revFADP (Switzerland)

Switzerland implemented the Revised Federal Act on Data Protection (revFADP) to better protect its citizens' data. Swiss companies have to comply with this legislation from September 1, 2023.

The revFADP aims to protect the personal rights and the fundamental rights of natural persons whose personal data is processed. Since Switzerland is not a member state of the European Union or the European Economic Area it seeks to align with the Council of Europe’s Convention 108, and with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). An adequate level of privacy is also important in view of the pending adequacy finding by the EU Commission.

The revFADP applies to the processing of personal data pertaining to natural persons by private persons and federal bodies. In contrast to the replaced law, personal data of legal persons is no longer protected under the revFADP.

The revFADP sets out an updated set of data protection principles. These principles for the processing of personal data laid out in Art. 6 revFADP form its main body. These include the principles of lawfulness, good faith, transparency and correctness, as well as the processing in a proportional manner for a defined purpose and the storage limitation.

Google is committed to revFADP compliance for our Google Cloud services where applicable. We are also committed to helping our customers with their revFADP compliance journeys by providing robust privacy and security protections built into our services and contracts.

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