to meet your specific needs.

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